Dr. David Rogers, of New York (p. 218); Dr. Diller Luther, of Pennsylvania (pp. 218, 219); Hon. A. E. Elmore, of Wisconsin (p. 219); Judge Robinson, of Illinois (pp. 219, 220); Rev. F. H. Wines, of Illinois (p. 220); Mr. Levi L. Barbour, of Michigan (p. 220); Mr. Hamilton A. Hill, of Massachusetts (pp. 220-222); Rev. L. Cooley, of Ohio (pp. 222, 223); Prof. A. O. Wright, of Wisconsin (pp. 223, 224). Judge Robinson brought forward a resolution upon Immigration, which was debated by Dr. Charles S. Hoyt, of New York, and Mrs. Sara A. Spencer, of the District of Columbia. The President announced that the afternoon would be given up to visits to the State Almshouse, at Tewksbury, the Danvers Lunatic Hospital, and the Lancaster Industrial School, and a recess of half an hour was taken by the Conference. At the close of the recess, the Business Committee made a report, through their Chairman, Mr. Hamilton A. Hill, of Boston, recommending (1) that no session be held this evening, and (2) that 2000, or more, copies of the Proceedings of the Conference be printed. The recommendations of the Committee were adopted without dissent. Debate upon Judge Robinson's motion being resumed, remarks were made by Mrs. Sara A. Spencer, of the District of Columbia (p. 224); Mr. Harold Goodwin, of Philadelphia, Pa. (pp. 224, 225); Mr. Moore, of Boston (p. 225); Mrs. C. H. Dall, of Washington, D. C., and Dr. Charles S. Hoyt, of New York. The President also discussed the subject (pp. 225-227); and amendments to the resolution were offered by Rev. F. H. Wines, of Illinois, which were accepted; and the resolution was adopted as printed on page 227. Reports from States were then resumed, and Hon. H. H. Giles made a report for Wisconsin (pp. 228-229); Mr. A. S. Meyrick, for New Jersey (pp. 229-233); and Rev. Marcus Ames, of Providence, spoke for Rhode Island (pp. 215, 216). For the latter State, a report by W. W. Chapin, of the Rhode Island Board of Charities and Corrections, was subsequently forwarded to the President, and appears on papes 214, 215. At 1.30, P. M., the Conference adjourned to Thursday morning. FOURTH DAY'S SESSION. The Conference assembled at 10, A. M. In the absence of Gen. Brinkerhoff, Chairman of the Committee on Organization, Rev. F. H. Wines presented the Report of that Committee, which, on motion of Mr. Hamilton A. Hill, was accepted and adopted by the Conference, as follows: The Committee on Organization respectfully report, That invitations have been received to hold the next annual Conference at Philadelphia, at Louisville, and at Madison, Wisconsin. patient consideration of the arguments advanced in favor of each of these cities, they have, with substantial unanimity, arrived at the conclusion that it is advisable to accept the invitation extended by the State Board of Wisconsin; and they recommend that Hon. Andrew E. Elmore, President of that Board, be chosen as President of the Ninth Annual Conference; also, that the selection of the proper date for the meeting be referred to the Committee on Arrangements, with the power to act. The committee further report the following list of Secretaries for the coming year: Maine, Rev. J. K. Mason: New Hampshire, J. P. Bancroft, M. D.; Vermont, Samuel J. Allen; Massachusetts, Frank B. Sanborn; Rhode Island, George I. Chace; Connecticut, George E. Howe; New York, W. P. Letchworth; Pennsylvania, Diller Luther, M. D.; New Jersey, Samuel Allinson; Ohio, Rev. A. G. Byers; Indiana, Rev. O. C. McCulloch; Illinois, George S. Robinson; Michigan, W. J. Baxter; Wisconsin, H. H. Giles; Minnesota, W. H. Leonard, M. D.; Iowa, C. S. Watkins; Kansas, C. E. Faulkner; Colorado, T. N. Haskell; Missouri, S. M. Breckinridge; Kentucky, P. Caldwell; North Carolina, Eugene Grissom, M. D.; Georgia, F. L. Haralson; Texas, Dudley Wooten; Virginia, Charles P. Bigger; Maryland, C. S. Griffith; California, Frederick Maccutish; District of Columbia, George A. Caswell; Statistical Secretary, Rev. Fred. H. Wines; Honorary Secretary, J. W. Langmuir, of Toronto, Ontario. We recommend that secretaries be appointed by the President of the Conference for the States not named in the foregoing list, on consultation with the governors or other persons fitted to advise as to the propriety of such appointments. It is eminently important that the Conference should assume a national character, and especially that the interest and coöperation of the Southern States be secured. Further reports from the States were called for, and Mr. E. W. Chase, of St. Paul, made a report for Minnesota (pp. 237, 238); Mrs. W. G. Fairbank, of Vergennes, for Vermont (p. 238), and Mr. J. W. Langmuir, Inspector of Prisons and Asylums, of Ontario, for that Province (pp. 238-240). Rev. F. H. Wines in the chair, the Committee on Crime and Penalties were called on for a report. Rev. J. L. Milligan, of Pennsylvania, in the absence of the Chairman, Prof. Wayland, reported for the Committee, presenting a paper by Mr. T. H. Nevin, of Pittsburg, on The Model Prison (pp. 250-252), and also a paper contributed by Hon. Richard Vaux, of Pennsylvania. Portions only of the latter were read to the Conference; an abstract is printed on pp. 253-256. Mr. WINES, Chairman pro tem., said: Mr. Sanborn informs me that it is advisable a paper I was to have read last night should be read now. In order that somebody may call me to order if I transgress, I will ask Mr. Elmore, our President elect for the next Conference, to take the chair. Mr. ELMORE, on taking the chair, said: I don't know whether you expect me to make a speech. If you do, I can only say you will be disappointed; I am a first-class listener, but a fourth-class speaker. My father was a New Englander, and he taught me to think that Boston was the Mecca of the world. I have been told a thousand times by a friend of mine, that his mother