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and defence, the energies of industry have left indelible marks. They have and heaped up curious mounds like th action of the sea on the shore. Th stone measures, their witnesses these r waste, speaking of teleological vegetatic the flat valley witnessing to glacial tim that once rushed down this green pl. Wall, suggestive of that ancient Power v world and to humanity was a blessing ancient forts, speaking of the intrepidity inhabitants; the battlefield, testifying of Covenanting strife, and the rise liberties; the canal, like the Roma ing from sea to sea, and suggestive of gress of steam navigation; the Kelvin, back to those bogs and marshes which treme boundaries of the lowlands; th fields, reminiscent of the revolution of ture; the dismantled mansion house at again to view days of political revolution the churchyard and the church, co seasons of spiritual quickening and da upon the earth; the white turnpike roads stage-coaching days; the railway and t instinct with the throbbing life of the century; all these things, with their me ciations, strongly stimulate the imaginati

erful lines

already drawn by the hands pires, and industries, across the face of the parish of Kilsyth has an honourable past, was at any period so prosperous as it is dences are not wanting that it may have ure no less distinguished.

[graphic][merged small]



THAT William Livingston fell in the battle of Flodden, conclusive proof is afforded by an instrument of seisin in Colzium House, of which the following is a translation :

Instrument of seisin in favour of William Livingston, Fourth Laird of Kilsyth of the Lands of Castletoun and Balmalloch, 15th March, 1513-14.

In the name of God, Amen: By this present public instrument let it be evidently known to all that in the year of the Lord's incarnation, a thousand five hundred and thirteen, and the fifteenth day of the month of March, the first indiction and first year of the Pontificate of our most Holy Father and Lord in Christ, Leo the Tenth, Pope. In presence of the notary public and the witnesses underwritten, there went a noble man, Alexander, Master of Levingstoun, with the underwritten witnesses, to the lands of Castletoun and Balmalloch, lying in the Barony of Calendar within the sheriffdom of Stirling, and there with his own hands delivered and gave heritably, with effect, sasine, state, and heritable possession of all and whole the aforesaid lands of Castletoun and Balmolock, with the pertinents to his beloved kinsmen, William Levingstoun of Kilsyth, who died under the King's banner in the battlefield of Northumberland (qui obiit sub vexillo Regis in campo bellico apud Northumberland) according to the tenor of his infeftment. Of and upon all and sundry which things the said William Livingstoun of Kilsyth craved from me, notary public underwritten, one or more public instruments to be made to him. These things were done at the castle or principal messuage of the said lands, about the third hour after noon of the year, day, month, indiction, and pontificate which are above mentioned, there

being present prudent men, James Levingston, John Levingston, Donald Smyth, John Leis, John Bard, and William Watson, witnesses, with many others, to the premises, specially called and required.

And I, Master Alexander Levingston, clerk of the diocese of St. Andrews, notary public by imperial authority, was personally present, together with the aforenamed witnesses, whilst all and sundry the premises were said, acted, and done, as is premised; and saw, knew, and heard these things all and sundry to be done, and took note thereof, and thence have made this present public instrument, written with my own hand, and here myself subscribing, have reduced into this public form, and have signed with my sign and name used and wont, having been asked and required, in faith and testimony of all and sundry the premises. ALEXANDER LEVINGSTOUN.



Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the losses sustained by the Laird of Kilsyth during the Civil Wars, as recorded in the Acts of Parliament of Scotland, under date 9th July, 1661.

The Estates of Parliament, now presentlie conveened by his Majestie's speciall authoritie, haveing considered the Report underwritten, Have ordained and ordaines the same to be recorded in the books of Parliament, whereof the tenor follows:- We, the Earle of Callander, the Lord Cochrane, the Lord Carden, the Laird of Ricartoun, the Provosts of Ayr and Stirling, Commissioners appointed be the Lord Commissioner, his grace, and heigh court of Parliament, for reviseing and considering the accompt of the fynes and losses sustained by Sir James Levingstoun of Kilsyth, knight, dureing the trubleous tymes for his loyaltie to the King's Majestie in maner afters peit, Conforme to the Commission granted be the said Commissioner and Estates foresaid to us thereanent, And to report Be vertew whairof Wee

losses with the instructions and verificatio being considered be us, Wee find that the upon the said lands of Kilsyth, his lands of 1 Kilsyth, with the bestiall and other goods, anno 1645 be my Lord Marques of Mon posers, whereby the said Sir James sustai thousand one hundred and seventie-sex F wee find the said lands of Eister and Weste 1646 lay waste, at leaste, the two parte tl said Sir James wes losser in the sume of six Scots, and siclyk in anno 1648 his land upon be those who were under the com Munro when they went from Stirleing to money out of the said lands as the Act of 1 the sume of one thousand seven hundred t Item, Wee find in November, 1649, the th Estates Ordained the said Sir James to Stewart, then Generall Commissary of the of four thousand eight hundreth punds, laird was forced to pay accordingly. Item, from Mertymes, 1649, to Whitsunday last by yeers and ane halff Extends to the sume three hundredth and twelf punds. Item, said Laird of Kilsyth sustained great losses Armie their quartering severall tymes up Eister and Wester Kilsyth in anno 1650, sume of fourty two thousand threttie seven wee find that in the said yeer, 1650, his Kilsyth was burnt be the Usurper's Armie ishing and victuall whilk wes put in the said

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