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whose education they are the appointed Mr. Ward's Letter to the Grand Moguardians.


[The Same.

Further Openings for Schools. If we were permitted by the Committee, we could, in a very short time, double the number of our Schools. The people of villages around us, and many of them as near and as accessible as those where some of our Schools are now situated, frequently depute their Headmen to come to us, and say, Sirs, the people of our village are living in ignorance and sin: they are worshippers of Idols: they have no knowledge of the God whom you speak about: will you establish a School in our village, that our children may be taught, and that we ourselves may also learn something about another world?" When thus appealed to, is it not a little hard to be compelled to say to themnot, perhaps, in so many words: "We cannot pay attention to your request: we cannot give you any assistance: your children must get learning how they can, and of what sort they can: they must either continue in their present state of ignorance, or they must imbibe, now in their childhood, all the errors which you yourselves have learned, and which are contained in your own books. not afford to take them under our charge, or give them an Instructor to communicate unto them one ray of heavenly light from the Book of Life." At present we are often obliged to answer their requests in this manner. [Rev. J. Selkirk.


We can

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deliar.... Report of the Colombo Bible Assoc.



[Messrs. Lambrick and Selkirk. Translations.

The Translating of the Scriptures has been continued in a progressive state since last year's Meeting, except with the intermission occasioned by the dismissal of the Native Assistant, which continued till the vacancy was supplied. Not long after the last Meeting, Mr. Lambrick and Mr. Selkirk commenced labouring together in this work. The Revision of what had formerly been done by Mr. Lambrick alone has proceeded, and is prepared for the Press, so far as the middle of St. John's Gospel; which, when finished, will form a connected Series of the Books of the New Testament, from the Gospel of St. Matthew to the Epistle to the Romans inclusively. Genesis only has been printed of the Old Testament; and we purpose, if the Lord will, to proceed next with the Psalms, and afterwards to return to Exodus, and go through the Pentateuch and Historical Books in order.



The Same.

tions, though far from what we could wish The present state of our Congregait, yet, compared with what it formerly Communicants has increased during the was, is encouraging. The number of last year. They do not all manifest that decided change which it is desirable to find in them; but as they are persons of correct moral conduct, as far as I am able to ascertain, who wish to commemorate the death of their Saviour, I do not think it right to exclude them. In one or two instances I have felt myself called upon to do this, as the persons desiring to be admitted to the Lord's Table never came to Church except on that ocsasion; for though their moral conduct in other respects might be irreproachable, their total neglect of the Ministry of the Word marked a mind little interested in Divine things. A few of the Communicants afford me great pleasure, by their steady attachment to the good ways of the Lord, and an increasing desire to benefit their fellow[Rev. T. Browning. Indifference to the Means of Grace. It is often a source of deep regret to me, that I have so few to preach to, whilst hundreds around are perishing for lack of knowledge; but they will not



come to Christ, that they may have life. frequently admonish those who, by any occasional Service, are induced to assemble together, of their neglect of the Sabbath and the House of God: some appear careless, others ashamed, and others seem to say, by their looks, and sometimes they do make the assertion, "We will attend to these things better in future:" their subsequent inattention, however, shews that such impressions were neither very deep nor lasting. Some of the Communicants in the Portuguese Congregation have proved a great trial to me, by absenting themselves from Public Worship. The Sunday after Christmas I had purposed to administer the Lord's Supper, and had given notice accordingly; but not one Communicant was present. Thus they plainly shewed that they loved the carnal festivities of the season better than the feast of love which the Saviour instituted in remembrance of Himself. The few Communicants in the Cingalese Congregation walk very consistently. MayGod confirm them in the Faith, and add many more to their number! [The Same.


The state of the Schools, 10 in number, connected with this Station, is promising the number of Scholars on the Lists is 199, with an average attendance of 131. The plan adopted of paying the Masters according to the actual improvement of the children, and of rewarding the most attentive scholars every six months, has proved of great service, in stimulating the reluctant, and encouraging those who are inclined to exert themselves. While one Master has received eighteen or nineteen dollars in a month, another, possessing equal advantages, has not realized five; and, while some children have reaped the reward of their diligence, by receiving a piece of cloth, or some other little present, at the end of six months, others have borne the shame of their inattention, and received nothing. [The Same. Attendance on the Week-day Catechetical Lecture.


