| National Education Association of the United States - 1857 - 442 páginas
...River. Rev. Dr. THOMAS HILL delivered a lecture on The Powers to be Educated. Prof. GREENE, moved that a committee of five, be appointed by the Chair to prepare suitable resolutions to be offered at the close of this meeting. Carried. THIRD DAY, August 1, — Morning Session. The... | |
| Henry Barnard - 1864 - 874 páginas
...Rev. Dr. Tin JMAS HILL delivered a lecture on The Powers to be Educated. Prof. GREENE, moved that a committee of five, be appointed by the Chair to prepare suitable resolutions to be offered at the close of this meeting. Carried. THIRD DAY, August 7, — Morning Session, The... | |
| Louisiana. Constitutional Convention, Albert P. Bennett - 1864 - 644 páginas
...and name, with sufficient proof of the same. [The memorial was, on motion, received.] Mr. HILLS — 1 move that a committee of five be appointed by the chair to report next Saturday what appropriations are necessary for the various charitable associations of the... | |
| Henry Barnard - 1864 - 906 páginas
...River. Rev. Dr. THOMAS HILL delivered a lecture on The Powers to be Educated. Prof. GREENE, moved that a committee of five, be appointed by the Chair to prepare suitable resolutions to be offered at the close of this meeting. Carried, THIRD DAY, August 7, — Horning Session. The... | |
| American Gas Light Association - 1879 - 408 páginas
...Association would proceed to the election of officers for the ensuing year. MR. HENRY CARTWRIGHT — I move that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair, to nominate a list of candidates for the offices named in the Constitution, the committee to report as... | |
| 1877 - 738 páginas
...Bigler, Mr. Benjamin, and Mr. Foot, the committee on the part of the Senate. Mr. JONES, of Tennessee. I move that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair, in conformity with the resolution of the Senate. The motion was agreed to. IN SENATE. Monday, February... | |
| United States. Congress - 1877 - 828 páginas
...the part of the Senate. Is THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, February 2, 1857. Mr. JONES, of Tennessee. I move that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair in conformity with the resolution of the Senate. The motion was agreed to; and on February 3 the Speaker... | |
| 1879 - 404 páginas
...file, and spread upon the minutes so that it will appear in the publication. MR. HENRY CARTWRIGHT — I move that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair, to nominate a list of candidates for the offices named in the Constitution, the committee to report as... | |
| Henry Martyn Robert - 1880 - 200 páginas
...motion has been voted on, or even without waiting for such motion, one like this can be offered : " I move that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair to draft a constitution and by-laws for a society for [here state the object], and that they report at... | |
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