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the Tract on the Trinity, and gave them
a copy of the Gospel in Oordoo.
April 12,
the morning we
went to the Mela, and gave away books
to some Brahmins who requested them,
One, who heard the Commandments
read, approved; the people also ap-
proved, and took Tracts. In the evening
we again went; and in one place con-
versed with about twenty persons, among
whom we distributed some books. We
then returned to the boat, and then se
off to Chunar.

further than the eye can reach; while the
shouts of the crowding Hindoos on the
illuminated shore, and the favourite songs
of their groups of singers and dancing-
girls, resound from every quarter. To
witness this, we embarked on board one
of the large flat-bottomed Ganges-boats,
and rowed up and down the stream.


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Mr. Richards's appointment as Catechist at this Station, under the suthesus perintendence of the Rev. H. Fisher the Chaplain, was noticed in our Numbers for February (p. 42). Mr.i Richards being a Country-born, his familiar acquaintance with the language and with the Hindoo Shasters gives him many facilities of interCourse with the people. Mr. Fisher, accompanied by Mr. Richards, gives the following account of a

Visit to a Neighbouring Mela. The great Annual Fair of Gorruck teesur took place at the usual time, to which I formerly used to send Behadur Messech, to address the people, and to distribute copies of the Gospels among the gathering thousands of Hindoos who crowd from all quarters on that occasion. Having &never yet witnessed the busy scene myself, and being anxious to ascertain by personal observation how our Missionary Labourers proceeded in their work, I determined to go there. It would be difficult to say how many people were congregated upon the two opposite banks of the mighty Ganges, and that for seve ral miles in extent, both up and down the river. Probably, were I to say 400,000 or 500,000, it would be no exaggeration. The people gather here, as they say, to bathe in the sacred Gunga at pars ticular hours, to worship their Idols, and to wash away their sins. Every

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On the first Monday after our arrival, Mr. Richards went to visit a large Hindoo Temple near the Ghaut, and entered into conversation with one of the Brahmins who was standing there: he talked aloud, in order that their conversation might attract the notice of the surrounding crowds, which it soon evidently did. Mr. Richards the worship of an Idol! How can that exclaimed, How foolish and useless is which is formed by man's hands save man's soul? Your own Shaster tells you, that Idols are worthless, and pilgrimages, to what you call holy places, incapable of propitiating the favour of God." The Brahmin endeavoured to defend the pract of their Saints, and as practice, sanctioned likely, in his opinion, if only the worshipper and the pilgrim were sincere, to please God. Mr. Richards dwelt on the absurdity of such an expectation, and confirmed his opinion by the Inspired Word of God: the Brahmin listened, apparently, with great deference, and manifested a willingness to prolong the conversation; when another old Brahmin, who had attentively regarded them, came up, and, taking his friend by the hand, led him away, appearing to think their best security was in flight; and the crowd following the intimation, all dispersed.

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On the following day, Mr. Richards, Behadur, and Matthew Phirodeen, seated themselves in their little tent, with the kurnauts on one side thrown open, and a number of printed copies of the Gospels spread round on the floor. They began to read and to converse aloud; while several of the surrounding Hindoos gathered near to listen. A report had been in circulation, whispered and murmured from one to another, that these were the called them,

evening during the Fair, at sunset, having Missionaries, or, as who had just ar

prepared little diminutive rafts of straw or of reeds, they fix on them a number of small earthen vessels, which they fill with oil or ghee, and set fire to the rolls of cotton immersed therein, and launch them into the running stream. You may conceive the nature of such an exhibition, when the river seems suddenly to be come, as if by magic, one interminable blaze of starry constellations, extending

the Christian Padres,

rived; and, probably, some of those who had been at their temple the day before had communicated information of what had passed there, which had induced others to come and hear what new things these strangers had to say. Among the rest, two, announcing themselves as learned Pundits, entered the tent; and being courteously welcomed, sat down