The Congregation of Children on Wednesdays is the most numerous, and in some respects the most gratifying part of my Ministerial Labours. If I had been told, a few years ago, that I should see in Kandy upward of a hundred Children assembled for Catechetical Instruction, and joining with apparent devotion in the Liturgy of our Church, I should have found great difficulty in crediting the

assertion: now I see it: now I rejoice in it: God's Holy Name be praised! The Children are indeed a motley group, consisting of Cingalese,Portuguese, Dutch, Malays, Malabars, and Half-castes; of Buddhists, Gentoos, Mahomedans, Catholics, and Protestants; but they all, for the most part, understand the Cingalese Language, in which the Service is conducted, and join in the exercises of prayer and praise to Him who is no respecter of persons, and who will gather into His kingdom a people from all nations.

[The Same, Jan. 20, 1830. State of the Heathen.

The views of the unhappy-Idolaters around us are, alas! unchanged by Missionary Exertion. The Name of Jesus is not yet precious to them, nor is His salvation desired by them: the sweet invitations of mercy seem lost upon them, and the calls to repentance and newness of life appear to be made in vain: they still continue devoted to superstition and idolatry, the willing slaves of ignorance, sin, and Satan. Yet it may be hoped that the gradual diffusion of knowledge among them will tend, under the guidance of God's Holy Spirit, to enlighten their minds, to remove their prejudices, and to convince them of the fallacy of Idolatry, and of their need of a Saviour. I sometimes think, when examining the Children in the Schools, and hearing them answer so promptly questions that effect the fundamentals of their system, or when hearing the sons of the Kandian Chiefs translating into English the Tract against Idolatry or Mr. Ward's Letters to the Grand Modeliar, that, surely, the impressions made on their tender minds by these instructions cannot be easily effaced. The blessing of God alone can make such means effectual: but, while we use them with faith in Him, we may hope that He will not withhold His blessing. [The Same.

Want of a Fellow-Labourer.

I have still to urge the plea, already again and again and again repeated, namely, my ardent wish that more efforts could be made for the evangelizing of the Kandian Country. Could another Missionary be sent to Kandy, an interesting scene of labour would open before him; and we, so far separated from Christian Friends, should rejoice in the society of a Fellow-labourer like-minded with ourselves. [The Same.


Ministry of the Word.

We continue, as usual, to visit the

people from house to house; and also preach, as often as we possibly can, at the Schools, where we generally meet tolerably large Congregations: and, although we do not perceive any fruit of our labours among them-although we do not know of any turning from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God yet we rejoice to say, that there is a glimmering light breaking forth amidst the gross darkness which covers the people. [Rev. Messrs. Trimnell and Faught.


We have established 5 Schools since our last Annual Meeting; and, including the Boarding and Day Schools, have 13: the average attendance of the Scholars, on a week-day, is 275; and on the Sunday, 219. These continue to afford us increasing satisfaction. The children are by no means deficient of intellect; on the contrary, they have very retentive memories, with a great aptness to learn. Mr. Faught, who superintends the Monthly Examinations, which, in consequence of the increase of Schools, require five days, at least, in every month, is obliged to limit the Boys to Thirty Lessons, which is about equal to 75 verses of the Gospels. We consider this plan more advisable, as the quality rather than the quantity is to be attended to; and, as each class is separately examined by Mr. Faught, he can quently spend more time in impressing on their tender minds the truths of our Holy Religion. The answers of the children at each Examination encourage us to hope that our labours are not lost on them. [The Same.

Boarding-School for Boys.


Three of the most promising Boys have been selected from the Day-Schools and admitted on the Boarding Establishment, and give satisfaction. The total number is 13; ten of whom make very satisfactory progress in their various studies, and are not deficient in knowledge of the Scriptures and Christian Doctrines. Their conduct, in general, is good; but they manifest very little concern for the salvation of their souls. It is a great grief to us to find these Youths, who have so long-many of them for some years-enjoyed spiritual privileges, apparently still without spiritual life. Some of them afford us more encouragement than others; and we are willing to hope that the time will come when we shall entertain no doubts or fears of their knowing and loving the Lord. [The Same, [RECORD, Aug. 1830.

Female School.

