Beneath its glowing arch, I see cherubic armies march, I hear at morn and even, At noon and midnight hour, The choral harmonies of heaven Earth's Babel tongues o'erpower. Then, then I feel that he, In darkness as in light, Hidden alike from view, I sleep, I wake, as in his sight, Who looks all nature through. All that I am, have been, How can I meet his eyes? And own my life a Saviour's prize, "For ever with the Lord!" The promise of that faithful word, Be thou at my right hand, So when my latest breath Shall rend the veil in twain, By death I shall escape from death, And life eternal gain. Knowing as I am known, How shall I love that word, And oft repeat before the throne, "For ever with the Lord!" Then, though the soul enjoy Communion high and sweet, While worms this body must destroy, Both shall in glory meet. The trump of final doom Will speak the selfsame word, And Heaven's voice thunder through the tomb, "For ever with the LORD!" The tomb shall echo deep That death-awakening sound; The saints shall hear it in their sleep, Then, upward as they fly, Shall be their shout of victory, "For ever with the LORD !" That resurrection-word, That shout of victory, Once more," For ever with the Lord f* Amen; so let it be ! INDEX OF FIRST LINES. A CHARGE to keep I have....... A fountain of life and of grace... Am I a soldier of the cross?. And am I only born to die?. C. Wesley. 845 Watts. 417 C. Wesley. 547 Swain. 342 C. Wesley. 503 Couper. 564 ..L. Gediske. 498 Mrs. Mackay. 579 Cowper. 33 386 Newton. 155 Toplady. 469 Be still my heart, these anxious cares.. Newton. 524 157 Breast the wave, Christian 328 Brethren, while we sojourn here... 4S9 G. IHerbert. 525 Christ, of all my hopes the ground.. Windham, 262 .Beddome. 276 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly dove.... Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove... Come, humble sinner, in whose breast Watts. 443 Jones. 373 Come let us anew our journey pursue, Roll....... C. Wesley. 257 Come let us join our friends above,. Come, O thou universal Good Come, sinner, to the gospel feast. Come to Calvary's holy mountain.. DARK and thorny is the desert.. ....C. Wesley. 396 .... Newton, 560 .....C. Wesley. 552 .. Robinson. 413 Watts, 232 Hart. 514 .. Newton. 330 Cowper 240 88 150 Toplady. 227 |