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THE arrangements are now complete for the publication of a number of Tracts, and we hope the friends will afford us the help which will be necessary to enable us to carry out our plan. We intend, if suitably assisted, to publish at the rate of a twelve page Tract a week, for one year; and, when the price at which these twelve pages will be sold, is stated, it will be made evident that their extensive diffusion is not only practicable, but must take place, if right means are used, almost as necessary consequence. A single Tract will be sold for one halfpenny; three Tracts for a penny: twenty-five for eight-pence; fifty for fifteenpence: and, one hundred for two shillings and sixpence. In case smaller or larger Tracts be issued, the price will be less or more accordingly, the rates being for twelve pages as just stated, This is cheaper-much cheaper than any thing of the kind that we are aware of, whether undertaken by public societies or particular individuals. The separate Tracts will be so numbered that they may be bound together in volumes; and, when thus put together, the cost of a volume of three hundred pages will be only about eightpence; and if threepence or fourpence be added for the expense of binding, the whole charge will not exceed a shilling. This is surely putting knowledge within the reach of all. But cheapness will not be sufficient of itself to secure the attainment of the object we aim at, unless proper means be adopted by others, besides the publishers, to place instruction before the world. Ignorant persons are not like persons destitute of natural food, who feel hungry, and who must, and will be supplied with something to satisfy their cravings. An ignorant man has often no concern for knowledge: he is willing to remain as he is. It is for others, in the first instance at least, to care for him. It is the special duty of the Church to try to enlighten mankind in the principles and duties of the Gospel; and it is to stir up the members of the Church of all Churches-to do this duty that we are aiming at, by the publication of Tracts and other similar

means. We invite all our readers to help us.

Some individuals may do a great deal alone by purchasing and personally distributing Tracts. In other cases, two or three persons may act together for the same object, and besides what they do themselves, they may induce others to enter upon the same work. We would also urge upon Churches the formation of Tract Societies, that they may operate as a body-with proper officers-on a still more extended scale. In any way and in all ways that Christian principle sanctions, this important duty should be set about, and we feel no doubt that good effects will soon be realized.

Those connected with this undertaking believe that the publication, and the wide circulation, of a new order of Tracts are necessary to the general revival of pure and undefiled religion. They believe that it is by these means, in connection with preaching, delivering lectures, and holding discussions, that the slumbering masses of our population are to be roused, and prepared for a thorough reformation. They are wishful to spread the light and influence of the Gospel through the whole country, and through the whole world. They cannot doubt but by vigorous and well-directed efforts, accompanied with holy lives and fervent, persevering prayers, a greater and more glorious reformation may be brought about than any that the world as yet has ever witnessed. The world is prepared for a change; thousands on thousands of holy, devoted souls in various denominations, are longing and looking for such a change; there appears no probability that the religion of Christ will ever be the religion of the whole earth, unless a great and mighty change is effected in the spirit and proceedings of the professing world; and it behoves us to do what we can towards bringing the desired, the necessary change about. Let us do what our hands find to do with all our might. A solemn, a tremendous responsibility rests upon us, and mournful and terrible will be the consequences, if we should prove unfaithful.


DURING the last month, W. Trotter has spent near a fortnight in visiting the churches in Staffordshire. He found all these churches in a healthy thriving condition, and through Divine mercy, his labours amongst them were attended with considerable success. He preached at Tunstall, Fenton, Burslem, Sneyd Green, Hanley, Newcastle, Washer Wall, and Stoke upon Trent. With the exception of the Saturday, he preached every morning at five o'clock and every evening at seven; and so great was the thirst after the word which prevailed in the neighbourhood, that persons came regularly a distance of two, three, four, and even five miles to the preaching at five o'clock in the morning. The attendance at all the services was good, and at Hanley, on the Sabbath, the congregation was overflowing.A holy influence evidently rested on the congregation, and impressions were made, which it is hoped will not soon be effaced. On Sabbath day, the 19th of Dec., W. Trotter preached at Hanley morning and evening, and conducted a lovefeast in the afternoon. The subject on which he dwelt in the morning was, the character and success of the primitive churches compared with the character and success of the churches at the present day. Many, it is believed, were led to resolve that they would return to first works and seek the unction from above, with which the first Christians were so plenteously endued.-In the afternoon, at the lovefeast, the convincing and awakening fervour of God was displayed, and three persons appeared to enter into the enjoyment of Gospel Peace and Liberty. The subject in the evening was, The Nature of True Penitence, as exemplified in the Case of David, Psalm li. 1-4. The presence and power of God were still more signally manifested than in the afternoon, and a number of persons professed to find peace through faith in a crucified Redeemer. A number more seemed to labour under deep convictions of sin, and there seemed to be a delightful cheering prospect of a great ingathering of souls. W. Trotter preached again in Hanley, on Thursday evening and