on the ground; and each, taking up one of the Gospels, began to read to themselves. They expressed a desire to know what these things meant; and the people crowded up, in a wide circle to the open side of the tent, to share in the conversation which was likely to ensue. Mr. Richards opened one of the Gospels, and began to read and to discourse with the two Pundits. A very interesting dialogue immediately ensued between them, occasionally interrupted by some one or other of the surrounding Congre→ gation advancing their opinions and sentiments. Amongst these, the most conspicuous was an old Fakeer, who sat crossed-legged in front of the circling crowd, diligently counting over the string of beads which he held in his hand. I observed that Mr. Richards's mode of proceeding was, to attack them on the ground of their own Shasters; continually illustrating the truth of his opinions by Sanscrit quotations, denouncing Idolatry to be folly and sin. He strove to explain to the people, that the only source of true wisdom would be found in the Revealed Word of God and of His Son Jesus Christ; it was a pure spring, and the waters flowing from it were therefore pure, undefiled by human mixtures, teaching that God is a Spirit, and only to be worshipped acceptably in spirit and in truth. The crowd were very attentive; and the two Pundits seemed to share in the general satisfaction depicted in every countenance, as their occasional questions and remarks were replied to. They exclaimed, "We have never heard such a discourse before!" and they were particularly delighted to find that Mr. Richards's acquaintance with their Sanscrit Books enabled them to meet him with the very weapons which they were themselves disposed to wield, but evidently much astonished to find themselves beaten from their own securities. Much was said on both sides; but at last they exclaimed, All your words, Sir, are very good and wise, and your Religion seems to give great glory to God; but how is it, that, professing such a faith, you still so wantonly commit the sin of taking away life!" "I also," said Mr. Richards,

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will ask you one question; which, if you answer me honestly, will shew that in this respect we are all on a level; and that if taking life constitute sin, you are sinners as great as we; and even greater, for you believe it sin, and we do not

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Do not your own books say-and will you not avow that they speak the truth -that both trees and vegetables have life? and yet, if you require it, you cut down the one, and you eat the other. Flowers, too, have life; and for your own pleasure you cut them down-they wither and die. Besides, you burn dead bodies; and you cannot be ignorant, that, in so doing, you kill thousands of worms, which are living creatures, dwelling in our mortal flesh, and feeding and living in the dust of which man's flesh is formed. If the disgusting bug crawls over your bed, you destroy its life; and in many such instances you take life, if it suits you.' Mr. Richards here introduced the story of the two holy men, who mutually reproached each other as destroying life; the one living in the desert, and feeding on the deer; the other in the town, and feeding on grains of rice. God," he resumed, the Great, the Wise, and the Holy God, made all things; and last of all, He made man, and gave all things into his hands for his use: man does not therefore sin in receiving and using the gifts of God." They argued long on such points; and at last unwillingly departed, exclaiming, We must return to-morrow, and hear more of what you have to say." The old Fakeer seemed much pleased, and frequently joined in the conversation. He was asked, Are you a sinner?" "No," said he, “I am a holy man: I never sin." Mr. Richards asked him, quietly and mildly, if he was aware of the real nature of sin. He remained silent; and Mr. Richards spoke fluently and long on this important point, replying patiently to every remark advanced by the Fakeer, to his apparent conviction, and that of the crowd, who from time to time murmured their approbation of what was said. Their exclamations at last irritated the Fakeer, who turned round in a great rage to the multitude, and vented his passion in abusive language. Mr. Richards immediately caught at this, and asked him if such passion and such words were not sinful. The Fakeer hung down his head, and said, Ah! I am, I am, a sinner!" and the crowd, with smiles of evident satisfaction, applauded his honest confession.

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The next day the conversations were resumed. A Fakeer came up, and put into Mr. Richards's hand a small stone, about the size of a sixpence, with the impression of two human feet sculptured

on the surface; he also proffered a few
grains of rice; and said, This is Ma-
"Mr. Richards said, Do you
know the meaning of Mahadeo?" The
Fakeer replied,

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Mr. Richards proceeded: “Mahadeo means the Great God-He, who is God of gods, and be-" sides whom there can be no other. Now, ow, this Great God is a Spirit: no one can see a spirit, who is invisible; or touch a spirit, who is intangible. Whence, then, this visible impression on a senseless, hard, immoveable stone? To whom will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare to Hi? God is the High and Lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose Name is Holy. He hath said, I am Jehovah; there is no God beside Me, a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside Me." The poor Fakeer serious, respectful, and attentive; continually exclaiming, Your words Your words are true. Conversation with the Agent of a Native Rajah.


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which I ever heard before."—" Offer me no foolish flatteries, I pray you: flattering words are hateful, and only serve to puff men up with pride and self-conceit."



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Have you not said, Sir, in your discourse, that the Great God, who is a Spirit, knows all hearts; how then, believing this as I do, could I dare to offer flattery to His servant? He knows that I am not a flatterer, but speak only what I feel." He remained a grave and silent listener during the rest of the discourse;" and then, in a burst of excited feeling," exclaimed, "Oh! how can my Rajah hear these blessed words which I have heard this day? How his heart would be de-› lighted! He is a religious man-he is in search of Truth." There is only one of these two ways for him to hear; he must either come to me, or send for me to visit him. "Well, Sir, we will talk of these matters when these crowds are gone." "I am, indeed, now exceedingly exhausted and fatigued: I will dismiss the people for the present; but do you stay." The people now pressed forward, to entreat that one of those holy books should be given them a request which was cheerfully complied with; and all dispersed except the Agent. He then explained his reasons for preferring to talk alone with himself Mr. Richards. My Rajah stands in great awe of Runjeet Singh; and, as yet, he neither dare send for you nor visit the English Territories himself, for fear of exciting any jealous or angry suspicions; but, at any rate, give me your Scriptures, and I' will take them home when I return; though I must first visit you at Meerut-I wish to understand better.' Mr. Richards gave him the Four Gospels, in Persian and in Hinduwee. They parted with mutual ex-` pressions of good-will; and, about a fortnight afterwards, the Agent fulfilled his engagement and came to Meerut, and stayed seven days; continually, during his visit, hearing, and reading, and asking questions, detaining Mr. Richards up till 12 o'clock at night. He took away with him a complete copy of the New Testatament for the Rajah; and has promised further communication.

