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heart, that I may shew forth my thankfulness, in the whole course of my life. I am thine, O Lord, by creation, by redemption, by my baptism and christian profession, by all the obligations which thou hast laid upon me: I desire to be thine also, by a willing dedication of myself to thee every day of my life, and by a constant and faithful endeavour to approve myself to thee.

I beseech thee, in thy great mercy, through the mediation of my blessed Redeemer, to pardon all my past of fences, and to enable me, by thy grace, to discern and to amend whatsoever is amiss in me.

Help me ever to remember the christian principles which I have learned and the pious instructions which have been given me; and never to depart from the good way in which I have been taught to walk.

Incline my heart to all that is good: grant that I may be modest and humble in my carriage and behaviour; chaste and pure in all my thoughts, words, and actions; true and just in all my dealings; respectful and obe

dient to my superiors; innocent and inoffensive in my whole conversation! faithful and diligent in the discharge of all the duties of that state and condition of life, wherein thou hast placed me: and teach me to fear and love, thee, my God, above all things; and to do to all others, as I would they should do

unto me.

Make me perfectly contented with my condition, and thankful to thee, who hast given me all things necessary for life and godliness. Let thy good providence always take care of me, and let me never place my trust and confidence in any thing but in thee.

Take me, I beseech thee, into thy protection this day; keep me, if it be thy good will, in health and safety. Preserve me from the vanity of my own heart, and from the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Help me (through a sense of thy constant presence with me, and of the account I am to give unto thee) so to govern all my thoughts, words, and actions, that I may reflect upon them with satisfaction at the close of this day.

Let thy blessing be upon every member of this family: upon all my relations and friends; upon all, whom I ought and whom I desire to pray for.

I humbly commit both myself and them to thee, O my God, in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour, and in the words which he himself has taught me. Our Father, &c.

An Evening Prayer for a Young


MOST gracious God, my heavenly Father, as I began, so I desire always to end the day, with blessing thy Holy name, and imploring thy fayour.

Honour and worship, praise and thanksgiving, are due to thee from every understanding and reasonable creature.. I heartily bless thee, that I am in that number whom thou hast made to serve and love thee, and that thou hast moreover revealed thyself to me, by thy Son Jesus Christ my Redeemer, and encouraged me to call upon thee in his name.

I humbly thank thee for hy daily

care of me, and particularly for that good providence which hath been over me the day past; that thou hast preserved me from the many evils to which I am justly liable; and hast bestowed upon me many good things which I have not deserved; deserved; especially, for whatsoever thou hast enabled me to do, which is acceptable in thy sight, and which I can reflect upon with satisfaction.

I humbly bewail, O Lord, the great weakness and corruption of my nature, and the many errours and transgressions of my life. I humbly beg thy mercy in the pardon of all my sins, through the mediation of my blessed Redeemer; particularly of whatsover thou hast seen amiss in me this day, either in my thoughts, words, or actions.

Grant, O Lord, that the sense of my unworthiness may always keep me humble, and work in me an unfeigned repentance of all my sins; and let the remembrance of them ever excite me to a greater care and watchfulness for the time to come. Strengthen in me every good purpose and resolution. Whatsoeger part of my duty I know not,

do thou teach me; and wherein I have done amiss, help me to do so no more.

Leave me not, O Lord, at any time to myself, nor in the hands of my spiri tual enemies. Preserve me from those circumstances, that would prove a snare or temptation to me. Let thy good spirit continually enlighten and sanctify my mind; directing and assisting me through the whole course of my life.

Fill me with a sense of my constant and entire dependence upon thee, that I may always commit myself to thy care, and be ever satisfied with thy disposal of me.

Teach me so to number my days, that I may apply my heart to true and heavenly wisdom. Help me to live in a daily preparation for my great change, keeping my conscience void of offence both towards thee, and towards men: and grant that I may be always so employed, as I shall wish I had been when I come to die; that whenever thou shalt think fit to call me out of this world, I may readily and thankfully exchange it for a better.


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