Imágenes de páginas


Καρπῷ σῷ πέρι βύσσινον,
φιλτάτη, περιδῶ πλόκον

τοῦ χάριν; τί γὰρ ἄλλο γ' ἢ
σοὶ μέρος τι φράσων ὡς
δεσμῶτίν σε καλὴν ἄγω ;
σοὶ δ ̓ ἐμὸν δέδεται κέαρ
δεῖ σε βύσσος, ἐλευθέραν
εἶτ ̓ ἂν ἅμματα λύσης.
ἄλλη τίς μ' ἔλαχεν τύχη
σοὶ δεθεὶς μάλ ̓ ἀραρότως
οὔτ ̓ ἔχω λύσιν ἁμμάτων,
οὔτ ̓ ἔχων ἂν ἑλοίμην.

[ocr errors][merged small]

OLLE caput, dormis: o si essem Somnus, ut ista
Possem agere excubias ante supercilia:
Sic addicta fores mihi tota, nec aemulus esset
Qvi vigilis claudit lumina nocte Iovis.


Marcus Manlius.

ARCUS obit? fato concessit Manlius? Ergo
Manlius et Marcus, nobile par, valeant.
At vos, cognati, vos, gens agnata, cavete
Ne tellus eadem nomen utrumqve tegat:
Tutior hic Marcus ponetur, Manlius illic :
Compositis una rixa duobus erit.


Listen and Save.

ABRINA fair,

Listen, where thou art sitting

Under the glassy, cool, translucent wave,
In twisted braids of lilies knitting

The loose train of thy amber-dropping hair;
Listen for dear honour's sake,

Goddess of the silver lake,

Listen and save.

[blocks in formation]

Rise, rise, and heave thy rosy head
From thy coral-paven bed,

And bridle in thy headlong wave

Till thou our summons answered have:
Listen and save.


An Eye-witness.

HY dost thou gaze upon the sky?
O that I were yon spangled sphere;
Then every star should be an eye,
To wander o'er thy beauties here.



Leben athme der bildende Kunst; Geist fordr' ich vom Dichter; Aber die Seele spricht nur Polyhymnia aus.


Audi casta Puellas.

ABRINA, nostras rite memor preces
Audi sub imo gurgite, qva sedes
Regina pellucentis undae et
In vitreo thalami recessu

Iam liliorum flore recentium
Nexo fluentes undiqve comprimis
Crines, et electro nitentis
Luxuriem religas capilli.

Argentei te fluminis incolam
Nos invocamus. Supplicibus tuis
Succurre, si castas tueri

Cura tibi superest puellas.

Qvid te morantem detinet? Ilicet
Antro relicto, purpureis ubi

Fulget pavimentum lapillis,

Nympha potens, roseos precamur

Exserta vultus aeqvore prodeas
Tutela praesens; sed rabiem prius
Fraena reluctantis fluenti et

Praecipites, tua regna, fluctus.

C. T. N.

Testis oculatus.

JUNE polum spectas? Vellem polus astrifer esse, Et Veneres oculis mille videre tuas.



ITA sit in statuis; spirare poemata possint;
Ipsum animum callet Musica sola loqvi.


Nymph of the Stream, now take a grateful Prayer.

IRGIN daughter of Locrine,
Sprung of old Anchises' line,

May thy brimmed waves for this
Their full tribute never miss
From a thousand petty rills,
That tumble down the snowy hills:
Summer drouth or singèd air
Never scorch thy tresses fair;
Nor wet October's torrent flood
Thy molten crystal fill with mud;
May thy billows roll ashore
The beryl and the golden ore;
May thy lofty head be crowned

With many a tower and terrace round,
And here and there, thy banks upon,


groves of myrrh and cinnamon.


The Travellers.

T. 1.

'VE lost my portmanteau. T. 2. I pity your

[blocks in formation]

Was ich ohne dich wäre, ich weiß es nicht; aber mir grauset, Seh' ich was ohne dich Hundert' und Tausende sind.


Merces tibi defluat.

IRGO, Locrini filia, qvae sene
Iactas ab Anchisa eximium genus,
Tu, dote pro tanta, precamur
Usqve novis saturere lymphis,

Qvas mille parvi dent tibi rivuli
Lapsi nivosis praecipites iugis :
Ne torrida aestas, ne nitentes
Flamma poli violet capillos,

Neu fontium crystalla liqventia
October udus sordibus oppleat:
Per prata beryllos et auri

Volvat agens tua semen unda:

Celsis corones undiqve turribus
Xystisqve multis egregium caput,
Hinc inde disponens ad oras

Cinnama cum viridante myrrha.

Κέρδος ἀκερδές.


Οδ. α'. Ώλεσα τὸν σάκκον· Οδ. β'. φεῦ φεῦ κακοδαῖμον ὁδῖτα.

Ὁδ. α'. ἐν δὲ λόγους ἑκατόν. Ὁδ. β'. φεῦ σέθεν, οἰκτρὲ


Ad Musam.

S. A.

USA, qvid ipse forem sine te? Non auguror. Atqvid
Sint homines sine te mille, videre dolet.


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