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For a thousand years in thy fight are but as yesterday; feeing that is past as a watch in the night.


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As foon as thou scattereft them, they are even as a neep, and fade away fuddenly like the grafs. sar In the morning it is green, and groweth up; but in the evening it is cut down, dried upsdand withered.....

Do Fortwe: confume away in thy difpleasure and are afraid dat thy wrathful indignation.

Thou haft fet our misdeeds before thee; and our fecret fins in the light of thy coun1stenance. 69 9116 Yat: For when thou art angry, all our days are gone: We bring our years, to an end, Was it were a tale that is told.

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So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wifdom.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghoft,


As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever fhall be, world without end. Amen.

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Then fball follow the Leffon, taken out of the fifteenth Chapter of the first Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians. 1 Cor. XV. 20.

OW is Chrift rifen from


the dead, and become the firft fruits of them that flept. For fince by man came death, by man came alfo the refurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, seven fo in Chrift fhall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Chrift the firstfruits; afterward they that are Chrift's, at his coming. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he thall have put down all rule, and allauthority, and power. For he



must reign till he hath put all that which thou foweft, thou


foweft not that body that shall
be, but bare grain; it may
chance of wheat, or of fome
other grain. But God giveth it
a body as it hath pleafed him
and to every feed his own bo-
dy. All flesh is not the fame
fiefh; but there is one kind
of flesh of men, another flesh
of beafts, another of fishes,
and another of birds. There.
are alfo celeftial bodies, and
bodies terreftrial: But the
glory of the celeftial is one,
and the glory of the terreftrial
is another.
There is one

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enemies under his feet. The laft enemy that shall be deftroyed is death: for he hath put all things under his feet, But when he faith all things are put under him, it is manifeft that he is excepted which did put all things under him. And when all things fhall be fubdued unto him, then fhall the Son alfo himfelf be fubject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. Elfe what fhall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why glory of the fun, and another are they then baptized for the glory of the moon, and anodead? And why ftand we in ther glory of the ftars: For i jeopardy every hour? I pro- one ftar differeth from another teft by your rejoicing, which ftar in glory. So alfo is the I have in Chrift Jefus our refurrection of the dead. It! Lord, I die daily. If after is fown in corruption; it is the manner of men I have raised in incorruption : It is fought with beafts at Ephefus, fown in difhonour; it is raised what advantageth it me, if in glory: It is fown in weak-1 the dead rife not? let us eat nefs; it is raised in power: It. and drink, for to-morrow we is fown a natural body it is die. Be not deceived: Evil raised a fpiritual body. There communications corrupt good is a natural body, and there is manners. Awake to righte- a fpiritual body. And fo it is oufness, and fin not: for fome written, The firft man Adam have not the knowledge of was made a living foul, the God. I fpeak, this to your laft Adam was made a quickfhame. But fome man will ening fpirit. Howbeit, that fay, How are the dead railed was not firft which is fpiritual, up ? and with what body do but that which is natural; they come? Thou fool, that afterward that which is fpiriwhich thou foweft is not tual. The first man is of the quickened, except it die. And earth, earthy: The fecond





mant is the Lord from heaven. of the Lord; forafmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

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When they come to the grave, while the Corpfe is made ready to be laid into the earth, fhall be fung or faid,

AN, that is born of a


Asis the earthy, fuch are they that are earthy and as is the heavenly, fuch are they alfö that are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall alfo bear the image of the heavenly. Now this I fay, brethren, that fleth and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I fhow you a mystery: We fhall not all fleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the laft trump: For the trumpet fhall found, and the dead fhall In the midst of life we are be raised incorruptible, and in death: Of whom may we we shall be changed. For feek for fuccour, but of thee, this corruptible must put on O Lord, who for our fins art incorruption, and this mortal justly displeased? must put on immortality. So


fhort time to live, and is full woman, hath but a of mifery. He cometh up, and is cut down like a flower; he fleeth as it were a fhadow, and never continueth in one stay.

