RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FIRST EDITION. Of the Rev. Dr. Joseph Lathrop, of West Springfield. WEST-SPRINGFIELD, SEPT. 13, 1814. DEAR SIR, I THANK you for the present you have made me of your Compendium of the Doctrines and Precepts of the Bible. I have perused it as far as I have had leisure: am happy to find, that you have collected all or most of the truths and virtues stated in the Scriptures, with their opposite errors and vices; and in application to them have adduced the most pertinent passages, so that we have a compendious view, of the substance of what inspiration has taught on those various subjects. The Book, I think, may be very useful in families and schools. I rejoice, sir, whenever gentlemen in civil. life, under the impression of Divine Truth, become fellow workers with the ministers of Jesus, in the same great cause; and I hope, that by their united exertions the kingdom of the Redeemer may be promoted, and the most essential interests of mankind advanced. I am, sir, with respect, your humble servant, R. Dickinson, Esq. Of the Rev. Dr. Edward D. Griffin, of Boston. BOSTON, SEPT. 8, 1814. SIR, I HAVE read a sufficient portion of your Compendium, to form a judgment of your plan; and of the manner of its execution. The design of presenting the great truths and duties of religion under distinct heads, in the language of Scripture, and giving an opportunity to see, at one view, in how many forms the same sentiment is expressed and explained in the Sacred Oracles, was happily conceived. Let the Bible speak for itself, and it will speak intelligibly to every unprejudiced mind; and if any thing can conquer prejudice itself, it is such a mode of throwing together the various declarations of Scripture on the same point. The execution, although it admits of degrees of improvement almost without end, has, in this first attempt, attained a character highly creditable to the industry and judgment of the Compiler. Such a Compedium, while it will furnish important aid to maturer minds, will be of special service "as a Reading Book for Schools," and if generally adopted, may have incalculable influence in settling the faith, and forming the religious character of the rising generation. You have my hearty thanks for this service to the cause of truth, and my warmest wishes for the success of your interesting volume. EDWARD D. GRIFFIN. Rodolphus Dickinson, Esq. Of the Rev. Samuel Taggart, of Colerain, Member of Congress. DEAR SIR, COLERAIN, SEPT. 20, 1814. I IIAVE perused but partially your Compendium of religious doctrines, and of religious and moral precepts conceived in the language of Scripture. I'am much pleased with the design, and hope it may be a means of introducing the Bible into Schools, which has been of late years, too much excluded, and thereby tend to the increase of religious knowledge. The improvements which such a work will admit, are almost without limits : some of which your own reflections will suggest in a future edition. I am, respectfully, yours, SAMUEL TAGGART., Of the Rev. John Taylor, Esq. of Enfield, late Minister of Deerfield. SIR, ENFIELD, OCт. 9, 1814. I HAVE examined the work entitled "A Compendium of the Religious Doctrines, Religious and Moral Precepts, Historical and Descriptive Beauties of the Bible, &c." and find it a work calculated to promote a general knowledge of the Scriptures. The texts introduced to prove and illustrate the several subjects, of which the work is composed, appear to be impartially chosen and judiciously arranged. I hope, Sir, for the benefit of society, that this "Compendium" may be duly appreciated by parents, and introduced into their families and schools, to the exclusion of many volumes far less useful. R. Dickinson. JOHN TAYLOR. SIR, Of the Rev. Samuel Willard, of Deerfield. DEERFIELD, SEPT. 9, 1814. I HAVE given your Compendium a hasty. but careful perusal. The design is laudable, the general plan, as I conceive, judicious; and the execution, with a few exceptions, and those of minor importance, highly satisfactory. In most, if not all the excepted cases, you may have been governed by adequate reasons, that have not occurred to me. I rejoice in seeing the doctrinal and preceptive parts of our blessed religion displayed in the engaging form they generally wear in your Compendium; and I think that the Christian parent, as well as the schoolmaster, will, with the blessing of God, find your book of vast benefit in a course of religious education. Yours, SAMUEL WILLARD. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SECOND EDITION. Of the Rev. Dr. Ebenezer Fitch, President of Williams College. SIR, WILLIAMS COLLEGE, MARCH 2, 1815. YOUR Compendium of the Doctrines and Precepts of the Bible was, a few days since, put into my hands. I have devoted the little leisure, which my necessary duties and daily avocations left me, to perusing the Work and comparing the second edition with the first. The plan of the Work is, I think, judicious; and the selection and arrangement of scripture passages under the several heads manifest great labor and impartiality, and a good acquaintance with the Sacred Oracles. The execution of your plan doubtless admits of improvement. But as the Work is now presented to the public, I think it calculated to be highly useful to private christians and families, and especially to the rising generation. I should be glad to see it introduced as a Reading Book in all our common schools. The happy consequence, I think, would be, the improvement of children and youth in moral and religious knowledge, and eventually, through divine grace, in the practice of true virtue and piety. You have my cordial approbation of your labors and endeavors to promote this highly important object, and my fervent wishes that they may be abundantly successful. EBENEZER FITCH. Rodolphus Dickinson, Esq. Of the Rev. Dr. Eliphalet Nott, President of SIR, I HAVE partially examined the compilation entitled A Compendium of Religious Doctrines, &c. The plan meets my entire approbation; and it appears to have been executed with candour and ability. It is in my opinion a Book worthy of being introduced both into families and schools. ELIPHALET NOTT. R. Dickinson, Esq. |