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tant from Palamcottah. While the Christians were assembling in the Chapel, I had an opportunity of witnessing Mr. Rhenius's method of addressing the Heathen we were walking round the splendid cloisters of the great Pagoda of Varunnen, and were followed by many hundreds. His lively and perfectly native mode of address, as well as the fluency of his language, attracts them wonderfully. The Brahmins crowded round him with eagerness: and, as we stopped occasionally at an angle of the building, a question led to a remonstrance on the folly of this stupendous Idolatry, thus convicted and exposed by their own replies, till his remarks assumed gradually the form of a more general discourse,addressed to the multitudes around; while the pillars, the sides of the tank, and the pavement of the cloister were covered with eager listeners, who were hushed into the most breathless silence. He is bold, impressive, vivid; cheerful in his whole appearance, happy in his illustrations; and a master, not only of their language, but of their feelings and views. We reached the Chapel about six, and found the lamps lighted for Evening Prayers. The history of this place is so interesting, that, though it has been brought to the notice of the Committee in the past Reports of the Missionaries, I cannot refrain from mentioning it again, They had been preaching in a small School House since the year 1820, without any fruit whatever of their labours. People began to scoff at them, and they almost began to despair: but persevered; and suddenly

nourable to them. After they became Christians, they said they could no longer consent to connive at the tricks of the Native Revenue Officers, and to share their plunder, in falsely numbering their looms, and so defrauding the Government. The Collector, AT THEIR REQUEST, numbered the looms afresh; and 1000 rupees were thus saved to the Government: but the Heathen Servants were so enraged, that they soon found means to oppress them, and deprived them of as much more as they had given up. This is one. of the manyCrosses which they must bear. The Congregation being new, a few only of the Women attended. I spoke, therefore, particularly to them, on the necessity of their hearing the Word of God, as well as their Husbands.

On the morning of the 20th, after meeting the Brethren and their Families at breakfast at Mr. Schmid's, and enjoying much interesting conversation on many Missionary subjects, I had the pleasure of examining the SCHOOLS, both of the Mission Compound, and of the neighbouring Villages. I was much struck with the greater proficiency of the Highcaste Boys over those of low birth. It is, probably, owing to the constant habit of hearing a better language spoken at home, and breathing a more literary atmosphere; the difference of Tamul spoken by high and low being immense, and the language in which books are written holding a middle course between the two. The emulation among the Schoolmasters was remarkable, and forms a striking

joiced, by 60 Families, ae they feature of the system pursued. The Scho

were re

lars of one fine old man, who is loved by 200 souls, them as their father, far outstripped the renouncing Idolatry, and, after prepara rest; except one poor little Boy, the son of tory instruction, gradually joining their a Beggar, miserably deformed, who quite Church. Those persons are all respecta- astonished me by his answers. I exable. Among them I was particularly mined them in Religious Knowledge; and, introduced to a pensioned Subahdar, a though many of course could not answer, venerable old man, whose life, which has almost all being Heathens, yet many been lately worne down with heavy do- did most admirably; and all were anxious mestic affliction, is said to ment to his profession. The neat building in a crowded part of the town, finished in 1828, was almost filled. I spoke to them at considerable length; and the circumstances of the place which I have just mentioned, the recent Baptisms of so many, and the number of

be Chapel,

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to do their best. The Church was crowded with listeners and it is often found, that the examination of the Heathen Children in the truths of Religion is the best mode of instructing the Heathen Parents. I am compelled to say, that the knowledge these Boys have of the truths of Christianity exceeds,

Heathen who were around the doors, Madras, or in other I have seen in

made this one of the most striking scenes I witnessed in the province. I must mention one circumstance, highly ho

parts of India; and the harvest, in this, as in other respects, seems to become more promising as I advance from North to South..

