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To make a pentagon on the line A B.

From B draw B F perpendicular to A B, and equal to half of it, join A F and produce it to G, making F G equal to B F. With centres A and B and radius E A G, describe arcs cutting each other at D; with centres A and D, and radius A B describe arcs cutting each other at E; and with centres B and D, describe arcs cutting at C. Join A E, DE, B C, D C, which forms the pentagon.



The line B G is the radius of the circle circumscribing the pentagon.


To make a hexagon on a line A B.

With the radius A B and centres A and B, describe arcs cutting in O. Then with the centre O and radius A B, describe the circle A B C D E F, and apply F A B the necessary number of times round the circle, and the figure will be the hexagon.





To make an octagon in a line A B.

Produce A B to I and K, and draw A F, B E perpendicular to AB. Bisect the angles IA F, K BE, and make A Hand B C each equal to AB; draw HG, CD parallel to A F, and each equal to A B. With centres G and D and radius A B describe arcs cutting each other in F and E; join G F, F E, E D, and the octagon is complete.





From a point A draw a line touching the circle E D.

Find the centre O of the circle, join A 0, upon which describe the semicircle, cutting the given circle in E, join A E which is the line touching the circle.

If the point A be on the circumference, this construction fails. In this case, join O A, to which draw a perpendicular from this will be the touching line required.



To describe an ellipse upon the diameters A B, C D, and centre O. The diameters being at right angles.

With centre C and radius A O describe arcs cutting A B in F and f; these points are called the foci of the ellipse. Take a thread equal in length to AB and fasten it with two pins at Fand f; keep the thread tight, and it will reach the ellipse in P; and by moving a pencil round with the thread, observing





always to keep it tight, the pencil will trace out the ellipse.

Otherwise. Assume any point Ton the transverse diameter A B, and with a radius TA and centre F, describe arcs at D and E, and with a radius TB and centre f, describe arcs at D and E; then the points D and E are in the curve of the ellipse.

To describe an ellipse on the diameters A B and C D.

[blocks in formation]

in the curve of the ellipse. Proceed in the same manner for ach of the remaining three quadrants.


To describe a parabola with the abscissa A B, and ordinate B P, at right angles to it.

Join A P, and draw P N perpendicular to it, meeting A B K produced in N; then B N is the parameter, one-fourth of which is the focal distance Af.

Make A LA ƒ, and draw LK and AM perpendicular to AB; in L K, the directrix, take

any point H, and join ƒ H cutting





AM in I. Then, draw H p parallel to A B, and I p perpendicular to Hf, and p is a point in the parabola.


To describe an hyperbola on the diameters A B and C D at
right angles to each other.

Make O F, Of each equal to B C, then F and ƒ are the foci of the hyperbola whose diameters are A B and CD. Produce A B indefinitely, and assume in it any point T; with T A as radius and centre f, describe an arc at P; with T B as radius, and centre F, describe an arc at P; then P is a point in the hyperbola.

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If the diameters be equal, the hyperbola is called equilateral. And if a parallelogram C O BN be drawn, the line ON produced is called an asymptote, which has the singular property of constantly approaching the curve without ever meeting it.


To describe a cycloid on the line A B.

Bisect A B in C, draw CD perpendicular to A B and equal to the diameter of a circle whose circumference is A B. In C D assume any point E, and draw E F P at right angles to CD, and make P F equal to the arc D F of the circle; then P is a point in the cycloid.




This curve was incidentally referred to by Aristotle, in alluding to the paradox, that a nail on the rim of a wheel describes a longer line than the axle. Roberval, Fermat, and Descartes shewed that a tangent at P is parallel to the chord F D, and the area A D B is equal to & of ABX CD.

Huygens showed that the arc PD of the cycloid was double the chord D F; and also that a body would fall along it from any point, P to D, in the same time.

Newton and the Bernoullis showed it to be the curve of quickest descent, or that a body would fall by gravity from A to D in less time than by any other route.


To describe a catenary.

A catenary is the curve which a regular and flexible chain or rope A C B will assume, if suspended from the ends A and B. Galileo confounded this curve with the parabola. Its correct nature was first detected by

James Bernoulli. The equation

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to this curve is very difficult, and there is no easy method of describing it. Its application, however, to suspension bridges has given a considerable degree of importance to its various properties.

For further information, see Leslie's "Geometry of Curved Lines," page 383.


To describe an involute of a circle A B C.

Draw the diameter A B, and in the circumference A CB take any point C. Join O C, and draw P C perpendicular to O C, or a tangent to the circle, making P C equal to the circumference A C, then P is a point in the involute.

In toothed wheels there is less waste of power in passing from one tooth to another A when they are of the form of the involute of a circle than in any other case.



To describe the equable spiral of Archimedes.

With C B as a radius, describe the circle A B D. Divide the circumference into any number of equal parts 1, 2, 3, 4, &c., and the radius C B into the same number of equal parts 1, 2, 3, 4, &c., Join 1 C, 2 C, C, 4 C, &c., on which take the distances 1 C, 2 C, 3 C, 4 C, &c., as given on C B, and these points will form the equable spiral of Archimedes.

[blocks in formation]

This curve is much used in architectural ornaments, and also for the volutes of the capitals of columns.


To find any number of points in the circle passing through A B and C, where A D is equal to B D and C D perpendicular to A B.

Make the angle E C B equal to DC B, and in CD take any point F, through which draw A P. In CE take C G equal to CF, and draw B G, cutting A B in P; then P is a point in the circle.


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