Imágenes de páginas

Hon. Mills Gardner, Trustee of Ohio Reform
School, Washington, C. H.

M. D. Follett, official Delegate, Marietta.
Jacob Cherryholmes, official Delegate, Mil-

C. B. Lockwood, President Cleveland Bethel

Mrs. C. B. Lockwood, Cleveland.

James Kroesen, official Delegate, Columbus.
Mrs. Kroesen, Columbus.

Rev. Chas. W. Wendté, Associate Charities,



Mrs. O. T. Gillett, Iowa City.


Andrew E. Elmore, President of State Board
of Charities and Reform, Fort Howard.
H. H. Giles, Member of State Board of
Charities and Reform, Madison.

Prof. A. O. Wright, Secretary of State Board
of Charities and Reform, Madison.

Board of Supervision of Wisconsin Charitable, Penal and Reformatory Institutions. Dominick Hunt, official Delegate, Fort Howard.

J. H. Outhwaite, Trustee Children's Home, Col. G. W. Burchard, President of State
Franklin County, official Delegate.
Miss A. H. Brinkerhoff, Mansfield.
Miss Isabel H. Neff, Cincinnati.
Miss Mary S. Neff, Cincinnati.
Rev. Lathrop Cooley, Superintendent and
Chaplain of Cleveland Bethel Union, and
official Delegate.

G. A. Doren, M.D.. Superintendent of School
for Feeble-Minded Youth, Columbus.
W. J. Scott, M.D., Consulting Physician to
Charity Hospital, and Member Executive
Board of Charities and Corrections, Cleve-"

Rev. H. R. Cooley, Cleveland.


Hon. George S. Robinson, President of Board
of State Charities.

Rev. Fred. H. Wines, Secretary of State
Board of Public Charities.

Mrs. Elizabeth Holt Babbitt, Delegate of
Social Science Association, and Industrial
School for Girls, Chicago.

Wesley C. Sawyer, official Delegate, Apple


Mrs. A.O. Wright, official Delegate, Madison.
Mrs. H. H. Giles, official Delegate, Madison.
Rev. John P. Hale, official Delegate, Fond
Du Lac.

Prof. Chas. H. Haskins, Ex-Member State
Board of Charities and Reform.

Rev.1. P. Sawin, official Delegate, Janesville.

[blocks in formation]

Rev. Temple Cutler, Children's Home, Charleston.


Mrs. Helen M. Beveridge, President of Illi-
nois Industrial School for Girls, Evanston.
Phillip G. Gillett, LL.D., Superintendent
Ellinois Institution for Deaf and Dumb, Mrs. Lucy N. Brinkerhoff, Santa Barbara.
Mrs. C. M. Severance, Los Angeles.

Obadiah Huse, Trustee, State Reform School,

Solon Kendall, Trustee, State Reform School,

Daniel Goodwin, Jr., Pres. B'd of Trustees,
Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary


P. B. Loomis, Commissioner of State Board of Charities and Corrections, Jackson.

W. J. Baxter, Secretary of the Board.


Mrs. C. H. Dall, Vice-President American
Social Science Association, Washington.
Hon. George A. Caswell, Commissioner of
Washington Asylum.

Mrs. Sara Andrews Spencer, Associated
Charities Association.

Mrs. Maria L. Walling, District of Columbia
Social Science Association.


Levi L. Barbour, President of Detroit Asso- J. W. Langmuir, Inspector of Asylums, Prisciation of Charities.

W. G. Dewing, Secretary of Children's
Home, Kalamazoo.

Mrs. Jane A. Dewing, Superintendent of
Children's Home, Kalamazoo.

Edward Kauter, President of Poor Commis-
sion, Detroit.


Dr. W. H. Leonard, State Lunacy Commis-
sion, Minneapolis.

E. W. Chase, Superintendent of Society for
Relief of Poor, St. Paul.

ons and Public Charities, Toronto, Ontario.


M. D. Follett, Marietta, Ohio.
T. W. Fisher, M.D., Superintendent of Lu-
natic Hospital, Boston.

Miss A. A. Chevaillier, 10 Marble St., Boston.
Margaret A. Cleaves, M.D., Physician-in-
Chief of Female department State Luna-
tic Hospital, Harrisburg, Pa.

The President then introduced His Excellency Governor Long, of Massachusetts, who delivered an Address welcoming the Conference to Massachusetts. It may be found among the published papers of the Conference (pp. 1-4).

At the conclusion of Governor Long's address, an invitation was extended to all persons present, officially connected with State or Municipal Institutions of Charity or Correction, or with private charities, and all members of the American Social Science Association, to take part in the proceedings of the Conference.

On motion of Mr. Hamilton A. Hill, of Massachusetts, it was voted that the Chair appoint the usual Business Committee, and at the President's suggestion the Committee was enlarged from three to five members, by the addition of two from the city of Boston. The Chair appointed as the Committee:

Mr. Hamilton A. Hill, of Massachusetts,
Dr. Diller Luther, of Pennsylvania,

Mr. George Abbott James, of Massachusetts,
Judge George S. Robinson, of Illinois,

Dr. Charles S. Hoyt, of New York,

On motion of Judge Robinson, the President was also made a member of the committee.

The President announced that Col. T. W. Higginson, of Cambridge, a member of the Massachusetts legislature, desired to offer his services as guide to any members of the Conference who might wish to visit the objects of interests connected with Harvard University.

