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grandmothers, to look upon all domestic labor as degrading; to ape the Parisian lady in dress, to fritter away their time in follies, and to think very little of a solid and useful English edueation, if so be they can get a smattering of French and Italian, play on the piano, waltz, &c. Mrs. Ellis mourns, that the daughters of England are becoming so Frenchified. She says, "the grand error of the women of the day seems to be, that of calling themselves ladies, when it ought to be their ambition to be women.

"Amongst the changes introduced by modern taste, it is not the least striking, that all the daughters of trades-people, when sent to school, are no longer girls, but young ladies. The linen draper, whose worthy consort occupies her post behind the counter, receives her child from Mrs. Montague's establishment, — a young lady. At the same elegant and expensive seminary, music and Italian are taught to Hannah Smith, whose father deals in Yarmouth herrings; and there is the butcher's daughter, too, perhaps the most lady-like of them all. The manners of these young ladies naturally take their tone and character from the ridiculous assumptions of modern refinement. The butcher's daughter is seized with nausea at the spectacle of raw meat, Hannah Smith is incapable of existing within the atmosphere of her father's house, &c. &c.

“What a catalogue of miseries might be made out, as the consequence of this mistaken ambition of the women of England to be fine ladies! Gentlewomen they may be, and refined women too; for when did either gentleness or true refinement disqualify a woman for her proper duties? But that assumption of delicacy, which unfits them for the real business of life, is more to be dreaded in its fatal influence upon their happiness, than the most agonizing disease, with which they could be afflicted."

How far these remarks may apply to American women, the reader may judge. Is it not true, that French manners are making their way in our land, and moulding large numbers of the rising generation into characters, which, while they ape Parisian style, go just far enough to lose their true American worth, without gaining really the dearly cherished foreign graces ?

But we must not forget the other class of pretended reformers, against whom Mrs. Ellis wars, the masculine school of female education, those who deem the feminine character despicable, and would tempt woman to vie with the ruder sex in the manly arts of life, and who regard the pulpit and the senate-hall as the noblest sphere of female action. It is not necessary to be very vehement in denouncing these, for they so war with natural proprieties, as to find condemnation enough in offended public

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The book is written to the middling class of English women, those who are exempt from grinding poverty, and overgrown wealth. This class comprehends the great body of our countrywomen, and they may find much to aid them in "The Women of England." The chapters on Conversation we would especially commend to their notice.

We here take leave of Mrs. Ellis, thanking her for this best work of the day upon a hacknied subject, rejoicing to see such a vindication of domestic virtue, by the author of the Poetry of Life, and owning in the fact a sign of those better days, when poetry shall be looked upon, not as a will-o'-the-wisp, to beguile people into mischief, but as the cheerful ray, that lights and beautifies daily life.

Address and Poem, delivered before the Mercantile Library Association, at the Celebration of the Eighteenth Anniversary. Sept. 13, 1838. This Address was given before an institution of young men engaged in commercial pursuits. The object of their union is to promote mental improvement, by means of a library and instructive lectures. Such associations, when well conducted, must be the means of great good. They kindle a desire for knowledge among those engaged in active business. The Address, by Governor Everett, is another proof of his peculiar power. The Poem, by James T. Field, is superior to most productions, given on similar occasions. In its short compass, it shows much wit and pathos. The transparency of its diction, and the purity of its sentiment, stamp it as the production of a gifted mind.

Extracts might be given, to show the varied powers of the writer. We would congratulate him on the success of this, his first public attempt.

It is pleasing to see those, who are occupied in business, keeping fresh within them a love for the true and the beautiful, and thus showing to those around, that it is not incompatible with close application to the active duties of life, to cultivate a refined taste, and a love of letters.

Fireside Education. By the author of Peter Parley's Tales. 12mo. pp. 396. - This is an excellent book. We have read it with pleasure and profit, and we heartily recommend it. It is written with the author's characteristic plainness, but yet in a manner to make it generally interesting. The necessary abstractions of a treatise upon intellectual and moral education are

enlivened by stories, anecdotes, allegories, and quotations, which, while they illustrate the matter in hand, and give it point, lead the reader agreeably on his way, and allow him not to lay the book down till he has finished it. A spirit of religion, humanity, and genuine catholicism, worthy of all honor, breathes through the whole.

The Poetry of Travelling in the United States. By CAROLINE GILMAN. With Additional Sketches, by A FEW FRIENDS; and a Week among Autographs, by Rev. S. GILMAN. New York: S. Colman. 12mo. pp. 430. 1838. It is now too late to do anything more than record our hearty concurrence in the favorable opinion which the public have pronounced on this pleasing and valuble contribution to the lighter reading of the day. Portions of it first saw the light in the Southern Rose, a monthly publication, edited at Charleston, S. C., by the accomplished author of this volume, of which we have long been seeking for an opportunity to say a good word. The Week among the Autographs is, perhaps, the most entertaining part of this agreeable melange, and contains information, which will surprise and amuse the generality of readers.

