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living in such states respectively: Provided, such securities and such deputies be proposed, as shall be approved of by the trustees in Philadelphia; and the stock in which it is proposed to lodge the money, be sufficiently productive to give satisfaction to the trustees.


Of the Printing and Circulating of Books, and of the Profits arising therefrom.

1. The book business shall be carried on in the city of New-York.

There shall be one editor and general book steward, and an assistant to act under his direction, both of whom shall be chosen from among the travelling preachers, and by virtue of their appointment shall be members of the New-York annual conference, to whom in the interval of the general conference they shall be responsible for their conduct in the book business. And the New-York conference, in the interval of the general conference, shall have power, if they deem it necessary, by and with the advice and consent of the bishops and book committee, to remove either of them; and in case of removal, death, or resignation, to appoint a successor to act until the next ensuing general conference. The editor and general book-steward shall have authority to regulate the publications, and all other parts of the business as the state of the finances will admit, and the demands may require.

It shall be his duty to inform the annual conferences, if any of the preachers or private members of the society neglect to make payment. And also, to send a copy of the annual exhibit to each of the several annual conferences, so as that such exhibit, may be laid before said conferences if possible at their sessions next succeeding the making thereof.

He shall publish such books and tracts as are recommended by the general conference, and such as may be approved and recommended by an annual conference; and he may reprint any book or tract which has once been approved and published by us, when in his judgment, and in the judgment of the book committee, the same ought to be reprinted: or he may publish any new work not before published by us, which shall be approved and recommended by the said committee; and in case of the death or resignation of the editor and general book-steward, or of the editor of the Christian Advocate and Journal, the assistant shall carry on the concern till the sitting of the next ensuing annual confer ence. No general book-steward or editor in the book concern shall serve in that department for more than eight years successively.

2. There shall be also an editor of the Christian Advocate and Journal (elected in the same way and for the same time as the editor and general book-steward,) who shall have power if need be, with the advice and consent of the book committee and book agents at New-York, to employ an assistant. He shall have charge of the clerks in that department, and of all business connected with it, and shall be responsible for its due and efficient management. He shall also edit and publish the Child's Magazine, Sunday school books and tracts; and be ex-officio a member of the New-York book committee.

3. The book committee shall consist of five members, four of whom shall be chosen by the New-York annual conference, the fifth to be the editor of the Christian Advo vocate and Journal.

4. There shall be a book agent, who shall reside in Cincinnati, and manage the concern in the Western Country, under the direction of the editor at New-York: and who, by virtue of his appointment, shall be a member of the Ohio annual conference, under the same regulations by which the agents at New-York are members of the New-York annual conference. And the Ohio conference shall appoint a committee of three, whose duty it shall be to examine the accounts of said agent, and report to the said conference annually; and in case of the death or resignation of the agent, the Ohio conference shall have authority to appoint a successor until the sitting of the ensuing general conference.

5. No books shall hereafter be issued on commission, either from New-York or Cincin nati.

6. Every annual conference shall appoint a committee or committees to examine the accounts of the presiding elders, preachers, and book stewards, in their respective districts or circuits. Every presiding elder, minister, and preacher, shall do every thing in their power to recover all debts due to the concern, and also all the books belonging to the concern, which may remain in the hands of any person within their districts or circuits. If any preacher or member be indebted to the book concern, and refuses to make payment, or to come to a just settlement, let him be dealt with for a breach of trust, and such effectual measures be adopted for the recovery of such debts as shall be agreeable to the direction of the annual conferences respectively.

7. At each annual conference next ensuing the passage of this resolution, the presiding elders shall deliver into the hands of the book agents, (or book committee of such conference) for all the books in the several circuits and stations in their districts, the receipts of those persons in whose care such books shall have been left. After the appointments for the year ensuing have been announced, the agents or book committee shall give to each preacher, the receipts belonging to his circuit or station, retaining an exact account of the amount called for by such receipts which shall be charged against said preacher, and accounted for by him at the next annual conference; provided that the several presiding elders shall be at equal liberty to sell any such books on the same terms and principles with other preachers, and shall account therefor with the preachers to whom they have been charged, or with the agents, or the book committees of their respective conferences.

8. The profits arising from the book concern, after a sufficient capital to carry on the business is retained, shall be regularly applied to the support of the distressed travelling preachers and their families, the widows and orphans of preachers, &c. The general book steward shall every year send forward to each annual conference, an account of the

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