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for them as the proper foundation of that practical reverence and regard they are to pay him in all holy conversation and godliness, after the bright example he hath set them.

Now you are all called and invited to become his disciples, and to learn of him; you have all of you sufficient leisure to think on these all important subjects, even at home in your own houses, and with your families, but especially by meeting together for public worship, are they presented and pressed upon you. Do not, therefore, waste that leisure in careless indolence or sinful idleness, or make a preached gospel the savour of death to your souls, but wisely improve every opportunity GoD affords you, to bring your heart more and more under the influence of revealed truth, and your life under the law of faith. This is the fruit which the LORD of the vineyard requires, and which alone he will accept at your hands.

Had the husbandmen in the parable rightly considered who the last messenger was their master sent to them, how just the demand he came to make of them, what forbearance and indulgence the Father had already showed them, with the consequences that must inevitably follow, if they persisted in their rebellion-had they reflected at all on these things, they would doubtless have repented of their past iniquity, and received him with becoming marks of humiliation and sorrow. But, alas! they did not give themselves time to reflect, as soon as they saw him they determined to murder him. This is the heir, come let And thus do unreflect

us kill him and seize on his inheritance. ing sinners deny the LORD that bought them, and full of themselves, and ripe in rebellion, turn away from the word of the truth of the gospel, beholding no form or comeliness in JESUS CHRIST, that they should desire him.

Secondly, we must show our reverence for the Son of GOD and for the gospel which he brought to us from his Father, not only by having and maintaining an habitual sense of its excellence and importance in our minds, together with the practice of its duties in our lives, but, also, by being earnest for its credit and advancement in the world, beginning with our families and branching out as far as ability and opportunity serve. This will lead us to avoid the company and fellowship VOL. II.-32

his religion, is, seriously to consider what in truth it is, the purpose it is to answer, and our need of such effectual help. To drown such a reasonable duty, either in the cares or the pleasures of life, or by the shorter process of unbelief; to dismiss the claims of our souls, and join the great multitude who live here as if there was no hereafter; no GOD, no Saviour, no heaven, no hell; or if they acknowledge GoD and a future state yet will take no pains to ascertain whether he has spoken to us, and what he has said concerning our future interests, but risk their eternal all upon the sandy foundation of some notion of their own shallow conceptions-why what is this but to count ourselves, and to show that we are, unworthy of that eternal life to which, nevertheless, we vainly hope to come. My hearers, see that ye refuse not him that speaketh from heaven, for it is a complete bar, while it is persisted in, to all religious advancement, to all sense of favour conferred on us through him, to any regard for his person, or interest in the mercy he hath purchased for a world of sinners; it dries up the very springs of faith and love in our hearts, for the source of all gratitude is the remembrance of our benefactors, of the favours we have received from them. And it is infinitely more owing to inattention than to ignorance, that men are so little moved with the arguments of religion, so little affected, so slightly influenced by them.

We too seldom consider the dignified character of that Son of GOD who was sent to us by the Father, or the commanding nature of the business on which he was sent, and of course forget and become dead to the regards we owe to his person, as well as his office. Whereas if these subjects were made familiar to our thoughts, and thus came to possess our hearts, which they would surely soon do, they could not fail to produce those outward expressions of reverence, and that conscientious care to fulfil our duties, which is the only evidence of the religious principle being formed within us.

It was certainly upon this principle that our blessed LORD originally instituted the sacrament of the last supper, which was designed to cherish and keep alive, in the minds of his disciples, the remembrance of himself, of his ministry upon earth, of the relation he bears to them, of the great things he did and suffered

for them as the proper foundation of that practical reverence and regard they are to pay him in all holy conversation and godliness, after the bright example he hath set them.

Now you are all called and invited to become his disciples, and to learn of him; you have all of you sufficient leisure to think on these all important subjects, even at home in your own houses, and with your families, but especially by meeting together for public worship, are they presented and pressed upon you. Do not, therefore, waste that leisure in careless indolence or sinful idleness, or make a preached gospel the savour of death to your souls, but wisely improve every opportunity GoD affords you, to bring your heart more and more under the influence of revealed truth, and your life under the law of faith. This is the fruit which the LORD of the vineyard requires, and which alone he will accept at your hands.

