MENSURATION OF LINES, AREAS, SURFACES, AND VOLUMES, COMBINING ELEMENTS OF THE SCREW-PROPELLER AND WITH THE APPLICATION OF ALGEBRA TO MENSURATION. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND ARTIZANS. BY ROBERT RAWSON, ESQ., Head Master of the Dockyard School, Portsmouth; Honorary Member LONDON: WHITTAKER AND CO., AVE MARIA LANE. 1856. 183. C. 34. TO GEORGE VAUGHAN, ESQ., SIR, I respectfully beg to inscribe to you the following pages, as a sincere mark of the estimation in which I hold your personal character and encouragement of science, and of gratitude for the kindly feelings you have invariably manifested towards me. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient humble servant, ROBERT RAWSON. Highland House, Portsea, Hants, May 1st, 1856. PREFACE. Ir will be readily seen, by a cursory glance through the following pages, that the matter and arrangement differ considerably from those of the books cn Mensuration now in use. By this statement I do not wish to imply either that the works of preceding writers are deficient in value, or that this production will render future labours in this branch of science unnecessary; as but a slight experience in teaching is sufficient to convince any one, possessing moderate views and reasonable discrimination, of the great difficulty in selecting and arranging matter of this kind to meet the requirements, views, tastes, and expectations of teachers and students in general. As the deviation from the plan usually adopted by other writers is considerable, and, in my opinion, important, I feel that some explanation is necessary, in order that my views and objects may be intelligible to the reader. It would be in vain to deny that there are but few books on Mensuration, or indeed on any other subject, free from defects, both numerous and serious; and being fully convinced of this universal truth, it would be presumptuous, and wanting in judgment on my part, to hope that this book will be an exception to this unfortunate fatality. I trust that necessity and experience have made me too well acquainted with my own insufficiency ever to entertain the realization of such a visionary expectation, but still I have been extremely anxious to supply, consistently with the time at my disposal, and to the utmost of my ability, 1. Matter and examples, directly applicable to Naval Architecture and Screw Propulsion; 2. An extensive number of examples in the more prominent rules of Mensuration with a view to afford the student additional practice in Arithmetic and Algebra. |