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Upwards of 30,000 sold within Eight months of completion.







Davis's Grade Arithmetic, adapted to the Six Stan-
dards of the Revised Code, in Three Parts. Boards, 3d., limp
cloth, 4d. each.

PART I-Including Standards 1, 2, and 3, and containing 2,545 Ex-
amples in the Four Simple Rules.

PART II-Including Standards 4 and 5, and containing 3,065 Examples
in the Four Compound Rules.

PART III.-Including Standard 6, and containing 762 Examples in Bills
of Parcels, Proportion, and Practice.

[The Answers to the 6,372 Questions of the "Grade Arithmetic" will be conve-
niently found in the "KEY to EXAMPLES, Part I.," or in the
gratuitous Appendix to that work.]


Arithmetical Examples for Home and School Use,

Part L, containing 138,269 New Questions, from Simple Addition to
Compound Proportion. 20th thousand, thoroughly revised and cor-
rected. Full bound, cloth, 8d.


A Key to the Arithmetical Examples, Part I.,
containing Answers to the Questions. 4th thousand, thoroughly re-
vised and corrected. Full bound, cloth, 18.


Arithmetical Examples for Home and School Use,

Part II., containing 3,143 Questions in the higher rules of Arithmetic,
and the more useful rules of Mensuration. 10th thousand. Price 8d.,
full bound, cloth.


A Key to the Arithmetical Examples, Part II.
containing the Answers to all the Questions. 5th thousand, revised
and corrected. Price 1s., full bound, cloth.


The Memory Work of Arithmetic: A Complete
Compendium of Arithmetical Tables, Definitions, and Rules. 6th
thousand, revised and corrected. Price 4d., bound in cloth.


The Arithmetical Examples, Parts I. and II., bound
together. Strong cloth, price Is. 4d.


The Keys to Parts I. and II., bound together.
Strong cloth, price 28.

London: LONGMAN & Co. Edinburgh: OLIVER & BOYD.
Dublin: J. ROBERTSON & Co.


Upwards of Two Hundred Thousand sold in the
First Two Weeks of Publication.









Printed on Thirty-six Cards, for sale in Schools at a Halfpenny each.
Published only in Packets, of Eighteen Cards each, at 9d.
Packet No. 1.- Simple Rules complete,

containing 970 Sums on 18 Cards, Price 9d.

Packet No. 2.-Simple Addition, 3 sets,

each containing 120 Sums on 18 Cards, Price 9d.

Packet No. 3.-Simple Subtraction, 9 sets,

each containing 160 Sums on 18 Cards, Price 9d.

Packet No. 4. Simple Multiplication,

9 sets, each containing 340 Sums on 18 Cards, Price 9d.

Packet No. 5.-Simple Division, 9 sets,

each containing 350 Sums on 18 Cards, Price 9d.

Packet No. 6.-Compound Rules complete,

containing 1,257 Sums on 18 Cards, Price 9d.

Packet No. 7.-Compound Addition, 2 sets,

each containing 147 Sums on 18 Cards, Price 9d.

Packet No. 8.- Compound Subtraction,

6 sets, each containing 142 Sums on 18 Cards, Price 9d.

Packet No. 9.-Compound Multiplication,

6 sets, each containing 488 Sums on 18 Cards, Price 9d.

Packet No. 10.-- Compound Division, 6 sets,

each containing 505 Sums on 18 Cards, Price 9d.

As the Sums are reprinted from "Davis's Examples, Part I.," the
Answers will all be conveniently found in the Key to that work, price 1s.

London: LONGMAN & Co. Edinburgh: OLIVER & BOYD,
Dublin: J. ROBERTSON and Co.




"We have already noticed these little works separately with commendation, as they appeared, and in placing them together here we desire to draw the attention of teachers to a remarkably cheap, well graduated, and practical collection of Arithmetical Examples for School Use, Part I. contains 138,269 questions from simple addition to compound proportion; and Part II. 3,143 questions, in the higher rules from practice to duodecimals and mensuration."-Educational Times.

"We have no hesitation in pronouncing this set of arithmetical books as the most complete, the most practical, the most economical we have seen, and the best adapted to the wants of pupils preparing for the New Code, the Oxford and Cambridge Middle Class, or the Civil Service Examinations."-Warrington Advertiser.

"Many intelligent teachers, who have been properly trained, can testify to the absurd method in which arithmetic has hitherto been taught in most of our middle class schools. We welcome, therefore, with pleasure these books just published by one of the inspectors of the British and Foreign School Society, calculated, as we believe they are, to work a thorough reformation in this important branch of education. The books are full of well-selected EXAMPLES,' nicely graduated: are well arranged, and will furnish an exhaustless supply of miscellaneous questions upon business transactions."-Yorkshire Gazette.

"These EXAMPLES' extend from numeration to mensuration, and furnish a course of instruction which leaves nothing further to be desired in a useful commercial education. It is surprising that in so many respectable seminaries books are still used which contain the answers as well as the questions in arithmetic, and the separate publication of the 'KEYS,' as above, is the only security possessed by the teacher for the due performance of the work by his pupils. The EXAMPLES' are well selected, and, bearing in mind the expense involved in printing numerals, these little books are remarkably cheap. We can confidently recommend them to our scholastic friends."-Liverpool Courier.