Col. HIGGINSON: I simply wished to suggest that if any of the members take such a wide view of penal institutions as to include Harvard University, the most important buildings are now open to the public, although there is not a student, nor professor to be seen. The Agassiz Museum, which is admirably arranged; the Peabody Museum, which is very extensive and interesting; the Memorial Hall, which is not only the largest academic hall in the world, but at once the most beautiful and interesting, are all open. If the members would like to visit any of these, it will afford me great pleasure to act as escort and guide, if previous notice can be given.

Announcement was made that reports from the States would be called for by subjects, so that each State might be called on several times.


Rev. F. H. Wines, of Illinois, moved and it was voted, that a Committee of three be appointed by the Chair to consider the subject of an organ, to serve as the medium of exchange for the Conference, the Committee to report at its pleasure. The Chair appointed:

Rev. F. H. Wines, of Illinois; Dr. Charles E. Cadwalader, of Pennsylvania; Robert Treat Paine, Jr., of Massachusetts.

Dr. David Rogers, of New York, presented the Preamble and Resolutions on Immigration, adopted by the Convention of State Superintendents of the Poor, held at Buffalo, N. Y., June 14-16, 1881, and moved their reference to the Committee on Immigration. The Resolutions were read by the Secretary, Rev. J. L. Milligan, and referred to said Committee.

The Business Committee reported the following lists of Boards and Commissions, most of which were represented in the Conference:



There are at present in the United States ten State Boards or Commissions, charged with the general oversight of charitable work in the States where they exist. These Boards, named in the order of seniority, are,—

1. The Massachusetts Board of State Charities, established in 1863; consolidated with the State Board of Health in 1879.

2. The New York State Board of Charities, established in 1867.

3. The Ohio Board of State Charities, established in 1867; reorganized in 1876, and in 1880.

4. The Rhode Island Board of State Charities and Corrections, established in 1869.

5. The Pennsylvania Board of Commissioners of Public Charities, established in 1869.

6. The Illinois Board of State Commissioners of Public Charities, established in 1869.

7. The Wisconsin State Board of Charities and Reform, established in 1871. 8. The Michigan State Board of Corrections and Charities, established in 1871.

9. The Connecticut State Board of Charities, established in 1873; reorganized in 1881.

10. The Kansas State Board of Charities, established in 1875.

A special organization has existed as a State Board in New York since 1847, -the Commissioners of Emigration. There is also a State Prison Commission in Massachusetts and in Connecticut, and a State Board of Supervision of Charitable, Reformatory and Penal Institutions, in Wisconsin.

The present officers and members of the State Boards are as follows:

MASSACHUSETTS. (Term of Office, Five Years.)

Thomas Talbot, Billerica, Chairman; Charles F. Donnelly, Boston, Secretary; Edward Hitchcock, M.D., Amherst; Robert T. Davis, M.D., Fall River; John C. Hoadley, Lawrence; Ezra Parmenter, M.D., Cambridge; Mrs. Clara T. Leonard, Springfield; Alfred Hosmer, M.D., George P. Carter, Cambridge. [Dr. H. B. Wheelwright, Newburyport, Superintendent of OutDoor Poor; S. C. Wrightington, Fall River, Superintendent of In-Door Poor; F. B. Sanborn, Concord, Inspector of Charities; H. P. Walcott, M.D, Cambridge, Health Officer. These four officers are not members of the Board.]

NEW YORK. (Term of Office, Eight Years.)

William P. Letchworth, Buffalo, President; John C. Devereux, Utica, Vice-President; Mrs. C. R. Lowell, No. 120 East Thirtieth Street, New York; Theodore B. Bronson, No. 20 West Twentieth Street, New York; Edward C. Donnelly, Manhattanville, New York; Ripley Ropes, No. 40 Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn; John H. Van Antwerp, Albany; Miss Sarah M. Carpenter, Poughkeepsie; Samuel F. Miller, Franklin, Delaware County; Edward W. Foster, Potsdam, St. Lawrence County; Oscar Craig, Rochester. Ex officio members: The Lieutenant-Governor; Secretary of State; Comptroller; and Attorney-General. Dr. Charles S. Hoyt, Albany, Secretary ; James O. Fanning, Albany, Assistant Secretary.

OHIO. (Term of Office, Three Years.)

Charles Foster, Governor, President, ex officio; John W. Andrews, Columbus; R. Brinkerhoff, Mansfield; Joseph Perkins, Cleveland; Carl Boesel, New Bremen; M. D Carrington, Toledo; W. H. Neff, Cincinnati; Rev. A. G Byers, Columbus, Secretary.

RHODE ISLAND. (Term of Office, Six Years )

George I. Chace, Providence, Chairman; William W. Chapin, Providence, Secretary; Stephen R. Weeden, Providence; Job Kenyon, Warwick; James M. Pendleton, Westerly; Alfred B. Chadsey, Wickford; Lewis B. Smith, Barrington; Thomas Coggeshall, Newport; William H. Hopkins, Providence.

PENNSYLVANIA. (Term of Office, Five Years.)

Mahlon H. Dickinson, Philadelphia, President; James S. Biddle, Philadelphia; George Bullock, West Conshohocken, Montgomery County; Thomas Beaver, Danville; Gen. W. H. H. Davis, Doylestown; Lewis Peterson, Jr., Allegheny; John W. Chalfant, Allegheny; Diller Luther, Reading, General Agent.

ILLINOIS. (Term of Office, Five Years.)

G. S. Robinson, Sycamore, President; J. C. Corbus, Mendota; J. M. Gould, Moline; Dr. F. B. Haller, Vandalia; William A. Grimshaw, Pittsfield; Rev. F. H. Wines, Springfield, Secretary.

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