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they were soon injured by the weather and the white-ants, so that we found it necessary to rebuild it, and to make it larger and more substantial.

It was a great disappointment to me and to our Congregation, that, on account of illness, the Archdeacon was prevented from preaching this morning in our new little Church: his place was kindly supplied by the Rev. F. Spring, Chaplain at Poonamallee, who preached by an Interpreter to our Native Congregation. In the afternoon, I preached in Tamul; and after I had ended, three of our Catechists spoke


some texts of Scripture, and were heard with pleasure by the people present: the Church was crowded with people. After the Service, I baptized 4 aged persons, widows of Pensioners, who had been under instruction for a long time, under Mr. Sawyer.

June 17, 1829-In the evening, held a meeting in one of our Schools, at which some Native Christians and a great number of Heathen were present. I endeavoured to shew them, that only true faith in Jesus the God and Saviour of Men could make us happy for time and eternity. After the meeting, some Heathen expressed their desire to hear more of these things, and were consequently invited to come to Church at Perambore and Black Town. June 19-Two very interesting Native Youths, who, when children, attended Mr. Sawyer's School at Chingleput, came on purpose from that place to see me, and requested a New Testament and some Tracts. They told me that they had a great desire to become Christians, as they had the firm conviction that the Christian Religion is the right one. I gave them a Gospel in Tamul, and some Tracts, which I accompanied with instruction. If these young men are sincere, which I have no reason to doubt, they afford fresh evidence that the Christian Instruction given in our Schools to the Heathen is not lost. June 21-Preached, and administered the Sacrament at Perambore Chapel.

June 23—Had a long dispute on Religion with a learned Shastry employed in the College as a Sanscrit Moonshee. He believes the existence of a God, but does not seem to credit that He has given any written Revelation, respecting His Nature and His Will, to men. Man," he says, is left entirely to the direction of nature and his own reason, to find out Dine Truth; and these two guides are suthcient to lead men in the knowledge of it, as far as God wants them to know

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it." I replied, "Experience proves daily the contrary of what you say; as we see, every day, men, guided by nature and reason, widely differing with each other in their ideas of God, and sometimes, on this point, quite opposite to each other," of which I gave instances. "If a written Revelation be necessary to know God," he said, how can we make out which is the true one? You Christians have one; we have another; and the Moormen have a different one still." "You can easily ascertain," I said, "by external and internal evidences, whether the Book which makes a claim to Divine Revelation be true if there be any lie or error in it, it cannot be true; and if it be not true, we cannot suppose it to be the Word of God. Judge of your Vedam by this rule :-Your Vedam supposes the blue sky to be a sea of milk; but it is well ascertained, by sound astronomy, and it may even be seen by the help of telescopes, that this blue is nothing but the vacuum of space. Your Vedam also speaks of some countries and islands which never existed. It also encourages vices and crimes, by the precepts which it recommends, and by the example of your gods which it relates, calculated to make men unhappy. this Vedam have been given by Godby a God who, by His natural and moral laws, we see continually endeavouring to promote the welfare and happiness of His creatures? If you study what we call our Vedam, I am bound to say, that you will never find such errors and contradictions in it: moreover, you will read in it of Prophecies accomplished, and of Miracles wrought, all well attested by historical evidences; which prove that what we call our Vedam is the True Word of God, and has been written under the influence of His Spirit." I conversed and disputed for more than an hour with this Brahmin. He confessed that our Religion rested on a more sure basis than any Religion he had known before. I fear this is the only fruit of my long disputation: if the Holy Spirit does not convince the mind and convert the heart, all human reason is in vain. In this kind of disputation I feel my great deficiency in the Tamul Language.


July 1-We visited all the people of our Pulicat Congregation, at their houses. The greater part of them are fishermen and palanquin-bearers, and are very poor and wretched: more so now than when Br. Kindlinger was with them. I gave some relief, according to my means,

to the most distressed. The moral state of the adults is most lamentable: many of them live in adultery and every kind of vice indeed, in unconverted people, poverty is often the source of every description of moral misery and degradation. In the afternoon I paid the Schoolmasters, rewarding some, and reducing the pay of others: being present with them only once a month, this is the only means I have of making them attentive to their duty. This evening, all our Schoolmasters, and some of our Pulicat Christians,were incorporated in our Native Association; to which some subscribed three or four annas monthly, and some less, according to their circumstances and inclinations. My aim, in proposing to this people to unite themselves to our Native Association, is chiefly to accustom them to contribute for charitable purposes, to which they all readily assented. I explained to them the Rules and Object of this Association, and endeavoured to make them feel how happy it is to do something for the benefit of our fellow-creatures. Spoke with a little Girl who is very desirous to be baptized; and in the evening set off for Madras.