Friday morning. On Thursday evening, the large room in which the Friends worship, was comfortably filled, and again was the presence of God made manifest in the awakening of souls. On Friday morning, there would be not less than three hundred persons present, some of whom had come from a distance of four or five miles. A gracious influence pervaded the assembly, and numbers, we hope, resolved, in the strength of grace, that they would be altogether devoted to the Lord and follow him fully. Throughout the district, there are the signs of an approaching and abundant revival of religion. If the friends are only faithful to God and to his cause, his arm will be made bare amongst them, and blessed results shall follow:

"Lo! the promise of a shower
"Drops already from above;
"But the Lord will shortly pour
"All the Spirit of his love."

We have received the following from our friend Thomas Smith, who is labouring with Wm. Trotter in the Bradford District.


Our Christian brethren in Huddersfield and the neighbourhood, wish me to send you, for the Investigator, a brief report of the meetings, &c., recently held there.

I spent a very happy Christmas with them, during the week commencing with Dec. 25th, (Christmas Day) and ending with the year. In accordance with an arrangement which had been previously made public, I gave ten lectures and sermons, and had pleasing evidence that entire Christianity was promoted by them. These were delivered at Huddersfield, Berry Brow, Lindley, and Shepley. Those portions of Evan gelical truth, which in this age are most neglected, formed the chief topics of the addresses, and four of these lectures were devoted to the Wealth Question. We had several discussions after the lectures, which greatly increased the interest evinced by the audience. From the information given me in the various places, it is evident a widely-spread nquiry has commenced, and is fast extending throughout that part of

the country, in favour of Evangelical Reform; and in no religious denominations more satisfactorily than amongst the Methodists, both Wesleyans, Primitives, and of the New Connexion. Wesleyans in four villages have just applied for sermons, &c., and in a great number of others are decidedly in favour of the reformation. An increasing demand for tracts, &c., is another encouraging sign.

You will be pleased to hear that the churches in the Bradford District are increasing both in piety and numbers. In several places, our Christian brethren are full of expectation of an approaching and glorious extension of pure and undefiled religion. At Bradford, on Sunday evening, I had the pleasure to witness six persons professing to give themselves to God. At Bromley, also, I am told, there were several the same evening. And at Pudsey, last night, and during the last fortnight, I think about ten persons have joined the church, chiefly backsliders. The churches in this part of the country are all in a state of transition to a more scriptural mode both of practice and discipline. They are electing deacons, and intend to allow none among them to lack." They wish to "do the first works," and they are beginning to cry to God earnestly for the "first love." The world is losing its hold on the hearts of men, and the "kingdom of heaven" is taking its destined place. Persons of all denominations are beginning to think our Christian friends are in the right.

I am, dear Friend,

Your's affectionately,

WE need forgiveness ourselves; we are undone unless we be dealt with mercifully; and it is not seemly for men that depend upon mercy and forgiveness for their all, to be