During this discourse, and much more of the same nature, an Agent, in the service of Rajah Loll Deo of Jurrowtah, came to the tent, followed by crowds of the people, curious to ascertain what such a person would say to Christian Teacher, He quietly

amongst the hearers, and listened with
great attention. In one of the pauses of
Mr. Richards's discourse, he said, “I
have now been long engaged in travelling
to the different holy places on the Ganges.
I have worshipped at Allahabad, at
Benares, and now here at Gorruckteesur;
but one serious inquiry I have yet to
make, being commissioned so to do by my
Rajah. We are anxious to obtain infor-
mation respecting the Christian Religion,
of which we have heard great things. My
Rajah has heard that God Almighty is
among the Christians; and he would know
if this be true; and if so, he would him-
self wish to read and study your Scrip-
tures, if they are to be obtained." "How
came the Rajah to hear this ?" Some
of our people visited that part of India
which is under the English People, as
Pilgrims to different holy places, and
there they heard d some Christian Teachers
preach a
Religion, how
lent a faith and how sure to make
men happy. I myself also heard
Christians preach in Benares, but I have
listened to you long this day, and your
discourse is sweeter to my taste than any
[RECORD, June, 1830.]

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On the last day of the Fair, similar scenes occurred. Three hundred copies of single Gospels were distributed to such as would read them, but we may say, What are they among so many? Jesus miraculously nourish and feed this hidden people, and spread the spiritual leaven of His Word far and wide!


Conversation with two Native Zemindars. On his journey to Meerut, Mr. Richards halted under the shade of a large tree in the outskirts of a small village by the road-side: as he sat there, two of the Zemindars of the neighbourhood came up, and, respectfully saluting him, entreated him to act as an umpire between them, and settle a dispute, in which they had been long involved, about the boundaries of their respective lands. He replied, “I am quite unable to settle disputes of such a nature, being neither a Judge nor Collector; but if you desire to question me about the welfare and salvation of your souls, I have something to tell you that is worth your diligent attention." They replied, that they should be most happy to hear whatever he might have to say. He immediately took out his Bible, and began to read; explaining what he read as he proceeded, and dwelling par

ticularly on the fallen sinful state of man, and his only hope of pardon and salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God, besides whom there is no Saviour. They appeared exceedingly delighted; entreated him to stay; and invited him into the village, that OTHERS, as well as they, might hear more of these strange and delightful tidings. They hospitably supplied all his wants, and gathered together all the inhabitants of the village to come and hear him. All united to express the liveliest joy and satisfaction; avowing, that they had never heard such wonderful things before as were written in that Book; and that if he only could remain among them, their happiness would be complete. The two disputants, especially, embraced each other with apparent cordiality; and avowed, that they would dispute no more about their lands, but love each other, and strive to seek and serve God.



A SUMMARY View of this Mission, with some Extracts from the Journal of the Rev. C. Rhenius, was given at pp. 86-94 of our Volume. We now present our Readers with some further Extracts from the Journals of Mr. Rhenius, and his fellow-labourer, Mr. Schmid.

Extracts from Rev. C. Rhenius's Journal. June 17, 1829-In Kalladeikooritchy we have lately begun a School, by the exertion of a Goldsmith; who designs therewith to introduce Christianity into the place. He soon came, and I was glad to see him. The tent we had been obliged to leave on the other side of the river; and I could not stay any where but in an open Mandapam before the temple; which made the business during the day rather difficult, because of the high wind. The Schoolboys were very much afraid to come together before me, not only because the thing was new to them, but also because some evil-minded persons had spread the notion that I should now send them off, on board a ship, to Europe. However, sending again for them, they came with a great crowd of grown people, whom I think I succeeded in persuading not to credit such talk. They heard the Truth with apparent conviction, and received Tracts with eagerness.

