260 HYMN FOR GRADUATING CLASS OF DIVINITY SCHOOL. We fear no conflicts with Christ's banner o'er us; We dread no ill beneath our Shepherd's rod; His strength and peace, his cross and heaven, before us, Shall arm our feeble faith, And quell the darts of death, And win immortal succor through the grace of God. Glory and honor be to Him forever, Who aids and cheers us with auspicious nod; To him be consecrate all high endeavor; Till For him all toils be done, For him all trophies won, grace shall crown our souls before the throne of God. TO MARY, ON HER BIRTHDAY. Fairfield, Conn., October 2, 1828. "THE dawn is overcast; the morning lowers, Many returns to you of this sweet day! And each return more happy than the last! Peace to your heart, as thoughtful you survey The various fortunes of the checkered past; And bright and glorious be the visions given That clothe your coming years in hues of heaven. SONG, FOR THE ABBOT FESTIVAL, Exeter, N. H., August 23, 1838. Tune, SANDY AND JENNY. FROM the highways and byways of manhood we come, The senator comes from the hall of debate, The parson his pulpit has left unsupplied, The lawyer his client has turned from the door, O, glad to our eyes are these dear scenes displayed, The halls where we studied, the fields where we strayed; There is change, there is change; but we will not deplore; Enough that we feel ourselves schoolboys once more. Enough that once more our old master we meet, And when to the harsh scenes of life we return, HYMN. FAMILY MEETING. August 20, 1835. In this glad hour, when children meet, One song of praise our voices sing. For all the faithful, loved and dear, For every past and present joy, For honor, competence, and health, For hopes which time may not destroy, Our soul's imperishable wealth; For all, accept our humble praise; |