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When I proposed to go into A., in the State of New York, several persons said I should obtain nothing worth going for, as the design was one with which they had had no connection, the females excepted. The result of my labors in that place, however, was eighty-two dollars, forty of which are an annual subscription. A man in W., who depends for support entirely on his own exertions, subscribed five dollars annually. His friends inquired, 'Why he gave so much, and how he could afford it?' He replied, 'I have for some time been wishing to do something for Christ's cause, but I cannot preach, neither can I pray in public, to any one's edification, nor can I talk to people. But I have hands and I can work.'

"I hope, Sir, you will forgive me, if I do wrong by telling these little anecdotes, which I confess have given me great pleasure. I will add one more. Old Mrs. R., the widow of the former minister in Norfolk, came forward after sermon to subscribe her name. On being asked what she wished to subscribe, she said to Mr. Emerson, 'I suppose the women will not generally give more than fifty cents, but I am old, and what I do I must do soon, for this good object. You may therefore put me down two dollars a year.' This was as nearly her language as I can recollect. Many such anecdotes I have met with, which have greatly animated me.”

In the course of the autumn, Mr. Cornelius intermitted his missionary labors for a few days, for the purpose of assisting the Rev. Dr. Morse, of Charlestown, Mass., whose people were then enjoying a revival of religion. He thus writes to a friend who had been previously engaged in preaching in the same town.

“Charlestown, Nov. 4, 1816. "I have for some days been thinking of writing a long letter to you, but the old reason has prevented. I gladly

accept the offer which R. has made me, of a part of his sheet. I have now preached for Dr. Morse two Sabbaths, and spent most of the last week with his people. On Monday night of last week, I had a very interesting meeting. I delivered a lecture from these words, ‘Behold, now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of sal


After service, as many as twenty remained, and it was with difficulty I could dismiss them. The Sabbath before, I preached in the afternoon to Christians, from Rev. ii. 4, in the evening from Psalm xiv. 2, 3. Tuesday and Wednesday I was obliged to spend abroad. Thursday I returned, and aided in forming a female Sabbath school society, which I am happy to tell you is in a very flourishing state. Will you be so good as to send them all necessary documents from your society, as soon as possible? Thursday evening I preached from Mark viii. 38. I hope the sermon was blessed. One woman, the next day, expressed to me the hope that she was brought to the Saviour while hearing the sermon. Friday, I attended a meeting in the evening, at the Neck, I believe it is called, where you had preached once to the rope-makers. My text was, 'There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.' It was a solemn season. Friday, and a portion of Saturday, were also spent in part, in visiting. Saturday, the officers of the church met to examine the candidates. Sabbath morning, attended meeting at sunrise, in the chapel, to pray for an increased revival of religion; at nine o'clock, attended and aided in the organization of the children of the Sabbath school into classes,-at twelve preached to the 'spirits' in the state-prison. It was affecting to see some of these hardened creatures weeping. My text was the resolution of the prodigal, I will arise and go to my Father.' In the afternoon preached to Dr. M.'s people, from Mark viii. 36, on the worth of the soul, and danger

of losing it. Blessed be God, I do think the Spirit was present. I was favored with more freedom of utterance than usual. In the evening I preached again to a considerable audience, from Isaiah xxiv. 10, the first part of You can judge a little of the current of thought

the verse. running from it. We all supposed it was the most solemn time we have yet had."

The following incident occurred in a visit to Essex county, Massachusetts. "On Monday, I returned to M., where I had an appointment in the evening to preach my missionary sermon. When Mr. T. understood what the people of C. had done, his heart seemed to sink within him. He appeared to have the most trembling apprehension that his people would be far behind their brethren in this work of charity, and added 'that if I could get fifteen dollars, I should do more than he feared I should.' Good man! I was aware of the fact that his feelings impelled him to his closet, and before we went to meeting, we both united in committing the event to God. The house was exceedingly well filled, and, blessed be the Lord, the hearts of the people were moved. About eighty dollars were immediately subscribed, and two societies formed. Tears of joy evinced the gratitude of Mr. T. I have found him to be one of the most cordial friends of doing good I ever met with. 'What my people have done,' said he, 'is worth more than five hundred dollars to them.'"

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"I have determined to go over the whole county of Essex, and not leave the vestige of a society behind, where I can gain access to the people. I find, if I tell the people every where that I am going to every society, then no one is prepared to stand as an exception. Will

you please to answer this immediately, and direct the letter to Andover, signifying to me your approbation of my plan of visiting every Congregational society in the county, if you should judge proper?'

"December 18, 1816.

"I began my visit in the county of Essex, October 12th, and closed December 18th, having been out of my proper work about ten days, which I spent in preaching for Dr. Morse in Charlestown. During the above time, I have travelled seven hundred and seventy miles, and preached sixty-seven times. It is now a little short of six months since I entered the service of the Board, during which time, I have travelled one thousand six hundred and fifty miles, preached one hundred and thirty-six times, formed about seventy societies, and received in all for the Board four thousand two hundred dollars."*

* It is proper in this place to say, that on account of the extreme difficulty of obtaining children at Bombay for the schools in question, most of the funds raised for the object in this country, were transferred to Ceylon, with the consent of the donors, the difficulties in the way of establishing schools, not existing on that island. It was ascertained that only twice the sum requisite for educating a heathen child in a missionary family at Bombay, would be sufficient for the support of a school at Ceylon of forty or fifty children. At Bombay, the natives had not forgotten the violence practised on them and their children by the Portuguese; their jealousies were in consequence ever awake. Some outcast African and Portuguese children were, notwithstanding, found, and received into the families of the missionaries. At the present time, [1834,] the system of education at Ceylon advances with as sure progress as can be affirmed of any instrumentality merely human. The number of pupils in the seminary at Batticotta is one hundred and forty-four, in the female school at Oodooville fifty, and in the other schools at the five stations, three thousand two hundred and fifty-one; in all three thousand four hundred and forty-five, of whom two thousand nine hundred and seven are males, and five hundred and thirty-eight females. The number of village free schools in addition is seventyeight.

In the course of the year 1816, preparations were made by the Rev. Cyrus Kingsbury for the establishment of a mission among the southwestern Indians. A situation had been selected within the limits of the Cherokee tribe. Two young men, Messrs. Moody Hall and Loring S. Williams, with their wives, had proceeded to the place, in the capacity of teachers. The government of the United States gave a very encouraging assurance of their patronage. At the commencement of the establishment, it was supposed that an expense of several thousand dollars must be incurred. In consequence of these circumstances, the prudential committee appointed Mr. Cornelius to a special agency, authorizing him to solicit funds in aid of the specified establishment, for educating the youth and children of the Indian tribes.

On the 13th of January, 1817, he commenced his agency, visiting the southern portions of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and a part of Connecticut. Kumorii, an Hawaiian, brought to Boston some time previously, accompanied him. At Bristol, Rhode Island, Mr. Cornelius was received with extraordinary personal kindness, while his object was patronized with unusual liberality. Every where on this tour, indeed, the claims of the poor Indians were recognized, and in many cases warmly acknowledged, though some individuals withheld their support from the impression that the Indians are doomed to speedy and irremediable ruin. On the 11th of February he reached Hartford, Connecticut. After having collected valuable donations in that city, and in several of the neighboring towns, he proceeded to the county of Litchfield, where he remained two or three weeks, prosecuting the objects of his agency, and regulating the affairs of the foreign mission school, which were then in a state of considerable embarrassment. He then visited New Haven, at that time in mourning on account of the decease of

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