A Manual for Practical Surveyors: Containing Methods Indispensably Necessary for Actual Field Operations

J. W. Moore, 1854 - 108 páginas

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Página 80 - All the interior angles of any rectilineal figure, together with four right angles, are equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides.
Página 17 - ... more than half through its thickness, and intersecting each other at right angles at the centre of the block...
Página 58 - A line which is to be established from the course only, should be re-run at nearly the same season...
Página 58 - It must, therefore, be a matter of uncertainty 'whether we have the correct bearing of the line, even when the change for years has been ascertained with the utmost care.
Página 57 - The variation of the magnetic needle in declination, is subject to much irregularity, in some instances increasing, in other decreasing, and some years having scarcely a perceptible motion.

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