Summary View of the Mission. Our Readers have been already referred to the Appendix of the Society's Twenty-sixth Report, for an account of this Mission, from its commencement to the year 1825: the Missionaries have since transmitted the following Summary View of its progress, from that time to the end of June in last year.

Near the close of our last statement, we mentioned our apprehensions of an increase of persecution. This was the case, in several parts; and, in the course of the following year, the number of those who had enlisted as Candidates for Baptism decreased. The persecution was, in one instance, attended with murder. Hypocritical Professors had also begun to multiply so much, that a check was highly requisite. The decrease of the Congregations was, however, only temporary: those who stood firm were more and more edified; and the Word of God and the nature of Christianity became better understood among Christians and Heathens. Various Providential Circumstances aided the spread of knowledge, or rather the increase of desire to


know the Truth; such as, the Choleradeaths by it, notwithstanding the people's sacrifices to their Idols-the flood in 1827-difficulties attending the Processions of the Idol Cars at their Feaststemples being robbed of their Idols by the Heathen themselves Tracts published on those occasions-success attending our labours in the town of Tinnevelly itself, by the rise of a Congregation, and the building of a Church in the midst of it— the steadfastness of those Congregations which had been most persecuted-the daily more-apparent impotency of the Idol gods to do any thing in their defence: these and similar circumstances operated most favourably on all classes, and the Congregations began again to increase. Thus there were, at the end of

Families. Souls.

June 1827, in 106 villages, 756 or 2557 Dec. 1827, in 109 villages, 954...3505 July 1828, in 146 villages, 1250...4305 Dec. 1828, in 167 villages, 1408...5225 June 1829, in 205 villages, 1855...6243 The Schools also increased, nearly in the same way: there were at the end of 1827, 15 Schools, with 380 Scholars; at the end of September 1828, 30 Schools, with 631 Scholars; December 1828, 43 Schools, with 859 Scholars; June 1829, 46 Schools, with 970 Scholars and several more Schools, applied for by Heathen Inhabitants, remain still to be established.

We may, therefore, fairly conclude that the views and feelings of the people in general, with regard to Missionary Operations, are decidedly in favour of them. And this is the case, not only with the common people, but also with many of greater respectability, and with Brahmins too; for, in the course of last year, even Brahmin Proprietors have solicited Christian Schools for their Villages; and Brahmins themselves have, without hesitation, become Schoolmasters, teaching our Christian Books; whereas, some years ago, they scorned the very idea. The Christian village, Asirvadapuram, consists of a piece of land presented to the Mission by a party of Brahmins of Peykullam; and, a few months ago, the other party of Brahmins of the same village, who were formerly hostile to our people and burnt down the Chapel, have enlarged the ground for the settlement of Native Christians at Asirvadapuram, by the free grant of an additional piece of ground. Just now, an aged, childless Proprietor, a Heathen Soodra, has made us a present of a part of his village; de

siring particularly to have a School established there, and his Slaves taught the Christian Religion, some of whom have requested instruction. Another rich Native, near the coast, was not only instrumental in getting a School established in one place, but interceded with us, in writing, for some cultivators of his own or his neighbour's village to be received into the Congregation, as they wished to become Christians. We will not say that these things are done from the purest motives, but such are the facts; and we cannot but ascribe the present cheering aspect of the Christian Cause here to the special favour of God, more especially when we consider the opposition of many Natives to the growth of the Divine Kingdom nearly in every part of the District: for there are Native Enemies, particularly some of the rich people, who would gladly send us all to the bottom of the sea, if they could, and who strive much to excite the enmity of other people against us. But the Lord restrains them, and all their exertions to oppose and overthrow us have hitherto proved fruitless: God is evidently for us; and this the Heathen themselves, even Brahmins, have openly declared. At the beginning of this year, a sharp persecution against the Native Christians in the neighbouring Mission of South Travancore arose, aided by the Heathen Government there, with some success. We feared that our District would partake of the storm; but, with the exception of a few instances, it seems to die away. Thus we, and our Christians, and our Christian Schoolmasters, go on preaching, teaching, distributing Tracts and the Scriptures, praying, confiding in the Promises, and persevering in the blessed work. We are, indeed, continually fighting with the Spirit of darkness: it is often hard, and we sometimes fear that darkness will prevail; but we are as often made ashamed of our unbelief. The Lord hears our prayers: Idolatry greatly diminishes Roman Catholics shake off the yoke of Popery; and, latterly, even the Mahomedans begin to receive the light of Truth. Our prospects are therefore propitious: we see Satan nearly everywhere yielding, and Christ's Reign extending on all sides.