The Girls' School continues to go on pretty well: the attendance is very fluctuating. In the seasons of sowing, weeding, and reaping, very many of them are required to work in the fields, or to keep house whilst their parents are labouring there: when, however, they attend School, they appear desirous to improve, both in reading and needlework. Many of them can read the Scriptures in their own language with considerable fluency. Mrs. Trimnell has selected from the Girls two who appeared to be well disposed; and has taken them entirely under her care,as Boarders, on the Mission account: they have hitherto conducted themselves with propriety.

[The Same.

Want of additional Female Schools.

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I stated, in a former Letter, my intention of establishing Female Schools; and should have done so, if the late Regulations of our Society had not prevented me: one of which is, Not to increase the permanent expense of our Mission Station." I do sincerely regret the being obliged to relinquish the plan of Female Education; but see the propriety of it, under existing circumstances. Oh! that our Ladies at home would seriously reflect on the deplorable condition of those in the East, whose sex, in a special degree, demands their sympathy. The Females here are not much superior to the beasts that perish. Let British and Irish Ladies remember that they have immortal souls.

[Rev. G. S. Faught, July 13, 1829. Effect of Disappointments. We often meet with disappointments in those of whom we had hoped well : sometimes some of the Boarding Boys, or Schoolmasters, or Servants, of whom we have entertained good hopes, and who appeared to have spiritual feelings and to walk well for a time, have, by some expression of their sentiments, or by evil conduct, led us to fear that our hopes of them were too sanguine. Such frequent disappointments tend to make us excessively suspicious: we are ready to conclude, when any one makes any profession of Religion, that he does so from some worldly motive, and that it is only hypocrisy. We endeavour, however, as much as possible, to divest ourselves of this undue suspicion, and to hope the best of those who profess to know or seek the Lord. Rev. G. C. Trimnell, Oct. 10, 1829.

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Permission having been obtained from the Magistrate for our administering Religious Instruction to the Prisoners confined in the Jail, on our return from the Annual Meeting a Sunday-Morning Service was commenced, and has since been continued; Br.Knight and myself attend ing alternately; or if prevented, a pious Native is sent. We obtain, by this means, an Adult Congregation, varying from 60 to 70 persons; and cannot but hope that the faithful appeals thus made to them from the Word of God may be accompanied with Divine Power, and made a blessing to their souls.

[Rev. W. Adley, Dec. 7, 1829.

State of the Congregations. You are aware of the sudden removal of one of our Church Members, Br. Adley's Horsekeeper, by death, in consequence of the bite of a snake; leaving an honourable and impressive testimony to the truth and transforming influence of the Christian Religion, and to the sincerity of his profession. His Wife, whose first thoughts of Religion may be ascrib ed, under Divine Grace, to his efforts and example, has recently received Baptism, and joined the little band who profess to have forsaken all for Christ. May she be enabled faithfully to tread in the steps of the Saviour, and thus follow her deceased husband! Two others have also been received into Christian Communion during the year-one of them, Br. Adley's Cook, whose case was formerly alluded to, as being of a very hopeful nature; the other, a Young Man who has been engaged to assist in the tuition of the Youths of the Boarding-School. One of the Native Members mentioned in the last Report as being under discipline, having, after a long trial, given satisfactory evidences of sincere repentance and piety, has been restored. The others have, in general, with one painful exception, continued to maintain a consistent walk; and in some we think we have seen considerable evidence that the Work of Grace is deepening in their hearts.

[Rev. Messrs. Knight and Adley. The Communicants, and others welldisposed towards Religion, had not only been kept in peace and free from evil during our absence from the Station, at the Annual Meeting, but some little excitement of Religious Feeling had taken place in many of them, who came, voluntarily, expressing their concern to

obtain salvation, and desiring to be instructed and conversed with on the subject of their souls' welfare. Besides frequent separate conversations with them, eight of them have since continued to meet together on the Sunday, immediately after the Morning Service; and Br. Knight or myself are usually present. Of some of them I have good hope, that the Lord is drawing them to Himself with the cords of love. The case of

others is more doubtful; but they all thus become more especially the objects of our concern, and the subjects of our W. Adley, Dec. 7, 1829. prayers. [Rev.


The Free Schools continue, as it regards numbers and management, nearly the same as stated in our last Report: they are 19 in number; and contain 739 Boys, and 84 Girls, exclusive of those who form the Spelling and Alphabet Classes. Their progress in learning has been, on the whole, as satisfactory as in any preceding year.