when this corruptible fhall holy, O Lord moft mighty, Yet, O Lord God moft. have put on incorruption, and O holy and moft merciful this mortal fhall have put on Saviour, deliver us not into immortality, then fhall be the bitter pains of eternal brought to pass the saying that death. is written, Death is fwallowed up in victory. O death, Thou knoweft, Lord, the where is thy fting? O grave, fecrets of our hearts: Shut where is thy victory? The not thy merciful ears to our fting of death is fin, and the prayers; but fpare us, Lord ftrength of fin is the law. But moft holy, O God most thanks be to God, which give eth us the victory, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. There fore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfaft, unmoveable, al ways abounding in the work

mighty, O holy and merciful Saviour, thou moft worthy Judge eternal, fuffer us not, at our laft hour, for any pains of death to fall from thee.


Then, while the Earth Shall come Thy Will be done on be caft upon the Body by fome Earth, passat ishin Heaven af Standing by the Minister shalt Give us this day tour daily -day ads arise τοτε και bread ; and forgive us our DORASMUCH as it hath trespasses, as we forgive those

Estrellas en

in his wife Providence, to take lead us not into temptation out of this world the Soul of But deliver us from evil. Amen.

our deceafed Brother, we there Then the Miniften shall fay fore commit bis Body to the irone on both of the following ground; earth to earth, ashes i Prayers, wat bis difcretions to to ashes, dust to dust look- ALMIGHTY God, with ing for the general Refurrec- A whom do live the spie tion in the last Day, and the rits of those who depart hence life of the World to come, in the Lord; and with whom through our Lord Jesus the fouls of the faithful, afChrift; at whose second com- ter they are delivered from the ing in glorious Majesty to burthen of the flesh, are in judge the world, the Earth joy and felicity; we give thee and the Sea shall give up their hearty thanks, for the good Dead, and the corruptible examples of all those thy ferBodies of those who fleep in vants, who, having finished him shall be changed, and their course in faith, do now made like unto his own glo- rest from their labours And rious Body; according to the we beseech thee, that we, mighty working whereby he with all those who are depart is able to fubdue all things unto himself.

Then shall be faid, or fung, Heard a voice from heaven, faying unto me, Write,

ed in the true faith of thy holy Name,may have our perfect confummation and bliss, both in body and foul, in thy eternal and everlasting From henceforth bleffed are glory, through Jesus Chrift the dead who die in the our Lord. Amenovich Is Lord even fo faith the Spir Merciful God, the Farit; for they rest from their ther of our Lord Jesus labours. Rev. xiv. 1881 Chrift, who is the refurrection Then the Minister shall fay and the life, in whom whozeither Lardis Prament I foever believeth, shall live, though he die; and whofo ever liveth and believeth him, hall not die eternally;

UR Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name: Thy Kingdom






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To This Services or the concluding Prayer alone, as it stands
Demong the Occafional Prayers and Thanksgivings, may be used
vat the discretion of the Minister.


The Woman, at the usual Time after her Delivery, shall come
dinto the Ghurab decently apparelled, and there shall kneel down
Tuin fome convenient place, as bath been accustomed, or as the Ordi-
Ennary Shail direct: And then the Priest shall fay unto her,


as it hath

Dilexi, quoniam.
pleased Almighty God,
of his goodnets, to give you
I Am well pleased that the
Lord hath heard the voice
fafe deliverance, and to pre- of my prayer bab alt
ferve you in the great danger That he hath inclined his
of Child-birth; you shall ear unto me: Therefore will
therefore give hearty thanks I call upon him as long as I
unto God, and say,sively in a PT
ile. 19797901 I found trouble and heavi-


Then shall the Minister Jay

the following Hymn, taken
from the 11th Pfalm.

nefs, and I called upon the
Name of the Lord, O Lord, I
beleech thee, deliver my foul.



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