The North also of this District is now called upon to give up. Several Congregations are growing there; and, lately, a new one has sprung up in the Zemindary of Ettiyapuram. The Zemindar has

taken measures to hinder the work, and a combat is commencing in that quarter; but we are encouraged to say that the Great Captain of our Salvation, the Lord of Light and Righteousness, will cast down there also the heights of Darkness. The propitiousness of our prospects, and the assurance of victory, somehow or other, by our Heavenly King and Master, make all adverse appearances, all opposition, to shrink into nothing: they excite us, rather, to buckle on our spiritual armour the more closely, and go forth to the combat more cheerfully than ever; knowing that fresh trophies will be gained for Him that gave His soul to death for these Hindoos. He has most wisely and wonderfully directed all our circumstances; and has taught us and the Natives, that all success is from Him, that all the glory of it belongs to Him, and that we ought wholly to depend on Him and His guidance. Should He hereafter, in His wisdom, permit the work to stand still, we are ready to say, It is the Lord's will; let Him do as seemeth good in His sight; and we are sure that that also will be for good.

If we are now asked, what we want; we reply-LABOURERS,and MONEY to support them. As for Labourers, the Lord has been, and is still, giving them into our hands. We have often wondered at the gracious providence of God in this particular. Natives, young and old, have been stirred up to lend themselves to the work. To be cautious, we will not say that there was no mixture of a temporal nature in their motives; but we may affirm without hesitation, that, on the whole, they are truly enlightened, and fitted for the work, though in different degrees. And when we consider that their salary is very small, smaller than that of many house-servants, and that they have to undergo not a few deprivations in respect to their families &c., we cannot but think that a real desire to serve the Lord is prominent among their motives; and, comparatively, but few have been discharged for bad conduct. Hitherto we have been enabled to provide Teachers according to the wants of the people, though with difficulty; but now our money begins to fail. If that stops, our ability to provide Teachers will stop also. But we must not allow Unbelief to make us afraid. We would trust that the Lord of the Harvest will still provide, and that England's and India's Christians will not be slack to come to the help of the Lord. He tells them to send money to the Missionaries in Palamcottah,

to support Catechists and Schoolmasters. Let them refuse who can. If they refuse, He can provide His cause with other aid; but they will lose their reward.

Besides Teachers, we require also means to assist the people in building Places of Worship and School-houses. Those who first declare themselves for Christianity in a Village are usually but few; they are not able to defray such expenses alone; they must have aid, or no Chapel or School-Room will be erected. But the very erection of such Buildings is the signal, and an encouragement, to others to come forward. We really believe that the present enlargement of the Church in this District is partly owing to the erection of the Churches in Palamcottah and Tinnevelly. They, as it were, proclaim that Christianity has advanced; and give to the Cause an external stability, which greatly operates on the fearful minds of the Natives. We do not erect Chapels or Schools BEFORE we have people to put into them, but AFTERWARD: usually the people themselves do the work; but they would not be able to complete it, were we to leave them without assistance. The amount of aid to such a small Place of Worship or School is not always the same; sometimes smaller, sometimes larger, according to circumstances: in one place 5 rupees will suffice, in another 7, in a third 10; and again, in another, 20 or 30 rupees will be required. We are nearly sure, that the collection of the amount of sUPERFLUOUS food brought daily on the tables of Europeans in India, and which is usually wasted, only for a few days, would be sufficient to aid such a Building! Come then forward, whoever can, and help; so that the sparrow may find a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even the altars of the Lord of Hosts, our King and our God!

Extracts from Rev. C. Rhenius's Journals. April 1, 1829-We had the Lord's Supper to-day, with 52 Native Brethren: and the Catechists were dismissed to their Stations. The people of Kadieyam continue to suffer grievous injustice from PandiyenTaleivan.

Our Tracts begin to be used as instruments to keep the Devils out of people's houses. A man had a dream, in which his former Devil Swamy told him that he could no longer dwell with him and do him favours, because he had Christian

Books in his house; and that if he would send them away, he would again be favourable to his house. The man replied, that formerly he had done him no good, and neither could he do him any good hereafter, and that he would not send these books away: and so the Swamy, has left him. This has spread even among the Heathen, who (even those who cannot read) ask for books, for the purpose of keeping the Devil out of their houses. Of course, I strongly advised the Catechists to warn the people against a superstitious use of the Tracts, and to refuse them to all who cannot read.

April 9-There are two Idol-Feasts in these days; one at Shevelberry, in the East; and the other at Pavanasam, in the West, near the mountains. To both places our Preparandi are gone with Tracts; five to each place.

