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Hosanna to the Incarnate Word,
Who from the Father came:
Ascribe salvation to the Lord,

With blessings on his name.

Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the Highest !

The venerable Dr. MARSH then addressed them after which most of them left the Meeting. The address to these Hebrew children is equally calculated to benefit young English Christians, and, therefore, a considerable part of it is here given. May it not only give instruction, but, by the blessing of God, be profitable to many souls!

"Dear children! All men naturally seek after happiness; but happiness can never be found except in true religion. Remember that true religion consists in scriptural knowledge, and in the love and the service of God. It is revealed in the Scriptures, in doctrine, precept, and promise: and also embodied in certain characters, to show us, that men of like passions with ourselves can be partakers of its blessings. Therefore, on former occasions, I showed you how it was embodied in patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, all men of your honoured nation. To-day, I shall occupy your attention, and that of this great assembly, for a few minutes, by bringing the matter nearer home to yourselves, by showing you, dear children, from those Scriptures, how true religion has dwelt in very young persons. Abel and Enoch are said to have been the youngest of the patriarchs, and they walked with God,' an expression which implies that they knew him, loved him, and served him. But I want to bring it nearer to yourselves. Let me

mention Joseph. When he was seventeen years old, he was sold into Egypt. He greatly feared to sin against God: and you know how God honoured him; for, after a time, he taught the Egyptian senators wisdom. Isaac was young when he was willing to be offered as a sacrifice to God; and his name is recorded with honour. Samuel! How young was he! He was but a child, and was dedicated to the Lord, and the Lord revealed himself to him; and I hope what Samuel said will, when you read your Bibles, be the language of your hearts Speak, for thy servant heareth.' David is said to have been only about fifteen years of age when he fought with the lion and the bear, and, trusting in the Lord, he conquered them both. Josiah, when he was only eight years old manifested real piety; and, when he was twelve years old, became a great reformer of the abuses, which had crept into his kingdom, through the wickedness of men. Like good Josiah, was our King Edward VI., who, when quite a youth, feared God. He had such a reverence for the Bible, that, when an individual stood upon it, merely as a stool to reach another book in the library, he was so affected that he reproved that person, and took the Bible up and kissed it. He, like Josiah, was a reforming king. Recollect, dear children, and all our dear children, that there is no true reformation without the Bible; and that the love of the Bible is a true mark of the Church of God. Daniel and his companions were young; and yet the one would go into the lions' den, rather than not pray to God, and make a public profession of his faith and the others would rather go into the fiery furnace, than fall down and worship the

In his

golden image which Nebuchadnezzar, the king, had set up. Let me bring you to the New Testament. You know it is said of Timothy, From a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through faith that is in Christ Jesus.' It appears that his mother and his excellent grandmother taught him when a child the holy Scriptures. And let me allude, for a single moment, to the great Master himself, the Lord of these patriarchs, the Lord of these prophets, the Lord of the apostles, the Lord of all, both Jew and Gentile. human nature he was subject to Mary, the mother of that human nature, and to Joseph, his reputed father, leaving in this an example to children. At twelve years of age, we find him in the temple in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them and asking them questions.' What an example, dear children, to you! When you hear the Gospel preached, or read the holy Scriptures, if there be anything you do not understand, you must ask your ministers what is the meaning of this, and what is the meaning of that? But having referred to our blessed Redeemer, I need not tell you, and yet I should always remind you, that he is the Saviour of children, that he loves little children; He took them in his arms and blessed them.' You know, that on a memorable occasion, when he was entering Jerusalem, children cried, Hosannah to the Son of David!' Nor did their zeal offend Him, But as He rode along,

He bade them still attend Him,

Well pleased to hear their song.
Hosannah to Jesus, our King!

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Dear children, he is still well pleased with that

song. Sure I am he smiles upon you, if the song of your hearts be, Hosannah to Jesus, our King!' And it is our prayer that he' may lift up the light of his countenance upon you, and that you may sing Hosannah' in time, and 'Hallelujah' in eternity. Let me only farther advert to a ceremony under the Levitical dispensation. Green ears of corn were as acceptable to God as the ripe fruit. Yes, in your youth, if you pray to him, if you pray for his Spirit, if you devote yourselves thus to his service, if your heart be with him, young as you are, he will be well pleased, and you shall be as fruits acceptable to him, though you are but as green ears of corn. Then, dear children, let me give you a word of exhortation, and, through you, to my dear young friends in this vast assembly. Oh, spend not your time and strength in vanity! And while I would have those, who have the opportunity, and where no higher duty prevents, read and make themselves wise as to the history of this present world; and look into science, and learn something of the wonderful works of God in the world of nature; yet, remember, my dear young friends, all must be sanctified by a diligent reading of the holy Scriptures. For it is true religion which sanctifies all other attainments, qualifications, and circumstances. It is true religion, and not knowledge by itself; it is true religion, and not science by itself; it is true religion, I repeat, and nothing else, that can constitute you as rational, accountable, immortal, and responsible beings, really happy in this world, and prepare you for happiness in the next. Dear children, and young friends, let it be your object, therefore, with such knowledge to imbibe such a spirit, and cultivate such a prac


tice, as that you may be useful members of society, and valuable members of the Church of God. If you should live to old age, or even to middle age, you must go down into the dark mines of this present world; and there is no safety for you when you go down into those damp, dark mines, unless you take the safety lamp' with you; and you know what that is—that' safety lamp' which David, the king, described, when he said, 'Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.' And if you go down into the damp and dark mines of this world with that lamp in your hand, you shall go down into a much darker mine, where the darkness is visible, and where the light is as darkness. I mean down to the grave. If you take this safety lamp, you will find light even there; light to conduct you safely through the grave, to glory, honour, immortality, and eternal life. Therefore, our wish is, that you should so use the Scriptures, that you may all come to the knowledge, and love, and service of God, as revealed and commanded in those Scriptures. It is our wish for you, and for all our young friends present, that the Bible may be the book of your youth; and it is our wish for us all-for what could we do without it?—that, as the Bible should be the first book-the book of our youth, so it should be the last book-the book of our old age. Oh, prize your Bible ! Pray to God for his Spirit; and we will offer the same petition for ourselves. Then we may all hope to meet in that General Assembly, where there will be one grand hallelujah Hallelujah! for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Glory, honour, praise, and power, be unto God and the Lamb for ever and ever!""

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