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And, O Thou, who art the father of mercies, and God of all consolation, look down with pity and compassion, upon all thy afflicted servants every where; give them courage and patience, comfort and support; and, in thy good time, a joyful deliverance outof all their troubles!

Send down thy blessings spiritual and temporal upon all our friends and relations. Forgive those that have, at any time, done or wished us evil; and vouchsafe to every one of us, and to all Christians, whatever thou knowest to be best for our temporal and eternal welfare!

And now, O Lord, we desire with all humility of soul and body, to adore thy incomprehensible Majesty, and to praise thy great and glorious name, for all thy manifold mercies vouchsafed to us and all mankind; but, above all, for thy astonishing love in reconciling the world unto thyself by the death and sufferings of thy dear Son.

We bless thee for our creation and preservation, for our health, strength, peace, and safety; for the comforts M

and conveniences of this life, and the hopes and expectations of a far better, through thy tender mercies in Christ Jesus.

O Lord, imprint in our hearts such a deep sense of thy mercies, that we may shew forth thy praise not only with our lips, but in our lives, by giving up ourselves to thy service, and by walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives.

We confess, O Lord, that we are unworthy of the least of all thy favours; but, in confidence of thy infinite mercy and goodness, we do in great humility recommend ourselves, our souls and bodies, and all that belong to us, to thy fatherly care and good providence; humbly beseeching thee, who art our only safety and defence, to take us this night under thy almighty protection, and to give thy holy angels charge over us, that no evil comes near to hurt us.

Refresh our bodies with quiet rest and sleep, and our souls with the comforts of thy Holy Spirit: and, when thou shalt think fit to remove us out

of this world, give us everlasting rest and peace in thy eternal kingdom, through the merits, and for the sake of our blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ, who hath taught us, when we pray, to say, Our Father, &c.

A Morning Prayer for a Person in


O MOST great, most mighty, and most glorious Lord God! look down from the habitation of thy holiness upon me thy unworthy creature, who am come into thy presence to adore thy incomprehensible majesty, and to present before thee the morning sacrifice of my unfeigned praises, for the many and undeserved mercies thou hast bestowed upon me.

O Lord, I acknowledge, that to thee of right belongs eternal honour, glory, praise, and adoration; for thou art the sovereign Lord of heaven and earth, by whom all things were made, and by whose infinite power and goodness they exist and are preserved.

Blessed be thy unspeakable goodness, which hath advanced me to such a degree of being, that I am in some measure capable to know thee, to love thee, to serve thee, and to obey thee.

Blessed be thy name, O Lord, that I was born of Christian parents, and early dedicated to thee by baptism; that by thy grace and goodness I have been preserved to this moment; and that I have in any measure escaped the pollutions of this wicked world.

I bless thee likewise, O Lord, for all thy temporal mercies, and in particular for the refreshments of the night past; for protecting me from all evil accidents, and for raising me up in health and safety to praise thy good


Pardon, O most gracious God, all my unworthy inattentions to the daily instances of thy exceeding kindness and mercy; and vouchsafe me such a sense of thy infinite love, as may inspire me with more vigorous and hearty endeavours to serve thee for the time to come.

O Lord, I acknowledge that I am a

weak and frail creature, and that without thy help I am not able to bear up against the trials and temptations of this world. But since thou hast promised to give thy Holy Spirit to them that ask it; I am emboldened to implore his divine assistance to strengthen my weakness, to help my infirmities, and so to fortify my mind, that I may not be tempted above what I am able to bear, nor seduced from my duty to thee, by the deceitful inticements of the world, the flesh, or the devil.

Root out of my heart, O God, all pride and vain-glory; all bitterness and uncharitableness; all envy, hatred, and malice; and suffer me not to be led away by any of the foolish customs and false maxims of this world. And, O merciful Father, be thou pleased, of thy great goodness, to endue me with that wisdom which is from above, which is first pure, and then peaceable; with that meekness and humility, which is in thy sight of so great price; and with that truly Christian temper and disposition, which thou lovest and delightest in.

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