A COLLECTION OF TRACTS CONCERNING PREDESTINATION AND PROVIDENCE, And the Other POINTS DEPENDING on THEM. CAMBRIDGE. Printed at the UNIVERSITY PRESS. MDCCXIX. 9-13-45M BL THE PREFACE By the EDITORS. W for the Republishing the follow E shall not make any Apology ing Pieces; but rather wish that fome of thofe, who Employ themselves in the Multiplying New and Weaker Books, would turn their Labors towards the bringing again into Light many valuable Treatifes, which time hath put under Obfcurity. This might generally be done with greater eafe to Themfelves, and Benefit to the Public. And doubtless thofe who differ from us, of all Denominations, might raife an Emulation in us; for there bath carce been any thing Written by any Perfon of a 2 Note |