Imágenes de páginas

Beneath its glowing arch,
Along the hallowed ground,

I see cherubic armies march,
A camp of fire around.

I hear at morn and even, At noon and midnight hour, The choral harmonies of heaven Earth's Babel tongues o'erpower.

Then, then I feel that he,
(Remembered or forgot,)
The LORD, is never far from me,
Though I perceive him not.

In darkness as in light, Hidden alike from view, I sleep, I wake, as in his sight, Who looks all nature through.

All that I am, have been,
All that I yet may be,
He sees at once, as he hath seen,
And shall for ever see.

How can I meet his eyes?
Mine on the cross I cast

And own my life a Saviour's prize,
Mercy from first to last.

"For ever with the Lord!"
-Father, if 'tis thy will,

The promise of that faithful word,
Even here to me fulfil.

Be thou at my right hand,
Then can I never fail;
Uphold thou me, and I shall stand,
Fight, and I must prevail.

So when my latest breath

Shall rend the veil in twain, By death I shall escape from death, And life eternal gain.

Knowing as I am known,

How shall I love that word, And oft repeat before the throne, "For ever with the Lord!"

Then, though the soul enjoy Communion high and sweet, While worms this body must destroy, Both shall in glory meet.

The trump of final doom

Will speak the selfsame word,

And Heaven's voice thunder through the tomb,

"For ever with the LORD!"

The tomb shall echo deep

That death-awakening sound;

The saints shall hear it in their sleep,
And answer from the ground.

Then, upward as they fly,
That resurrection-word,

Shall be their shout of victory,

"For ever with the LORD !"

That resurrection-word,

That shout of victory,

Once more," For ever with the Lord f*

Amen; so let it be !


A CHARGE to keep I have.......
A debtor to mercy alone

A fountain of life and of grace...
Ah, dearest Lord, I cannot pray......
Alas what hourly dangers rise...
All hail the power of Jesus' name..
All people that on earth do dwell..
All praise to the Lamb, accepted I am.
Am I an Israelite indeed?.

Am I a soldier of the cross?.

[blocks in formation]

And am I only born to die?.
And let this feeble body fail.
And may I hope that when no more.
Appointed by thee, we meet in thy name.
Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat.
Arise, my soul, arise......
Arise, my soul, to Pisgah's height.
As God leads me will I go.....
Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep.
As birds their infant brood protect.
As those that watch for the day...
As when the weary traveller gains.
At anchor laid, remote from home.

C. Wesley. 845
Beddome. 18

Watts. 417

C. Wesley. 547
C. Wesley. 346

Swain. 342

C. Wesley. 503

Couper. 564
C. Wesley. 595

..L. Gediske. 498

Mrs. Mackay. 579

Cowper. 33


Newton. 155

Toplady. 469

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Be still my heart, these anxious cares..
Be still my soul, the Lord is on thy side..

Newton. 524


Breast the wave, Christian


Brethren, while we sojourn here...
But that thou art my wisdom, Lord


G. IHerbert. 525

[blocks in formation]

Christ, of all my hopes the ground..
Christ the Lord in death-bonds lay..
Christ, whose glory fills the skies..
Come, children! on; this way.....
Come forth! come on, with solemn song

Windham, 262
M. Luther. 432
Toplady. 292
Tersteegen. 224
F. Sachse. 424
.. Browne. 266
Hart. 65

.Beddome. 276

Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly dove....
Come, Holy Spirit, come, Let thy...
Come, Holy Spirit, come, With...

Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove...

Come, humble sinner, in whose breast

Watts. 443

Jones. 373

Come let us anew our journey pursue, Roll....... C. Wesley. 257
Come let us anew our journey pursue, With.....C. Wesley. 213

Come let us join our friends above,.
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare..

Come, O thou universal Good

Come, sinner, to the gospel feast.
Come thou Fount of every blessing.
Cometh sunshine after rain

Come to Calvary's holy mountain..
Come to the morning prayer.....
Come we who love the Lord.
Come ye sinners, poor and wretched..
Could the creatures help or ease us
Courage, my soul! behold the prize..

DARK and thorny is the desert..
Dear Lord, though bitter is the cup.
Deathless principle, arise...
Depth of mercy! can there be.......
Does the gospel word proclaim

....C. Wesley. 396

.... Newton, 560

.....C. Wesley. 552

.. Robinson. 413
Paul Gerhardt. 536
Montgomery. 145
Montgomery. 148

Watts, 232

Hart. 514

.. Newton.


Cowper 240



Toplady. 227
C. Wesley. 460
Newton. 872

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