unwilling to forgive their brethren. An unforgiving spirit is one of the last things we ought to encourage. We know that if that spirit were indulged towards us, we should be outcasts both from earth and heaHow conscious we are of faults and imperfections. There is scarce a single point on which we can fully justify ourselves in our own hearts. So faulty are we, that we are at times afraid to look at ourselves: we are frightened at our own consciences, and force our thoughts away to other subjects. So conscious are we of faults, that we are at times ashamed to present ourselves before God; we have scarce confidence to pray; we scarce dare lift up our eyes to heaven, but smite upon our breasts and cry, God be merciful to me a sinner. And can we be unforbearing and unforgiving to our erring, faulty brethren? If others knew as much respecting us, as we know about ourselves, we should be ashamed to show ourselves. So far from haughty, unforgiving looks, we should be among the first to plead for the exercise of mercy. If God should publish to the world a full history of all the faulty deeds, and unwise words and improper thoughts of which we have been guilty for but one half-year past, should we ever be severe towards our brethren again? Would it not cure us of our harshness towards our brethren? There is not one amongst us that could bear to be seen by our brethren as we are seen by God. There is not one of us, but what has need of gentle, merciful, forgiving dealing both from God and from our brethren, and it is unseemly, it is cruel, it is utterly inexcusable for us, while we are so conscious of faults and failings in ourselves, to cherish a harsh, unforbearing, unforgiving disposition towards our brethren, For such as us to be unforgiving, is one of the greatest crimes that we can commit.


THE objects which we have in view in forming Temperance Associations, as we have stated in the preceding article, are, 1. The reformation of drunkards, 2. The preservation of those who are sober from becoming drunkards, and 3. The conversion of mankind to God, the universal spread of the religion of Christ, the temporal and eternal welfare of the whole human race. We cannot doubt but that these objects will commend themselves to every thinking and rightly-disposed mind. We cannot doubt but that all who read our observations will acknowledge, that it is exceedingly desirable that these objects should be thoroughly accomplished. So far, therefore, as the objects which we are wishful to accomplish are concerned, we may reckon that we and our readers are agreed.* The next question is, What

*There is one consideration of great importance, which was not mentioned in the first article on temperance; namely, drunkenness prevails in this kingdom. It has been stated that in Great Britain and Ireland there were, a few years ago, no less than six hundred thousand habitual drunkards. We may safely reckon that in addition to the habitual, open drunkards, there are not less than four hundred thousand private, occasional, or, if we may use the expression, genteel, or respectable drunkards. The six hundred thousand are of a more openly profligate character, public-house, beer-house, tavern, and spirit-shop drunkards; the four hundred thousand drink principally in their own houses, and in the houses of their friends, and may be called parlour drunkards, fireside drunkards, dinnerparty and tea-party drunkards.

the vast extent to which the vice of


two classes will make about one million; one million drunkards! One million will be about one in six of our upgrown population. Every one of these drunkards is miserable, and every one may be safely reckoned a troubler or tormentor of several others with whom he is associated by ties of blood and friendship. Then there are multitudes more who cannot so properly be called drunkards, who nevertheless get drink on special occasions. Some of them get drunk at weddings, at births, at christenings, so called: others get drunk when they are fixed as apprentices, and when they are loose from their apprenticeship, when they go to new shops, when they remove to fresh houses, or when they pay their rent. Others get drunk when at elections and political dinners, and others get drunk only at Christmas, and on New Year's-day. No. 2.

sort of means do you propose to employ for the accomplishment of those objects? We answer,-The means which we propose to employ are, we believe, as unobjectionable as the objects which we are wishful to accomplish. The means which we employ are, first, to abstain from all intoxicatingdrinks ourselves; secondly, to put down our names to a paper, containing a declaration of our intention to abstain from those drinks. Our plan is then, by the influence of our example, by the publication and circulation of tracts, by holding meetings, delivering lectures, by affectionate advice, by mild entreaty, and by prayer to God, to endeavour to bring others to adopt the same course. Our next step will be to endeavour to lead them, as we may have opportunity, to think of their eternal interests, and to understand and obey the Gospel of Christ.These are the means which we propose to employ. If the propriety of any of these means be disputed by our readers, we suppose it will be the first, namely, The practice and the recommendation of abstinence from all intoxicating drinks. It is to the principle of abstinence from all intoxicating drinks, therefore, that I shall confine my remarks. Do we do right,-do we act wisely, in giving up the use of all intoxicating drinks as a means of promoting a temperance reformation? What have you to say in favour of the adoption of this principle?