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The Brethren have, at present, 50* Schools under them; of which, 32 are taught by Schoolmasters; and the remaining 18 by the Catechists, in their respective villages, as far as their more important duties permit. To these 50 are to be added six in Mr. Winckler's District of Dohnavoor, south-west of Palamcottah. The number taught is 1249 Boys, and 92 Girls. Each School is divided into Six Classes, according to the proficiency of the Children in reading and spelling. The highest Class read the Gospels: the next, Little Tracts, spelling as they go on; the third spell words with four or more syllables; and all the Children commit to memory, 1st, a Catechism of the Doctrine of Christianity; 2d, the Sermon on the Mount; 3d, a Catechism of Scripture History; 4th, a Collection of Scripture Proofs belonging to the Doctrinal Catechism: and besides these, they commit to memory the Moral Sentences of Avyar, an ancient Tamul Author, and a Dictionary of Tamul Synonymes.

Many of these Schools are Charity Schools; i. e. cloths are given to the Children annually, and a portion of grain daily. There is great difficulty throughout this province, to persuade the people to send their children to School; for, being almost all Shanars, and very poor, they cannot dispense with the labour of the children. Some encouragement, therefore, of this kind, is found, in many instances, to be necessary.

I have been thus minute in the description of these Schools; because the system, producing so favourable a result, must be good.


of these separately, and was much gratifled with the proficiency of many amongst them in Divine Knowledge, more particularly with those immediately under Mr. Winckler's instructions. This District, which contains 39 Congregations, is the wildest part of the province; and many of our Christians are of the tribe of Maroors (Thieves), like the Colearies of Tanjore. It is not easy to break them of their former predatory habits, and reduce them to a life of patient and contented labour. The great majority, however, of all our Congregations are the poor Shanars, the cultivators of the Palmyra; and though we might desire to see more of the higher classes embracing the Gospel, yet there is nothing in the experience of our Missions, now, which the history of the Apostolic age would not lead us to expect. Then also, as now, the Gospel was preached to the poor, and not many rich and not many noble were called; and it is encouraging to be assured, on evidence which I cannot doubt, that now, as then, there are many instances of real piety, proved by a consistent and holy life in the midst of much disappointment, and some instances of apostacy. Mr. Winckler is by no means sanguine; and he assured me, in answer to my question, What proportion of the people he considered real Christians-that he could not reckon on more than one in twenty. But could we say more than this of the towns and villages of Europe? There may be, and probably are, many instances of hypocritical profession from worldly motives: but still, though greater caution is necessary in receiving Converts, we cannot help rejoicing that many are thus brought under Christian Instruction; and we have every reason to hope, that the next generation, born and educated within the Church, will be Christians, not in name only, but in deed and in truth, I VL

I had the pleasure of spending the 25th of February with the Rev. Mr. Winckler, at his Station of Dohnavoor, 25 miles distant from Palamcottah, where the Catechists of his District, ten in number, were assembled to meet me, together with six of the neighbouring The progress already made, and daily Schools, and the Congregation of the vil-making, in the extension of the Church of lage. I examined and catechized each

* The numbers mentioned in this paragraph are already much increased. On the 3d of May, in 64 Catechist Districts, comprising 244 Towns and Villages, more than 2000 Families, consisting of above 7500 souls, were under direct Christian Instruction: in 150 Churches, 94 (smaller Houses of Prayer, 62 Schools, 1 Seminary of 36 Pupils, and a Class of Preparandi, containing about 30 Young Men. The number of Scholars was 1450; of whom, 112 were Girls.-Editor.

Christ, is doubtless great, and calls for thankfulness and renewed exertions; but we must rejoice with trembling, and allay our triumph with all necessary caution and reserve.

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tisfaction of hearing from Mr. Norton that his Congregation, though still small, is increasing: and, with the advantages he enjoys in the Schools lately established, together with his own increased knowledge of the Native Language, we may reasonably look for a greater measure of success than he has yet experienced.

