0 OLD HUMPHREY'S WALKS IN LONDON AND ITS NEIGHBORHOOD. Recall thy wandering eyes from distant lands, REVISED BY THOMAS O. SUMMERS, D.D. Nashville, Tenn.: PUBLISHED BY E. STEVENSON & F. A. OWEN, AGENTS. FOR THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH. HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY THE BEQUEST OF Prefatory Note. Mogridge, Prove THIS volume is one of a series of books from the ready and prolific pen of the late George Mogridge - better known by his nom de plume, "Old Humphrey." Most of his works were written for the London Religious Tract Society, and were originally issued under the auspices of that excellent institution. In revising them for our catalogue, we have found it necessary to make scarcely any alterations. A "Memoir of Old Humphrey, with Gleanings from his Portfolio" -a charming biography-accompanies our edition of his most interesting works. Every Sunday-school and Family Library should be supplied with the entertaining and useful productions of Old Humphrey's versatile and sanctified genius. NASHVILLE, TENN., Sept. 27, 1855. T. O. SUMMERS. |