used to tell him to see Boston or die a fool. But yet I never saw Boston till last Saturday, old as I am. I have been looking about, and I find there are a great many notions that I don't like, but a good many others that I do like. I have had an ideal Yankee in my mind from my childhood, and I have never seen but one that filled the bill, that is the President of this Conference, Mr. F. B. Sanborn. He fills the bill pretty nearly. No matter where you place him, he is equal to the occasion. He presides well, is a good secretary, as member of the Publishing Committee he cannot be equalled, take him for all in all I think he fills the bill of a Yankee who can do anything, better than any one I ever met. If I were to preside here instead of in Wisconsin, I should have peremptorily refused to accept the position! As it is, I thank you for the honor you have conferred on me, with all my heart. And I will now call on Mr. Wines. Mr. Wines then read the Report of the Statistical Secretary (pp. 196-204). President Sanborn having resumed the chair, called for further Reports from the States. Dr. Charles S. Hoyt, of New York, reported for that State (p. 240). His remarks were interrupted to hear the report of a special committee. Dr. J. K. Mason, for the Committee on the Assassination of President Garfield, reported a preamble and resolutions. Mr. Huse, of Illinois, moved that the report be accepted and adopted. The PRESIDENT: It seemed eminently proper to the Conference that this subject should be referred to a committee, and this committee has now presented in very appropriate language what I doubt not will be the sentiment of the Conference. Dr. SCOTT, of Cleveland, Ohio, as a neighbor of Gen. Garfield, expressed his strong sympathy with the resolutions. I Governor LONG offered an amendment, speaking as follows: am very happy not only to rise to move an amendment to the resolution, but also to second it with all my heart, personally, and on behalf of the Commonwealth which I have the honor to represent. The sympathy of Massachusetts in the recovery of the President comes from the length and breadth of the Commonwealth, is familiar to all present, and is familiar to the world. And the special fitness of the adoption of this resolution by this body is in the fact that it is a representative body, representing a larger portion of the whole country than any conference or any gathering that has met together since the assault on the President; and so in this resolution it represents more than has been represented before, the intense loyalty and sympathy of the whole country. Out of this terrible calamity have come some sweet and graceful and some very significant things; some very valuable things to us as a nation; nothing certainly more significant or more valuable than the general unbounded, unlimited, unsectional expression of patriotism and loyalty. The feeling of sympathy that has been expressed for General Garfield has been a feeling not only for him personally and as President of the United States, but a sentiment of loyalty to the country as represented by him. So I am glad for one that this Conference, representing so many States, has seen fit to propose these resolutions for unanimous adoption. The touching and delicate thing in this matter is after all the domestic affliction. The thing that comes most tenderly home to us all, men and women and families, is the bedside of the President, the bedside by which sits his faithful wife; the associations that go out from the man to his early home, and to the mother who, when the calamity came to her ears, thought not of the President, but of the babe that sat upon her knee. I do not think that we can let these resolutions go, we who represent families, represent home and the tenderest relations of domestic life, without some more definite reference to those two women. I therefore suggest that we amend the resolution by adding "especially with his wife and mother, who have exhibited to the American people the highest example of the fortitude and tenderness of American womanhood." [Loud applause]. The following is the 'resolution as amended: Whereas, a most wicked attempt has been recently made to assassinate the President of the United States, James A. Garfield, thereby filling the hearts of the people, throughout the nation, with horror of the crime, and deepest protracted anxiety for the result, therefore Resolved, That we, the members of this National Conference of Charities and Correction, convened in the city of Boston, and representing different States and institutions of the country, deem it but fitting and just to give formal expression to our grief for the personal suffering he is made to experience; of our sympathy with his family, especially with his wife and mother, who have exhibited to the American people the highest example of the fortitude and tenderness of American womanhood; and of our most ardent hope and prayer that, under a favoring Providence, the purpose of the assassin may be defeated; and that he, towards whom all loyal hearts, irrespective of party or section of country, now beat anxiously and warm, may soon pass the "point of danger" on the way to complete recovery, and a long period of honorable activity for the welfare of our country. The resolution was accepted, and on motion of Mrs. Beveridge, of Illinois, it was voted that it be telegraphed from the Conference to Secretary Blaine, Mrs. Garfield, and the President's mother. Dr. ROGERS: It is not my intention to make any remarks on the resolutions, but my eye caught a quotation in one of the Boston papers from an English paper which speaks so fully the characteristics of our brave President that I beg to read it. GARFIELD. ["He was, Dr. Bliss said, the very best patient he has seen in the course of his surgical practice.] |