The Church, which was built in 1818, with great assistance from Captain Gordon, and a liberal grant of timber from the Rannee of Travancore, is in excellent repair, and capable of containing many more than the present Congregation. The Mission House is a noble residence, in the same Compound; and Mr. Norton is now building, as the Committee are aware, on each side of the Compound, separate houses for a Boys' and Girls' School, from the 2007. collected by Mr. Norton's Friends in England. The support of the School is derived from an allowance made by the Rajah's Minister. In 1818, Mr. Norton represented to Colonel Munro the great number of distressed Poor in Allepie; and the Resident obtained from the Divan a monthly allowance of 45 Pagodas. He has lately requested that a moiety of this sum should be appropriated to the Schools; and 35 Boys and 35 Girls are thus supported. With the other moiety, sick and other objects of compassion are relieved. I examined the Children of both Schools; and found the Upper Classes tolerably well informed; but the eldest Girl and the first Boy are too much beyond the others. He is very urgent for the appointment of another Missionary to assist him, and describes the sphere of usefulness as one that might easily be increased. It is very desirable, that, as soon as the Funds of the Society will allow, more Village Schools should be! established. A Shed may be built for three Rupees; and the pay of a Master is only four or five Rupees. Our present resources will probably not admit of any increase of the Establishment.

The population of Allepie is said to be about 30,000, and that of the neighbourhood immense; and, in addition to this, the extensive Trade which is carried on with the Persian Gulph and the Red Sea opens a prospect of usefulness, with the Mahomedans as well as Hindoos, which seems scarcely to have any limit, but to which our success hitherto has borne no proportion.


My visit to the Society's Mission at [RECORD, Nov. 1830.]

Cottayam, among the Christians of Saint Thomas, was productive of the greatest pleasure; and I beg leave to request the earnest attention of the Committee to this most interesting Establishment. I had formerly an opportunity of visiting them in the year 1818, when our intercourse with this venerable Church was in its infancy; and since that time peculiar circumstances have led me to regard them with unceasing interest. It was highly gratifying, therefore, to witness the great progress, both of sound learning and religious feeling, among the Syrian Youth who are destined for Holy Orders; the great desire for Education which has spread throughout the Country; and the confidence and affection with which the Brethren at Cottayam are regarded generally, by both the Clergy and the Laity. The improvement thus produced, especially among the Candidates for the Priesthood, gives us the best ground of hope for the future reformation of this Church; but it is of the utmost consequence to remember, that their reformation is still future, and that probably for many years it must be the object of hope rather than of exultation of earnest prayer, and wise counsel.

My attention was chiefly directed to the actual state of the COLLEGE, and the degree of proficiency which the Pupils have obtained: and I have great pleasure in assuring the Committee, that the result of my examination was highly satisfactory, and most honourable to the Rev. Mr. Doran, to whose judicious superintendence, and unremitted instructions, it is indebted for its present improved and flourishing condition.

The Native Teachers are-in Syriac, Malpan Alexander, Joseph and Marcus, Catanars, at 20 rupees per mensem; in European Learning, Matthew and Poonen, at 10 rupees each; in Sanscrit, two Nair Teachers, at 9 and 8 rupees-Total, 100 rupees per mensem.

Abraham, Catanar, is exceedingly useful in the general instruction and superintendence; but his services, hitherto, have been quite voluntary, or rewarded only by occasional presents from Mr. Doran's private purse.

The objects of the Institution are, primarily, the training up of the Syrian Youths for Ordination by the Metropolitan, who requires a Certificate from Mr. Doran of the proficiency and competence of the Candidates; 2dly, The education of others also, as Catechists, Schoolmasters, 2 L

or for general purposes. About threefourths of the present number are destined for Holy Orders; and the great difficulty now felt, is, in providing situations for the others. It is hoped, indeed, that the moral advancement of the people gene rally will lead to the formation of Schools in different parts of the Country; which, together with other consequences of increased civilization, will create a demand for well-educated Youths. At present, however, the difficulty is beginning to be felt; and it seems to me, therefore, most important, that the Establishment should not be extended beyond the probable vent for the employment of the Students. Many Youths are desirous of admission, for whom there is no room, and no funds. Their Studies are-Theology; the Syriac, Greek, Latin, Sanscrit, English, and Malayalim Languages; History, Mathematics, and Geography.