April 16-The Preparandi have returned from their Mission, and their reports are very encouraging. At Shevelberry, the car encountered much difficulty, to the great annoyance of the idolatrous people: they endeavoured to .finish the business as well as they could. Our Preparandi have been in several Villages, where the people heard the Word with attention: in one place, several people were so desirous of Christian Instruction, that one of them (Michael) they would not allow to return to Palamcottah, but kept him there.

April 17: Good Friday · These several evenings we have spent in reading the history of our Lord's Passion: to-day we concluded it. This is ever new; and we drew forth fresh consolation from the love of God.

April 20-I heard to-day the particulars of the report of the Preparandi. Those who went to Shevelberry state, that, on account of the rain, the large car could not be drawn ; and the people were under the necessity of contenting themselves with pulling only the small one. Our messengers had addressed themselves to the Managers of the Feast, and found a favourable reception: they not only heard the Tracts read, but asked some of the Readers to come to a place where their relations and friends were assembled, including females, and read the Tracts in their hearing also; which they did the Brahmins also were friendly. All declared, that Idolatry was certainly a vain thing, and that what those books said is true: a number of Tracts were distri buted. From thence they went to Madooramvarroo, and were likewise well

listened to. They then visited Kalatti Kennaroo, where they found 8 families; viz. 2 Christians, formerly residents of Ookramkotei; 4 Roman-Catholic, and 2 Heathen Families, who constrained Michael to stay with them and teach them the Word of God, as before mentioned: and when Michael hesitated, they positively refused to let him go; and said, that at the end of the month they would come to Palamcottah and plead for him. The other Preparandi then visited Passoovintannei, belonging to the Zemindar of Etiapooram, where there was a feast. There, also, they and the Tracts were well received; and some people desired to become Christians, but feared the Zemindar, and thought of first getting his leave. The party that went to Papanaram were surrounded by hundreds of people, who heard the Word with attention; and the Tracts were all speedily gone.

April 24, 1829-This morning I returned from Dohnavoor, whither I went on the 21st, to settle, if possible, some disturbances between the Headmen and the Catechist, and to inspect the buildings. At Dohnavoor, I heard of troubles in the Congregation at Kavelkinnaroo, near the Travancore Pass, occasioned by the Heathen, who seem to get courage by the persecutions which at present are going on with success in the Nagercoil Congregations. Coming home, I heard of similar troubles in the Tiroopoolankoody Congregation.

April 29-We have found it necessary to dismiss two of our Native Catechists, for misconduct: the case of one is most awful; and I can hardly conceive how he could fall so grossly into the snare of the Devil. All has occurred during the last six months, since his marriage: until then, he was an ornament to the Church, and an example to other Catechists. His services were blessed of the Lord: he suffered patiently for the Gospel's sake; and the Gospel spread much in that region; so that, for these last three or four years, we had no doubt of his conversion. What shall we say to these things? Well may we be warned by the Apostle's words, Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall. The Devil is going about, seeking whom he may devour: he was nigh to spoiling the good work in that District; but the Lord has prevented him.

David reported, that, last Sabbath, a Brahmin from Manoor had attended Tamul Divine Service, when Br. Winckler [RECORD, April, 1830.]

preached on Sin and Repentance. The Brahmin heard with much attention, and afterward conversed with David, saying, that if he could listen to such instructions for forty days, he should certainly go to Kielaasam (Siva's Heaven). He took Tracts.

May 2-The Catechists assembled: this evening was the Missionary PrayerMeeting, at which they gave a short account of their respective Congregations. In the midst of many troubles, they are nearly everywhere increasing.

May 6-We had the Lord's Sup per with 39 of our people; after which the Catechists were dismissed to their Stations.


May 15-During the last week things have been pretty quiet about Some of the Preparandi have been sent out to new Stations. The Kadeiyam's Petition to the Board of Revenue is gone to Madras. I have been again enabled to do something in the work of Translating the Scriptures. David has gone on a journey, partly to take his sick wife to the coast, and partly to visit some Congregations and settle some troubles among them. Br. Winckler has gone off to Dohnavoor, to commence his station there. The heat is very great.

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May 28: Ascension Day. The text of this morning was, Oh, send out thy light and thy truth! This we could heartily pray, at our Morning Service, in remembrance of that important event. It was a blessed hour. A Brahmin, with an attendant, was already seated on a bench when I entered the Church: he heard with much attention throughout the Service: afterward he came to me; when I understood that he was the Brahmin from Manoor, mentioned April 29. He expressed great joy at what he had heard, and said that it was nectar to his soul; and, at last, requested earnestly that a School might be established in his village, that their Children might be instructed in these good things. I warned him against hypocrisy and base flattery, so N

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