After dinner, the aged Goldsmith came again with a Weaver who is in connecsignified their desire to renounce Idolatry tion with our Tinnevelly People, and and become Christians. He got also several of his relations together, and we read 1 Peter i. It was a blessed meeting. Whilst reading, more people came together, standing at a distance; several of whom the old man beckoned to come near and sit down; and when some of his relations told him to let them alone, he said privately, "No! Let them also come and hear, that they may understand these things. Must not they also be converted?" The crowd grew larger and larger, and many more Tracts were distributed: the people were impetuous after them; so that I was at last obliged to shut myself up in the palanquin. The Goldsmith, and the Weaver with his wife, wished to follow me to-morrow to Shenkoollam.

Toward the evening I arrived at Shenkoollam, where I found old Nganayadam the singer, and Masillamany the blind man, well, and lively in the Faith, together with the Headman of the village. Masillamany said, among other things, that he waited the Lord's will to be delivered from this present troublesome world, more especially as he is deprived of his sight. Christ is his comfort and joy in Him he has his treasure in heaven, When I asked what he would have for his supper to-night, he said,


My supper will be the Word which I shall hear this night; and that is enough.” Old Nganayadam is as lively as ever, though with trembling limbs: he rejoices in Christ, and still sings of Him. His prospective departure he looks upon as a most pleasant journey to the region of the Blessed. All the Baptized People here seem, on the whole, to walk worthy of their profession. The Headman related, that they have just been threatened, by their enemies, to have their houses broken in and robbed, including the Catechist. I encouraged them to commit themselves to the Lord, by Psalm xxxi. 1 seq. Several people of Alagappapooram, who backslid some years ago, have returned to the Congregation with apparent sincerity. Just now a Maraver of Varavanalloor has come, determined to become a Christian: the other Maravers persecute him for it. A few days ago, they took him, under some pretence, from the Chapel, bound him, carried him to another village, tortured him by straitening his body, put ting a large stone upon his chest, &c. &c.; when he was happily relieved by the Headman, who came to apprehend that very Maraver who committed the outrage. The poor man was here this evening, and declared, that if they had injured him even still more, he would not forsake the Lord and His Word, because his soul will live thereby. I asked him, “Well, suppose somebody would now assure you of 5 or 10 pagodas income per month, and make you quite comfortable, would that not be enough for you?" He replied, "Though they give 1000 pagodas per month, I will not leave this Vedam." A Boy also, the Headman's Son, gave me much pleasure: the women, likewise, have improved in knowledge. I related to the people several particulars of this journey; and they rejoiced at the progress of the Gospel: we gave hearty thanks to the Lord.

June 18, 1829-This morning the Goldsmith arrived from Kalladeikooritchy, with the Weaver and his wife, and two or three other persons, in order to hear more of the Word of God. The Weaver and his wife requested to be baptized to-day; but I advised them still to wait, and to get more knowledge of the way of Salvation, and to content themselves at present with subscribing their names. noon, I preached to the Congregation on Luke xii. 32; and then baptized four grown persons, three men and two women. The Weaver from Kalladeikooritchy at


the same time subscribed his name as a Candidate. This couple form now the beginning of a Church at that large place: their firm declaration to renounce Idolatry and embrace the Gospel surprised me. May this one family soon become a thousand! The other persons who were baptized are, I trust, truly fearing God, and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour: they have long been members of the Congregations at Shenkoollam and Rettijajapooram. The Heathen seem to harden their hearts, and endeavour to oppress the Christians in various ways: but God will help them.


June 19-Last night, I arrived safely home, and found all well. The first news was about the Idol Feast, at Tinnevelly, which has just ended, and at which they had again much trouble in pulling the large Car. From shame and confusion, great displeasure was manifested, and some disturbance took place. One Car was near losing one of its wheels during the run, just opposite the house of a Brahmin ; which might have done serious mischief, had they not quickly put props to it. Br. Schmid has mentioned several interesting circumstances attending the affair, which I need not repeat. It is plain that the people's HEARTS are no more engaged in these processions. May Christ indeed increase!

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June 27 - Devapriyam, and another of the Preparandi, had been out to-day, reading to the people. Among others, they met with a Soodra, with whom they spoke about Conversion. The man was rather surprised, and said: Some days ago, I went on business to Peykoollam; where the Catechist, Thomas, spoke and read to me so much of this Vedam, that I could not accomplish my business. I then came to Mooneinjahpettah, the Catechist of which place likewise urged the subject on me; and now you come and do the same: it is as if your Teacher had thrown oil in all your throats:" by which he meant the readiness with which they all talk about these things. So the Lord pursues and seeks sinners! Yesterday, and to-day, came information about disturbances in several Congre gations, on account of the Idol Tax; which the Native Officers still ask from the Christians, and ill treat them when they refuse paying it.

An aged Soodra, from Poolliyankoollam, near Aroolloor, came and offered

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