"In these text books for home and school use, Mr. Davis has wisely omitted the long explanations of rules and principles with which nearly all school arithmetics are crowded, and which boys never read, and has filled these works with 'EXAMPLES' which, for their copiousness and practical character are-so far as our experience goes-quite unparalleled. For the use of those teachers who, in addition to their own black-board demonstrations, set their pupils memoriter lessons in the rules and definitions of arithmetic, the Memory Work' will be found to be a complete compendium of the tables, rules, and definitions, not only of arithmetic, but also of the essentials of mensuration."-St. Helens' Weekly News.

"We do not know where so great a quantity of examples can be obtained at so small a cost, and the character of the exercises is also unexceptionable."-Educational Guardian.

"These books are the first and only attempt to bring up arithmetical manuals to the improved practice of teaching now becoming general. They are by a practical teacher, who, to a thorough knowledge of schoolwork, adds the broader views of an inspector, and the preciser knowledge of a man of letters. The examples, at the cost of a few pence, contain the largest body of arithmetical questions of any book in the language, at whatever price, and of whatever size." Warrington Standard.

"The 'EXAMPLES' (Part I.) are good and numerous."-Papers for the Schoolmaster.

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"If aspirants to Government situations master the 'EXAMPLES' given by the author they need not be afraid of 'posers.' The works are well got up, and are miracles of cheapness."― Wrexham and Denbigh Weekly Advertiser.

"This is a new educational work, by this author, who, from his experience as a school inspector, precisely understands what is required. The book will be found especially valuable to teachers."-Nottingham Review.

"It (Part IL) must be a useful book.”—Athenæum.

"Mr. Davis's Manual of Arithmetical Examples' (Part II.) is well compiled, and cannot but be of great service to instructors. It contains upwards of 3,000 questions in the higher rules of arithmetic, and the more useful rules of mensuration."-Critic.

"This (Part II.) is an excellent school book. It is cheap and comprehensive. We think that most teachers will agree with us, that the one defect of the works that have for ever excluded Trotter and Walkingham from all good schools is a paucity of examples. In arithmetic it is eminently true that practice makes perfect. Mr. Davis here provides a cheap and easy means of supplying this defect; as the title sets forth, his is a book of examples. Those teachers who largely use the black board will find this a great assistance. Besides the great number of the examples -141,000 in all-is to be noticed the excellent proportion assigned to the various rules. Of that most useful rule which amongst boys is said to ' drive one mad,' nearly 600 examples are furnished. The convenience of teachers is consulted likewise by the division of the work into two parts, of which the first includes the rules from numeration to proportion."Warrington Guardian.

"Even the most fastidious fault-finder would have some difficulty in raising an ordinary objection to this unpretending but eminently useful manual, 'The Memory Work of Arithmetic.""-Pupil Teacher.

"Mr. Davis, who is one of the British and Foreign School Society's Inspectors, gives in these volumes, four in number, an almost endless variety of examples for working out those rules and principles. Part L contains 138,000 new questions from numeration to compound proportion, and Part II. 3,000 questions in the higher rules of arithmetic-that is, from vulgar fractions to duodecimals and mensuration. The questions in commercial arithmetic are framed with great judgment and ingenuity. The work is brought out in an inexpensive form, and will be a very acceptable manual to schoolmasters and private teachers."-Staffordshire Advertiser. "The questions are of a very useful kind, such, in fact, as cannot fail to give to the learner a most extensive acquaintance with arithmetic. We would recommend Mr. Davis's works to the perusal of schoolmasters, and to all who have anything to do with the teaching of the young."Whitehaven News.

"We have not seen in any arithmetic such a vast number of Examples as are crowded into this little work. It is sure to meet, as it deserves, a large sale."-Wakefield Journal.

"Its chief merit, in our opinion, is the novelty and practical nature of the questions, and the tact with which they rise gradually in difficulty of operation."-Bradford Observer.

The Author is in possession of numerous letters from her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools, and from gentlemen conducting many leading educational institutions, both public and private, and their testimony in favour of the books is unanimous, unqualified, and emphatic.


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Vice-Principal and Lecturer on History at the Training College,
Borough Road, London.

Morning Herald.

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Civil Service Gazette.

"It is based upon a plan sound in principle, and approved by experience: it is written with great care and judgment, and although extending from the earliest period to the present year, it conveys to the reader, within due compass, a clear knowledge of important events, and impresses on the mind of the student just ideas of the progress of society, the advance of manners, and the development of arts, commerce, and civilization. Constitutional history, so frequently ignored altogether, or compressed into the smallest space, here assumes its natural proportions; and the Saxon institutions, and the feudal system, and the origin of parliament, and the growth of our representative system and limited monarchy, are described accurately in a manner to excite the interest and impress the memory of the scholar. A most admirable general narrative is given of political events. We can most conscientiously recommend Mr. Curtis's School and College History of England' for general use, and we particularly commend it to candidates preparing for Civil Service examinations."

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"This volume is intended for a condensed manual of English history, fit for the use of the student as an elementary manual. bystematic arrangement; the development of constitutional history (so as to vivify the dry bones of history, and give to them the significance they do not usually possess); and an attempt to realize the social condition of the people at certain periods, are among the novel or exceptional features of the work. For one thing especially the volume is to be commended, and that is for its impartiality in dealing with religious matters."

1831. f.9

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