The whole Expenditure of the College, for the support and tuition of 103 Boys, is 335 rupees per mensem; which includes, 70 rupees, the salary of the Metropolitan,whose Episcopal Residence it is. The actual expense, therefore, of the College, is 265 rupees, or about 2 rupees for each Boy.

I examined them in their several branches of study; except Sanscrit and Malayalim, of which I was unable to judge; and without any previous notice and preparation. The 1st, or lowest Class, construed Selectæ è Profanis; the 2d, The same, and Cæsar; the 3d, Virgil; the 4th, Cicero's Orations; the 5th,

The Collég

The College was founded in the year 1816, by the then Metropolitan, Mar Dionysius, at the instance of the British Resident, Colonel Munro, and with the aid [procured by his powerful assistance. The cost of the Building, which consists of one quadrangle, and is quite in the native style, and, unfortunately, in a situation near the bank of the river, was partly defrayed by a fine levied on the Heathen for their former oppressions of the Syrians, and partly by a share of the sum of 25,000 rupees granted by the Rannee of Travancore for the general pur poses of the College. The Funds for the Endowment

of the College are, the remainder of that Grant, Subscriptions raised for this object by the Church Missionary Society both in England and India (laid out in Government Securities and Mortgages), and the

Revenue of a Tract of Land, called Munro Island, about 10 miles from Quilon, given in perpetuity by the Rannee. The Island was, at the time of its cession in 1816, about one eighth under cultivation. The present portion which is cultivated, and pays rent, is about one-fourth; and the whole of the rent, viz. 1420 rupees per annum, is now expended on the impro ement of the remainder. In the course of

ten years, the probable future income to the College, wholly available for its support without deduction, is calculated at 6000 rupees annually. The only assistance received from the Mission, is the super

intendence of one of the Missionaries, and School Books.

Horace's Epistles; the 6th, Demosthenes. I examined, also, a considerable Class in Arithmetic, Algebra, and the First Six Books of Euclid; and three Boys in Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. In Syriac, they construed both the Old and New Testament fluently, giving the meaning both in English and Malayalim, and rendering an accurate account of the grammatical construction. I gave them, also, two English Sentences to translate into Syriac, which were done without error. My principal object, however, was to ascertain their progress in Religious Knowledge; and I therefore catechized them very carefully in 1 Cor. x., which they read in English, and translated verse by verse into Malayalim. The result was highly satisfactory; of course, with a very perceptible difference of the younger Boys: but in the higher Classes there is a knowledge of the doctrines, history, and scheme of Divine Revelation, which shews that the main object of the College, their preparation for the Church, is sedulously kept in view. When I saw 103 Boys thus educated by One Clergyman, in so many different branches of learning, almost all of which were totally unknown to them a few years ago, I could not help viewing it as an Institution of incalculable value and importance. I proposed a few Prizes, as a stimulus to the higher Students; four for the best Compositions in English, and one in Syriac, on John i.17— The Law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. I will do myself the pleasure of sending copies of these to the Committee, when I receive them.

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On the Morning of the 9th I visited Mrs. Baker's FEMALE SCHOOL. It is superintended entirely by Mrs. Baker herself, in her own house. There are 47 Syrian Girls; and their singularly neat and happy appearance, with that fine expression of countenance which distinguishes this people, renders the sight most interesting. When the School was first established, the Parents were very unwilling to send their Daughters; but latterly they have been most anxious to to do so, after seeing the happy effects on those who were first educated there. They knit, spin cotton, sew plain needlework, and learn to read and write their own Language. I heard them read the New Testament, examined them in Watts's two Catechisms, and catechized them in the chapter they read. Their

proficiency is very creditable; and all they are taught fits them so well for their future duties, as wives and mothers, that they are eagerly sought for in marriage.

