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power thereof, be spread from sea to sea. Which of you will not rejoice to throw in your mite to promote this glorious work ?

"Besides this, in carrying on so large a work through the continent, there are calls for money in various ways, and we must frequently be at a considerable expense, or the work must be at a full stop. Many too are the occasional distresses of our preachers, or their families, which require an immediate supply, otherwise their hands would hang down, if they were not constrained to depart from the work.

"The money contributed will be brought to the ensuing conference.

"Men and brethren, help! Was there ever a call like this since you first heard the gospel sound? Help to relieve your companions in the kingdom of Jesus, who are pressed above measure. Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Help to send forth able and willing labourers into your Lord's harvest :-so shall ye be assistants in saving souls from death, and hiding a multitude of sins. Help to propagate the gospel of your salvation to the remotest corners of the earth, till the knowledge of our Lord shall cover the land, as the waters cover the sea. So shall it appear to ourselves and all men, that we are indeed one body, united

by one spirit; so shall the baptized heathens be yet again constrained to say, 'See how these Christians love one another!","

4. A public collection shall be made at every annual and every general conference, for the above purposes.

5. Let the annual produce of the charter fund, as divided among the several conferences, be applied with the above contributions: but so as not to militate against the rules of the charter fund; and also the annual dividend arising from the profits of the book concern. Out of the moneys so collected, and brought to the respective annual conferences, let the various allowances agreed upon in the fourth section be made up; but in no case shall an allowance be made to any travelling preacher, who has travelled in any circuit where he might, in the judgment of the annual conference, have obtained his full quarterage, if he had applied for it: and if at any conference there remain a surplus after making up all such allowances, the conference shall send such surplus forward to that conference they judge to be the most necessitous.

6. Every annual conference has full liberty to adopt and recommend such plans and rules, as to them may appear necessary, the more effectually to raise supplies for the respective allowances. Each annual conference is authorized to raise a fund, if they judge it proper, subject to its own control, and under such regulations as their wisdom may direct, for the relief of the distressed, travelling, superannuated, and supernumerary preachers, their wives, widows, and children, as also for missionary purposes.

7. If the respective allowances are not raised as provided for, the church shall not be accountable for the deficiency, as in a case of debt.

8. To defray the expenses of the delegates composing the general conference, a collection shall be taken up in each circuit and station some time previously to the sitting of the conference, and the sums so collected shall be brought up to the general conference, and applied to the object herein contemplated in proportion to the expenses of the several delegates.

Quest. What advice or direction shall be given, concerning the building or renting of dwelling houses, for the use of the married travelling preachers?

Answ. It is recommended by the general conference, to the travelling preachers, to advise our friends in general to purchase a lot of ground in each circuit, and to build a preacher's house thereon, and to furnish it with, at least, heavy furniture, and to settle the same on trustees, appointed by the quarterly meeting conference, according to the deed of settlement published in our form of discipline.

2. The general conference recommend to all the circuits, in cases where they are not able to comply with the above request, to rent a house for the married preacher and his family, (when such are stationed upon their circuits respectively,) and that the annual conferences do assist to make up the rents of such houses as far as they can, when the circuit cannot do it.

The stewards of each circuit and station shall be a standing committee (where no trustees are constituted for that purpose) to provide houses for the families of our married preachers, or to assist the preachers to obtain houses for themselves when they are appointed to labour among them.

3. It shall be the duty of the presiding elders and preachers to use their influence to carry the above rules, respecting building and renting houses for the accommodation of preachers and their families, into effect. In order to this, each quarterly meeting conference shall appoint a committee, (unless other measures have been adopted,) who, with the advice and aid of the preachers and presiding elders, shall devise such means as may seem fit to raise moneys for that purpose. And it is recommended to the annual conferences to make a special inquiry of their members respecting this part of their duty.

4. Those preachers who refuse to occupy the houses which may be provided for them, on the stations and circuits, where they are from time to time appointed, shall be allowed nothing for house rent, nor receive any thing more than quarterage for themselves, their wives, and children, and their travelling expenses. Nevertheless, this rule shal' not apply to those preachers whose families are either established within the bounds of their circuits, or are so situated that in the judgment of the stewards, or the above mentioned committee, it is not necessary, for the benefit of the circuit, to remove them.

5. It shall be the duty of the said committee, or one appointed for that purpose, who shall be members of our Church, to make an estimate of the amount necessary to furnish fuel and table expenses for the family or families of preachers stationed with them, and the stewards shall provide by such means as they may devise, to meet such expenses, in money or otherwise :-Provided the stewards shall not appropriate the moneys collected for the regular quarterly allowance

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