A few changes have been made in the Boarding-School, by the advancement of some of the Lads to higher classes; and, in the early part of the year, three Youths were admitted, to complete the number, viz. 30, as allowed by the Society. Each class has made considerable progress in their studies during the year. Besides giving much of their time to Geography and English Translation and Composition, the First Class have proceeded through the more-advanced Rules of Arithmetic, and the Second Class through the first four Rules. The progress of the lower classes has been equally satisfactory.

[Rev. Messrs. Knight and Adley. Encouragements from the Progress of the Scholars.

Their general advance in Scriptural Knowledge is very encouraging, amidst the gross idolatry and superstition that yet prevail around us. But, while we must here necessarily painfully witness the sad moral degradation and awful mental bondage in which all are who are not made free by Jesus the Son of God, we are not without many pleasing indications that the chains by which the great Destroyer of Souls enslaved the nations for nearly six thousand years are loosening, and the period approaching when our blessed Saviour shall take to Himself His great power, and reign over all the kingdoms of the earth.

[Rev. W. Adley, Dec. 7, 1829.


The Printing-Press has been kept in constant operation during the year; occupying, for several months past, five persons, as pressmen and compositors, besides stitchers, binders, &c. The accounts exhibit an excess of income above the expenditure, of 259 Rix-dollars.

The want of Tracts for distribution in the District is felt to be very great; so that, if funds can be raised by our little Tract Society, work may be calculated on, from this source, nearly sufficient to keep one press constantly employed, besides what may be required for Schools &c.; which, as it regards works of Science and General Knowledge, have, as yet, had scarcely any thing provided for them.

[Rev. Messrs. Knight and Adley. General View of the Station. The usual Means of Grace have been

continued; the Gospel has been regularly preached at the Station and around it; the people have been conversed with; and many copies of the Scriptures, with several hundreds of Tracts, have been distributed: and we cannot but trust that the seed, thus sown in faith and watered by prayer, will not be lost. The reception of the glorious Gospel of the Son of God, we know, is ultimately certain; but its slow progress from year to year makes us more sensible of our own weakness. May we be led to look more simply to the Lord Jehovah, with whom is everlasting strength-to plead more fervently with the Lord of the Harvest, for an increased number of Labourers, and an enlarged measure of success! and may the happy period be hastened when Zion shall be a praise in the whole earth! [The Same.


THE attention of the Society was directed to this part of the world, in the year 1808, by the Rev. Samuel Marsden, one of the Colonial Chaplains in New South Wales, then on a visit to England. The two large Islands in the Great South Sea, called New Zealand, to the East of New Holland, and almost the antipodes of Great Britain, were selected as a sphere for the Society's exertions. In order to facilitate the introduction of the Gospel among the savage inhabitants of these Islands, it was deemed advisable to form a Settlement; and, for this purpose, two persons accompanied Mr. Marsden on his return to New South Wales, in 1809.

Various obstacles retarded the execution of this plan till 1815, when it was at length carried into effect; a Grant of Land, about 200 acres in extent, having been made to the Society, by two Native Chiefs; one of whom, Ahoodee O Gunna, was the King of Rangheehoo, where the first Station of the Society was formed. The site of the Settlement is in the Bay of Islands, on the northeast coast of the Northern Island: the Grant was made out and executed, and the Land publicly set apart for

the use of the Society, in the presence of a number of Chiefs who were assembled on the occasion. Here the Settlers commenced their peaceful labours, in the erection of dwellings for themselves and their families, and the cultivation of the soil. It might be expected, that, in an undertaking of this nature, many serious difficulties would arise: the god of this world would contend fiercely for the dominion which he had so long exercised over these degraded people; and, at his instigation, they would be led to acts of insult and violence towards those who were seeking to do them good. This expectation has been realized in the history of the Mission, from its commencement to the date of the most recent accounts; and those, who have been engaged in it, have had many seasons of painful trial. In the midst, however, of the perils to which they have been subjected, they have been sustained and defended by Him in whose service they were engaged; He has compassed them with His favour, as with a shield; and by His over-ruling arm, some of the Chiefs - particularly Shunghee, whose name must be familiar to our readers-were made the instruments of

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