On the same morning I visited the GRAMMAR SCHOOL, which is under the superintendence of Mr. Doran, with the assistance of Two Teachers from the College. It is supported entirely by the Society; and its chief object is to form a Nursery for the College. They learn English and Malayalim grammatically, Writing, and Arithmetic; and are instructed, catechetically, in the great truths of Christianity. There are, at present, 48 Boys. Both here and in the College, several Heathen Boys are admitted in the latter, one of the clever est Boys is a Nair, and many are very anxious for admission.

I requested the Brethren to meet me on the morning of the 10th, in order to discuss any subjects of reference, regard ing the Mission. I began by reading the 16th Chapter of St. John, and Prayer; and closed our conference in the same manner, at 2 o'clock. The following were some of the points that came before us, and to which I earnestly request the favourable consideration of the Committee.

1st, The present Room for Divine Service, the Grammar School, is not sufficient to accommodate their usual Congregation. 2dly, They have no means, at present, of admitting the Heathen to hear the Services of our Church, or the Preaching of God's Word, which they are very desirous of attending. 3dly, They cannot, at present, receive Converts into our Church by Baptism. Many are desirous of admission, and would prefer our Church to the Syrian; and, in the present state of that Church, it is much to be deplored that we should not have the power of receiving them; but, except we have a place set apart for the service of God, they will not join us. After a full discussion of these reasons, which appear very strong to my own mind, it was resolved that I communicate these sentiments to the Committee, and to the Bishop of Calcutta, and strongly recommend the measure. I am convinced, from the general feeling of the people, which has since been strongly confirmed by the Resident of Travancore and the Syrian Clergy themselves, that it will very much increase their respect for us. They have no idea of a body of Christians, especially Clergymen, without a Church.

bTHE PROPRIETY OF ESTABLISHING A GRAMMAR SCHOOL AT MAVALLIKARI, SIMILAR TO THAT AT COTTYAM, AS AUXILIARY TO THE COLLEGE.-The arguments for this are, 1st, That it is the most central point of the Syrian Population. 2dly, That the most wealthy and respectable Families reside in that neighbourhood, who feel some objection to send their Children at once as far as Cottayam, but whose objections would cease after the previous education of the Grammar School in their own neighbourhood. 3dly, That it would not only be a Nursery for the College, but would form an excellent vent to it, in giving employment to some of the Students as Teachers.

THE PROPRIETY OF BUILDING A MISSION CHAPEL This subject has been referred by the Missionaries, more than once, to the Committee; and the answer was, that they doubted the expediency of it, for the present. The difficulty which I myself felt about it, and which I stated fully to the Missionaries, as I had before done to the Committee, was one purely of an Ecclesiastical nature; yiz. How far it was right for us to build an Episcopal Church of our own Communion in the midst of another Episcopal Diocese, for whose benefit the Mission was established, and by whose permission we continued to reside there? It was necessary, therefore, in the first place, to ascertain what were the feelings of the Bishops and Clergy of that Church reported by the Society, is 42; in which specting such a measure. The Missionaries assured me, in the strongest manner, that there was not, on their part, the slightest objection or suspicion; but that, on the contrary, they rather wondered that no Church had yet been at tached to a Mission where Three Clergymen resided. This, together with the three following reasons for it, completely removes my objection.

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PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS.-The whole number established by the Mission, and sup

1200 Children, on an average, attend daily. The sum allowed annually for their support was 2200 rupees; but last year, on account of the failure of the Society's Funds, it was reduced to 1600. Hitherto, however, Mr. Baker, who has the superintendence of them, has not reduced the number; having supplied the deficiency from funds in his own possession. These are now expended; and either the num

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