Had the husbandmen in the parable rightly considered who the last messenger was their master sent to them, how just the demand he came to make of them, what forbearance and indulgence the Father had already showed them, with the consequences that must inevitably follow, if they persisted in their rebellion-had they reflected at all on these things, they would doubtless have repented of their past iniquity, and received him with becoming marks of humiliation and sorrow. But, alas! they did not give themselves time to reflect, as soon as they saw him they determined to murder him. This is the heir, come let And thus do unreflect

us kill him and seize on his inheritance. ing sinners deny the LORD that bought them, and full of themselves, and ripe in rebellion, turn away from the word of the truth of the gospel, beholding no form or comeliness in JESUS CHRIST, that they should desire him.

Secondly, we must show our reverence for the Son of GOD and for the gospel which he brought to us from his Father, not only by having and maintaining an habitual sense of its excellence and importance in our minds, together with the practice of its duties in our lives, but, also, by being earnest for its credit and advancement in the world, beginning with our families and branching out as far as ability and opportunity serve. This will lead us to avoid the company and fellowship VOL. II.-32

of all persons who, like Solomon's fools, make a mock at sin, or treat religion scornfully, or who speak irreverently of GoD, profaning his holy name, or lightly or disrespectfully of our Maker and only Saviour JESUS CHRIST. Especially will it lead us to be watchful against all such abominations in our own families. The very sound of profligate, profane discourse, damps that reverence for sacred subjects which almost every creature feels, until corrupted by some such wicked art. With respect to young people more especially, the effect is dreadful. It destroys their native diffidence, sows the seeds of impiety in their tender minds, draws out the latent hostility of the carnal mind to GOD, and is often the first cause of their everlasting ruin. Indeed, to those who are more advanced in life the influence of such associates is always more or less injurious; for there is an insensible conformity in the thoughts, words, and actions of those who live much together, which marks distinctly the tenour of their conversation in life.

Let us imagine a number of men in a similar situation with the husbandmen in the parable. Let us moreover suppose that only some of them had a design to abuse their master in the manner there described, and that these wanted to bring the others over to their schemes. They would naturally begin with arguing them into a contempt for their master, making light of his authority and power to punish, ridiculing their fears, scoffing at a danger so remote, and inflaming their passions with the present enjoyments and advantages their crime would put them in possession of. By which means they would not only harden themselves, but gradually infuse their poison into the hearts of the better disposed, until they were all mad enough to join in any desperate project. In like manner does it come to pass in the world, where the young, and thoughtless, and comparatively innocent are exposed to the contagious company of the profane or practical despisers of CHRIST and his gospel. The impious jest, the well-turned ridicule, the bold unbelief, the cool defiance of heaven and hell manifested by such persons, gradually overcome the guards both of nature and grace, set the passions in a flame, and by magnifying the pleasures of a life set free from the restraints of religion, tempt them to pluck the forbidden

fruit, and to become as miserable as their tempters. And shall no voice be lifted up in behalf of the young and rising hope of this gospel land, and ring in the ears of professing parents their bounden duty in this respect. Yes, my brethren, there shall be one, who, however lightly esteemed, shall not fail fearlessly to counsel you to shut your doors against the irreligious and ungodly, however amiable their manners or pleasing their conversation; for the master whom they serve is ever on the watch to prompt and to give the opportunity to counteract your pious care, and to sow those bitter seeds whose certain fruit is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

Thirdly and lastly, the strongest proof we can give of our reverence for the Son of God will be, sincerely and thankfully to own and acknowledge him in all the dignity of his character, faithfully to obey his laws, and diligently to copy the bright example he hath left us.

It is set forth to us in the parable, my hearers, that the business on which the servants, and last of all the son himself was sent, was to receive the fruits of the vineyard. In like manner it is required of us to render to our Master and only Saviour JESUS CHRIST those fruits of the gospel which it was designed to produce in us. Now by those fruits the Scriptures universally mean the good influence which religion has upon our conduct in life, in the exercise of faith, hope, and charity. Teaching us that a holy and righteous conversation in the world is as essential to the character of a Christian, as the production of its proper fruit is to the value of a tree in your garden; and as every such tree that bears no fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire, so will GOD finally destroy every man who openly disclaims the gospel, or who pretends to be religious while he is barren of good works.

And is this the unalterable truth of heaven's unchangeable decree? Then GoD be merciful to this barren gospel landGod be merciful to the thousands who hear the joyful sound of salvation through the Son of GOD, yet are like the deaf adder which will not be charmed. GOD be merciful to those who, led away with the error of the wicked, openly deny the LORD who bought them, and not only refuse the fruits in their season, but

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