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Every one in the general Judgment rewarded according to his works.

Rev. 20. xii. And the dead fhall be judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

A FUTURE and general judgment after the refurre&ion has already been proved, as alfo the exceeding great difference in the views and feelings of mankind now and hereafter, and the wonderful diftinction which will at that time appear between faints and finners. We fhall now attend to the fubje&t in a different way, or rather confider another branch of it. The apostle John, after he had been led by the fpirit of God to give a prophetic hiftory of all the important affairs, which relate to the church militant, the deftru&tion of the antichriflian powers, the binding Satan a thousand years, the latter day glory, his being loofed again, his deceiving the aations and the great wickedness and perfecution which thall again prevail on the earth, by Gog and Magog, and then when there will be no religion, and scarcely faith to be found on the earth, opens

the general judgment fuddenly and unexpectedly. He informs us, that he faw in his vifion of faturity, a great white throne. even the magnificent throne of judgment, the whiteness of which holds forth its fpotless purity, and the perfectly righte ous and impartial judge who tht thereon, even the Lord Jefus Christ, before whofe refulgent glory, the earth and the heavens fied away, the elements dulolved and melted at his appearance, and the prefent frame of things fo entirely vanifhed, that there was found no place for them. And then he beheld the affembled univerfe of angels and men, and the folemn procefs of the final judgment was indituted. Hence he fays, "I faw the "dead fmall and great and before God, and the books were “opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of "life." Here he beheld all, both righteous and wicked, both high and low, young and old, all who have exifted from the beginning to the end of time, collected in one immenfe affembly, which no man can number. And the books likewife were opened By books is undoubtedly intended, the record of all the conduct of intelligent creatures, and the rules by which they are to be tried and judged. Thefe two things are abfo lutely neceffaty to be produced in judgment, the facts, and the rule according to which thefe facts are to be tried.

The books are here mentioned in the plural number, which evidently teaches us that there will be more than one. There will be the book of divine omnifcience-the book of confcience, -and the book containing the rules of judgment.

The book of divine cmniftience containing a perfect record of all the thoughts, words and actions of every intelligent creature that ever has exifted. The book of confcience, which is in the breast of every one, will perfectly anfwer to the entry. It will bear irrefiftible teftimony, that all the things recorded. therein are accurate, juft and true. Men in this life forget the greatest portion of their condu, yet in that grand day

when all things fhall be brought into review before them, then their memories will be awfully refreshed, their recollection will be rendered dreadfully perfect, and their confciences will teftify that the whole record is right, that there is not an iota added to or diminished from their thoughts, words or actions.Then the next book will be opened, which contains the rules of judgment. All means, opportunities and advantages from the works of creation, the light of nature difplayed therefrom, the revelation from heaven both verbal and written, whereby they might have known and ferved God, will be the laws by which they fhall be judged. The works and light of nature are a ftanding rule to all, and in addition hereto, there has been an abundance of oral and written revelation given to the world. Those who lived from Adam to the flood, will be judged by the works of nature and the oral revelation which was granted to mankind during this period. And you will please to obferve, their revelation was very fufficient for all the purposes of religion required. From the death of Adam, to whom the fum of all revelation was given, the promise of a Saviour, and no doubt was propagated through his pofterity, to the birth of Noah, the father of the new world after the flood, was little more than one hundred years. So that portion of the world was furnished with a full revelation, which will be the rule of judgment in their cafe. Those who lived from the flood to Mofes, had not only the antideluvian revelation, but all that which was given to Noah, therefore this divifion of the world will be judged by the light afforded From Mofes to Chrift there was not only the former light in the world, but there was all the additional revelation given to mankind by Mofes and the prophets, and this reduced to writing, fo not liable to be corrupted like oral tradition or verbal revelation. This will be the rule of judgment for this great period of the world. From Chrift to the end of time, the light of the gospel will be added as the rule of trial of all those who have enjoyed the fame. And all who may be ftiled heathens


or pagans, and never have been favoured with any kind of revelation, they shall be judged by the law of nature. To this St. Paul has an evident reference when he fays, "As ma"ny as have finned without law, fhall perifh without law, and "as many as have finned in the law, fhall be judged by the

law" Thus, thefe will be the rules by which all will be tried. Befides thefe, we are told there will be another book produced which is the book of life; in this all the names of the redeemed are enrolled. Then we are informed the books being thus opened, "That the dead were judged out of those things "which were written in the books, according to their works." We are not to understand what we literally mean by books, but only that all things fhall be as plain and evident, as tho' they were recorded in folios and ledgers.

And when the whole procefs fhall have been paffed through, whether it will last a thousand years or one day, both of which are alike to God, and equally unknown to us, the judge will pronounce the final fentence of acquital and condemnation according as every one's works fhall appear. Thus fays Christ "Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give "every man according as his works fhall be." How often is this idea repeated in the accounts of the laft judgment, that every man fhall be rewarded according to his works. In this manner fpeaks the apofle Paul, "God will render to every "man according to his works; to them who by patient conti "nuance in well doing, feck for glory and honor and immor"tality, eternal life; but unto them that are contentious, and "do not obey the truth, but obey umtighteousness, indignation "and wrath." It is abundantly taught throughout the facred oracles, that all who will be finally fayed, their falvation will be owing to pure, free and unmeritted grace, through the righteousness and atonement of Jefus Christ the Redeemer; and that the wicked fhall be condemned for their works of iniquity. Yet it is univerfally afferted that in the last judgment

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the juflified fhall be tried and rewarded according to their deeds as well as the condemned. Here it is affirmed in our text, that the good as well, s bal fhall be judged ccording to their works. Since this is the cafe, that mankind shall finally be tried by their works, and those who are saved will be faved by abfolute grace, it is of fome importance that we fhould attend to and understand this matter.

The obfervation is evidently this; that in the final judg· ment, mankind will be exadly tried according to the evidence. of their works, whether good or bad, and they will receive future rewards precifely according to the nature and proportion of thefe works.

Perhaps the tender hearted chriftian may be here ready to fay, "If this be the cafe, I am undone, for of my best works I fhall be ashamed in the prefence of the univerfe, and all my hope and dependence for heaven has brea upon fovereign grace and free mercy as revealed in the gospel. Farewel eternal life." Fut, O chriftian, allow me to bespeak calmnes

and patience for a moment, until you fhall hear the fcriptural account of this matter.

But on the other hand, the felf corfid nt and prefumptueus fianer, it may be is faying, "This doctrine perfectly pleafes my heart, for though I have been wicked, I have done mary good things, which I know muft out balance my evil conduâ when weighed in equal feales, and I always was of the opinion that I fhould be judged and rewarded according to the nature and proportion of my works, therefore I am fully affired all will be well with me at lat." But let me alfo entreat you, not to draw the mistaken conclufions of comfort too haftily, till the matter is weighed in the balances of the fanctuary, and the cauf he deri led by divine truth.

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