TABLE TITLES, AUTHORS NAMES, &c. of the Publi- N. B. For REMARKABLE PASSAGES, in the Extracts, see the ANOTHER Account of a late Transaction, ARTICLES of the Univerfal Inftitution ATTEMPT to fhew that the Knowledge People, 153 312 BATEMAN on Agiftment Tythe, tife on the Fluor Alkali, 476 BRITISH Flora, 234 BOTANY. See MILNE. See MAWE. DISCOVERY, 394 FOTHERGILL on the Hydrophobia, 303 FORBES on the Improvement of Wafte on the extenfive Practice of the FOREIGN Literature, 56, 145, 297, 377, FORMS of Prayer for public Worship, 385 FORSTER'S Obf. in a Voyage round the Letterto Lord Sandwich, 464 Diary, See Sentimental. Camps, the Lockee |