The Private Journal of Aaron Burr, during his Residence of four Years in Europe; with Selections from his Correspondence. Edited by MATTHEW L. DAVIS, author of "Memoirs of Aaron Burr," &c. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1838. In two volumes, 8vo. — Aaron Burr was a man of talent; but unprinci pled. He was one of the most remarkable examples, which this or any country has exhibited, of the perversion of great gifts, and the judgment of God on that perversion. As Mr. Davis has already given us his Life, and followed it by this journal, in two volumes, we hope that he has now done with him. We cannot say that we have given the books a complete reading; but from what we have seen of them, we desire to see no more. We are satisfied, and we cry enough. And we hope that those suppressed passages, which Mr. Davis talks of, have been, or will be, given to the flames.

We see that

New Works recently published in Germany. Messrs. Brockhaus & Avenarius, the enterprising publishers of the Conversations Lexicon, so popular in all lands, have com

menced a continuation of that work, with the title Conversations-Lexicon, " der gegenwart" (of the present time.) The fifth volume was published in the latter part of 1838. The valuable Encyclopedia of Ersch and Gruber is advancing rapidly, and will form, when completed, the most valuable Encyclopedia ever published.

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The subject of temperance appears to interest our beer-drinking brethren pretty deeply, if we may judge from the number of books they publish relating to it. They have their cold-water almanacs, temperance journals, and accounts of the progress of temperance in North America. Then, since everything must have a history, there appear "Contributions to a History of Temperance Societies; " next, a History of Temperance Societies themselves, by M. Baird, making a thick octavo volume. And, finally, there is a "Continuation" of this latter work, by another hand. Besides, there is a Temperance ConversationsLexicon, and Hand-book. Strauss's Life of Jesus still excites considerable interest, and calls forth numerous replies. Strauss's opinions are briefly as follows. There are fictions and mythical stories in the Gospels, which cannot be separated from the true history, if there is any true history at the foundation of them; therefore, no reliance is to be placed upon "historical Christianity," though the essential doctrines of the Christian religion are true as ever. Among the most remarkable replies recently published, are the following:-Theile zur Biographie Jesu. Ullmann Historisch oder Mythisch. Weisse (a follower of Hegel in Philosophy) die evangelisch-Geschichte kritisch und philosophisch bearbeitet. 2 vol. 8vo. Schaller, der Historische Christus und die philosophische Kritik, &c. Dr. Strauss's work has reached a third edition, (2, 8,) and he has published also a volume of replies to the attacks made upon him. Besides this, he has written a treatise on the Permanent and the Transitory in Christianity, in a periodical called "der Freihafen."

M. Salvador, an apostate and atheistical Jew, author of a work called Histoire des Institutions de Möise, has published a work upon Christianity and its founder, under the title Jesus Christus et sa doctrine.

Several important works are now in the course of republication, &c. There are two editions of Kant's collected works; the best one is edited by Rosenkrantz. There are likewise two editions of Winkelman's works now in the press. One comprises all his writings in a single volume, royal octavo, with sixty engravings. The other is in several quarto volumes. The second volume of Schleirmacher's collected works has been published, and the first was expected in the spring of the current year.

W. Von Humbolt's collected works have appeared in 6 vols. 8vo.

Several "Libraries" (Bibliotheken) are in the course of publication. One containing a translation of all the Greek Prose writers, another of the Latin Prose writers; others comprise the Poets of these two nations. Besides these there is a new Library of the Greek and Latin writers in their original tongues, accompanied with notices, &c. Lommatz has proceeded as faras the eighth volume of his new edition of Origen, in 12mo. All the German Poets of the seventeenth century are to be comprised in another Bibliothek. An undertaking still more stupendous has been commenced, viz. a Library of the collected literature of the German nation, (Bibliothek der Gesammten Deutschen National Literatur,) from the most ancient times to the present day. There is also a new edition of Luther's works, and a collection of the writings of the Reformers, (Corpus Reformatorum.) The last is edited by Dr. Bretschneider, and the fifth volume, containing the works of Melancthon, has just appeared.

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Animal Magnetism is not forgotten in Germany. The Seherin Von Prevorst, edited by Justinus Kerner, -a poet and a physician, has reached a third edition. The same writer has published two other works on the same subject, viz. Eine Erscheinung aus dem Nachtgebiete der Natur, (a phenomenon out of the night-department of Nature,) and Nachricht von dem Vorkommen des Besessenseins.

A sort of furor divinus seems to possess the translators of Germany, who form a kind of third estate, between the writers and the readers. Not only do we see translations of all the works of Scott, Southey, and Byron, but of all the popular French and English writers. All the works of Bulwer, Capt.. Marryatt, Mrs. Jameson, and the recent publications of Miss Martineau are presented to the German public in a proper Teutonic garb. There is also a translation of "The Bridgewater Treatises;" of the " Pickwick Papers," and "Oliver Twist ;" and even the numbers of Nicholas Nickleby are done into German as fast as they appear. The productions of our own writers are by no means omitted. We notice translations of the writings of Irving and Cooper, an article by Prof. Silliman on the Scripture account of the deluge, and Dr. Warren's work on Tumors. the works of Dr. Franklin, (5 vols. 8vo.) have been done into German. Translations also are advertised of Mr. Prescott's History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, and of a selection from the Papers of General Washington. The latter is edited by M. Von Raumer.


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