Dr. BARROW'S Words, prefix'd before his Apollonius. God always acts Geometrically. H OW great a Geometrician art thou, has no Bounds; while there is for ever room for the Discovery of New Theorems, even by Human Faculties; Thou art acquainted with them all at one View, without any Chain of Consequences, without any Fatigue of Demonstrations. In other Arts and Sciences our Understanding is able to do almost nothing; and, like the Imagination of Brutes, seems only to dream of some uncertain Propositions: Whence it is that in so many Men are almost so many Minds. But in these Geometrical Theorems all Men are agreed: In these the Human Faculties appear to have some real Abilities, and those Great, Wonderful and Amazing. For those Faculties which feem of almost no force in other Matters, in this Science appear to be Efficacious, Powerful, and Successful, &c. Thee therefore do I take hence occasion to Love, Rejoice in, and Admire; and to long for that Day, with the Earnest Breathings of my Soul, when thou shalt be pleased, out of thy Bounty, out of thy Immense and Sacred Benignity, to allow me to behold, and that with Dr. BARROW's Words, &c. with a pure Mind, and clear Sight, not only these Truths, but those also which are more numerous, and more important; and all this without that continual and painful Application of the Imagination, which we discover these withal, &c. : 4 Mathematical Notes or Abbreviations. = The Note for Equality. So a = b fignifies that a and b are equal. + The Note for Addition. So a+b fignifies the Sum of a and b together. 1 The note for Subtraction. So a - b fignifies the Difference between a and b. x The Note for Multiplication. So axborab fignifies a multiplied by b. ::: The Note for equality of Proportion. So A:B:: a:& fignifies that A bears the fame Proportion to B, that a bears to b. The Note of continued Proportion. So A, B, C fignifies that A bears the fame Proportion to B, that & bears to C. q The note for a Square. So CBq fignifies the Square of the Line CB. The Note for a Cube. So CB c fignifies the Cube of the Line C B. THE I. The Elements of EUCLID. A BOOK Ι. DEFINITIONS. Point is a Mark in Magnitude, which is That is, which cannot be divided so 2. A Line is a Magnitude which hath Length only, and wants all Breadth; forasmuch as it is understood to be produced from the flowing of a Point. 3. Points are the Terms of a Line. 4. A right Line, is that which lies evenly betwixt its Fig. 1. Terms. 1 Or as Archimedes: A right Line is the least of all those which have the same Terms; or, is the shortest of all those which can be drawn betwixt two Points. Or as Plato hath it: A right Line is that whose Extremes hide all the rest; [that is, when the Eye is placed in a Continuation of the Line.] The Sense is the fame in all. The Instrument whereby right Lines are described, is [called] a Rule; which whether it be strait or not you may know by this Tryal. Describe a Line according to the Rule; then turning the Rule so, that that which before was the Right-hand End may now become the Left-hand End, apply it again to the Line before described; if it doth now entirely fall B Table x. Fig. 2, 4. fall in with the Line, the Rule is strait; if not, the Rule is not strait. The Reason hereof depends on Axiom 13. 5. A Surface is a Magnitude which hath only Lengt. and Breadth. It hath two Dimensions therefore: And is understood to be produc'd by the flowing of a Line. 6. Lines are the Extremes of a Surface. 7. A Plane, or a plain Surface, is that which lies evenly betwixt its extreme Lines. Or as Hero, that, to all the Parts whereof a right Line may be accommodated. For it is produc'd from the Motion of a right Line. Or, A plain Surface is that whose Extremes any of them hide all the rest, [the Eye being placed in a Continuation of the Surface.] Or, It is the least of all Surfaces which have the fame Terms. The Sense is the fame in all. Euclid hath not here defined a Body or Solid, because he was not yet about to treat concerning it. But lest any one should want the Definition thereof, take it here thus: A Body is a Magnitude long, broad and deep. A Body therefore hath three Dimensions, a Surface two, a Line one, a Point none. 8. A plain Angle is the mutual Inclination to each other of two Lines, which touch one another in a Plain; but so as not to make one Line. Therefore the two Lines AB, CA, touching one another in A, but so as not to make one Line, constitute an Angle. 9. The Sides or Legs of an Angle are the Lines which make the Angle. 10. The Vertex or Top of an Angle is the Point (A) in which the Legs do meet and touch one another. Note, that a fingle Angle is defigned by one Letter put at the Top: When there are more at one Point, they are designed by three Letters, the middlemost of which denores the Top of the Angle; and many times also by one Letter interpos'd betwixt the Sides near the Top. So in Fig. 5. the Angle made by the Lines BA, CA, is designed either by three Letters BAC, or by one only O. 11. Angles are called Equal, if when the Tops of them are laid upon one another, the Sides of one agree with the Sides of the other. But unto this it is not required that the Sides should be of an equal Length. 3 12. They 12. They are called Unequal when the Top and one Side agreeing, the other doth not agree; and that is called the Greater, whose Side falls without. So the Angle BAE is greater than the Angle BAC. Fig. 5 An Angle is not diminish'd or increas'd by the Diminution or Augmentation of the Sides that include it. 13. A right-lin'd Angle is that which right Lines con-Fig.2, 4. Aitute; a curvi-linear, which crooked Lines; a mixt one, that which a right Line and a crooked one make. 14. When the right Line [CA] standing upon the Fig. 6. Right one [BF] leans unto neither Part, and therefore makes the Angles on both Sides equal, CAB=CAF, both of the equal Angles are called Right ones: But the right Line CA which stands upon the other, is called a perpendicular Line, or barely a Perpendicular. A right Angle may also be defined thus. A right Angle is that (BAC) to which on the other Side an equal one arifeth (CAF) if you produce or draw forth a Side, as (BA). Two Rules so joined as to contain a right Angle, make an Instrument, which is called a Square. Pythagoras was the Inventor of it, as Vitruvius affirmeth, c. 2. 1. 9. So great is the Ufe and Force of a right Angle in Framing, Measuring, and Strengthning all Things, that nothing almost can be done without it. The Proof of a Square is made thus: Apply the Side of it, A E to the right Line A F, and describe the right Line CA along the other Side. Then turning the Square towards B, if on both Sides it agrees to the right Lines CA, AB, you may know that it is true and exact. The Reason hereof appears from the 14th Definition it self. Fig. 6. 15. The Angle BAC, which is greater than the right Fig. 7 one FAC, is called an obtufe Angle. 16. The Angle (LAC) which is less than the right Fig. 8, Angle (FAC) is called an Acute one. 17. A plain Figure is a plain Surface, bounded on every Side with one or more Lines. 18. A Circle is a plain Surface contained within the Fig. 9. Compass of one Line called the Circumference; from which Line all the right Lines that can be drawn unto one certain Point, within the contained Space (A), are equal. 19. That Point is called the Center. 20. The |