The first observation that I would make as to the practice of entire abstinence from intoxicating drinks is,

These also are drunkards in the sight of God, and would be drunkards in the sight of men, if they had the opportunity. They have the love of intoxicating drink, but they have not often the opportunity of getting any great quantity. There is great reason to fear, that reckoning such as get drunk habitually and openly, and such as get drunk somewhat secretly or only occasionally, there are, or at least there were, a few years ago, not less than two millions of drunkards in this kingdom. Though a very great improvement has taken place of late years; yet even now the prevalence of drunkenness is truly alarming. I mention this point to show, that whatever we can do to cure the evil, we ought to do, and do it with our might.



that it is lawful; it is not forbidden
by the law of God. If abstinence
from intoxicating drinks were for-
bidden by the law of God, we should
consider ourselves bound to renounce
it at once; but it is not. I know
there are those who say that Tee-
totalism is unscriptural; but I ima-
ne that those who speak thus do
not properly understand what they
say. A thing is unscriptural, when
the Scriptures forbid it, or when
they command the contrary. If the
Scriptures therefore forbid us to ab-
stain from intoxicating drinks, or if
they command us to drink intoxi-
cating drinks, Teetotalism is un-
scriptural but if the Scriptures do
not forbid us to abstain from intoxi-
cating drinks, and if they do not
command us to drink them, then
Teetotalism is not unscriptural. And
this is the case. There is not a single
passage in the whole Bible, that either
forbids men to abstain from intoxi-
cating drinks, or that commands
people to use them. On the con-
trary, the sacred Scriptures encour-
age abstinence from intoxicating
drinks. We do not say that the
Scriptures explicitly and altogether
forbid the use of intoxicating drinks;
but we say this, that the Scriptures
say a great deal on the subject which
is exceedingly favourable to entire
abstinence. I will endeavour briefly
to lay before you a number of Scrip-
tural facts on this subject, and you
may draw your own conclusions from
them. And first; there does not
appear to have been any intoxicating
drinks provided for our first parents.
There was abundance of fruit pro-
vided for them for food, but there is
no intimation of any drink that was
provided for them, except water
from the fountain or the stream.
Water appears to have been the
common drink of sober, godly per-
sons, through the whole period of
Scripture history. The drink which
the Almighty gave to the children of
Israel, when he led them through
the wilderness, was water. It was
a bottle of water that Abraham gave
to his handmaid Hagar to drink,
when he sent her away from his
dwelling; and it was water with
which the Almighty supplied her in
the desert, and by which he graci-
ously preserved her son Ishmael
from death. When God promises to

supply the wants of his faithful ones by the prophet Isaiah, it is not luxuries or intoxicating drinks that he promises, but simply bread and water. "He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppression, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil; he shall dwell on high his place of defence shall be the munition of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure." Isa. xxxiii. 16. And a somewhat similar promise was given to the children of Israel in the days of Moses: "Ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread and thy water; and I will take sickness from the midst of thee." Exod. xxiii. 25. When he threatens the rebellious people in the days of Isaiah, the threatening runs thus ; "For, behold, the Lord of Hosts doth take away from Jerusalem, and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water." Isa. iii. 1. It was water that God provided for Elijah when he was hid by the brook Cherith. 1 Kings xvii. 4. It was water that was provided for Elijah by the angel, 1 Kings. xix. 6; and it was water that Elijah asked of the widow of Zarephath. It was water that Obadiah gave to drink to the prophets of the Lord which he hid from the persecutions of Ahab. 1. Kings. xviii. 4. Daniel and his companions drank only water in the court of Babylon. Dan. 1. Wine was allowed them by the king, but they refused to take it; and rich food also was set before them, but they refused to eat it. They chose pulse, a diet of vegetables or coarse grain, for their food, and water for their drink. The king's officer was alarmed lest such plain living should make them worselooking than others of the king's servants, but Daniel wished him to wait awhile, and not to judge till a fair trial had been made. At the end of ten days those who drank wine and ate the king's meat, and those who drank water and fed on pulse, were brought forth and examined; and the countenances of those who drank water and fed on pulse, appeared fairer and fatter than the youths who did eat of the king's meat. And

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