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and increased the strictness of their lives and religious performances.

It was indeed the dawning of a new day to their souls; and as they attended in simple obedience to the discoveries of this Divine Light, they were gradually led further into the spirituality of the Gospel dispensation. The change which it made in their views was great, and many and deep were their searchings of heart, trying the fleece both wet and dry, 'ere they yielded; lest they should be mistaken and put the workings of their own imaginations for the unfoldings of the spirit of Christ. But as they patiently abode under its enlight

Many of them were deeply versed in Scripture knowledge and familiar with the religious controversies of the day; and some after wearying themselves with the multitude and severity of their religious performances, without finding the expected benefit from them, separated from all the forms of worship then known, and sat down in a very simple way, earnestly looking and praying for the fuller manifestation of the power of Christ, in redeeming them from sin and giving that peace which passeth all un-ening operations, every doubt and difficulty derstanding.

In this humble, wrestling, seeking state, the Lord was graciously pleased to meet with them, sometimes without any instrumental means, and at others through the living ministry of his anointed servants whom he sent amongst them. Then they were brought to see that that which made them uneasy in the midst of their high profession and manifold observances, and raised fervent desires after a nearer acquaintance with the God of their lives, was nothing less than the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, striving with them in order to bring them fully from under the bondage of sin into the glorious liberty of the children of God. They were brought to feel that they had been resting too much in a mere historical belief of the blessed doctrines of the Gospel, the birth, life, miracles, sufferings, death, resurrection, ascension, mediation, atonement, and divinity of the Lord Jesus, all of which were then readily assented to by Christian professors, but had not sufficiently looked for and abode under the heart-cleansing and sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit or Comforter, to seal those precious truths on the understanding, and give each one a living, practical interest in them, so that they might know Christ to be their Saviour and Redeemer, and that he had indeed come to them the second time without sin unto salvation.

They perceived that while partaking of the outward bread and wine and resting in that, they had overlooked the true communion, in which Christ comes into the soul and sups with it, causing it to partake of that living bread which comes down from heaven, and the new wine of his kingdom, by which its spiritual strength and enjoyment are renewed. That the baptism in water was a mere external rite, which could neither wash the soul from pollution nor initiate it into the church of Christ, and that they must therefore experience the one spiritual baptism by the Holy Ghost and fire; not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God; by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

was removed, and they were enabled to speak from joyful experience of that which they had seen, and handled, and tasted, of the good word of life.

As Adam was originally created in the image of his Maker, free from every defilement, and fell from this blessed condition by yielding to the temptations of the devil; and as Christ came to restore man from the effects of the fall and bring him back to his primeval condition; so they believed that such as fully embraced the religion of Christ, would have power given them over sin and enabled to follow Him in all things; corresponding with his blessed commandment "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."

Our Lord Jesus Christ having left it as a standing testimony to all his disciples, that without Him they could do nothing, that it is the Spirit which quickeneth, the flesh profiting nothing; they found that they could no longer pray, preach, or sing in their own wills, when and as they pleased, but must wait to receive a divine qualification, and feel the spirit of Truth moving them thereto, and so helping their infirmities that they might perform those services acceptably to God.

Hence they came to see that no qualifications derived from human learning or ordination, could make a man a minister of the Gospel; but that this was a divine gift received from Christ himself, as the great head of his church; and that the ability to preach or pray aright must be derived from the immediate moving and inspiration of his Holy Spirit.

As George Fox travelled through England, preaching this fundamental doctrine of the light of Christ in the conscience, and calling men away from a dependence on traditional knowledge and outside religion, by which Gospel truth and power had been overlaid, to the teachings of the Holy Spirit, he found many persons prepared to receive his testimony and to acknowledge that this was what their thirsty souls had long been panting after. To this circumstance may in part be attributed the great convincements which took place, and

the rapid increase of the Society; for although to be turned to the Lord, in reverent desire the adoption of those principles soon brought that he would be pleased to bless it as a means on them the ridicule, reproach, and even cruel of religious instruction and comfort, and by persecution of their former associates and the affusions of his Holy Spirit, enlighten the friends, yet they joyfully embraced them, heart to understand, and availingly apply to counting nothing too dear to part with in order our benefit, what we read. to purchase the blessed truth, and that peace and settlement they had so long sought in vain. It is no cause of surprise that minds thus happily brought to experience the blessed effects of the doctrine, should dwell much in their writings and ministry on the immediate teachings of the Holy Spirit. It was indeed the burden of the word with them, and as it struck, more directly than any other of their principles, at the very foundation of satan's kingdom, so he stirred himself greatly to mis-couraged in numerous yearly epistles, to inrepresent and pervert it. struct the infant minds of their children, in

From an early period in the history of the Society, this Christian duty has been frequently enjoined both by the Yearly Meetings and concerned Friends. There is probably no community of Christian professors, who have evinced the same solicitude, or been at as great pains, that all its members should be made acquainted with the Holy Scriptures, and frequently engaged in reading them. Parents are directed in the Discipline, and en


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"As the natural man [or man in the fallen and unregenerate state, which by nature belongs to him] receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto

They were charged with setting up this the saving truths contained in those Divine doctrine in opposition to the outward coming, Writings, and to excite them to a reverent and propitiatory sufferings and death of the esteem of them; and in order that all may be dear Son of God, and to his divinity and me-reminded of their duty in this respect, the diation; which false accusation they promptly query is annually to be answered by each of denied, asserting that since they had come to the subordinate meetings; "Are Friends carethe teachings of His spirit in their hearts, ful to bring up those under their direction they had been brought to a more true, revein frequently reading the Holy rent, and living sense and esteem, of his unmerited mercy in coming into the world to die for sinners, and of all his blessed offices in the work of man's salvation, than they ever had before. In answer to the charge of denying or un-him; neither can he know them because they dervaluing the Holy Scriptures they declared, that those precious writings were in great measure a sealed book to them, until they were opened by the spirit which influenced the holy men of old who wrote them; and that through its enlightening influences, the beauty, harmony, and consistency of the Scriptures were clearly set before the view of their minds, and the saving truths recorded therein, livingly sealed upon their understandings.

are spiritually discerned," our first Friends contended, and the Society to the present time holds the sentiment, that the saving knowledge of the mysteries of Christian redemption, contained in Holy Scripture, is only obtained through the influences of the Holy Spirit, opening and enlightening the understanding to apprehend them aright, and sealing them upon the heart by his powerful operations. They asserted therefore, that in order to arrive In reading the writings of the first members at this essential and experimental knowledge, of the Society of Friends, we are struck with it was necessary that people should come to the numerous quotations from both the Old the teachings of the same eternal Spirit by and New Testament, which they adduced to which the Scriptures were given forth, for prove the truth of their doctrines. That they holy men of old wrote them as they were were deeply versed in those Sacred Writings, moved by the Holy Ghost. Not that they and diligent readers of them, is obvious from believed we were to expect the same degree of this fact, as well as from the memoirs of their divine illumination which those preeminentlives. Their sermons also, are fraught with ly favoured instruments enjoyed, nor yet that Scripture language, illustrating and establish- we are to wait for a divine revelation to ining by its high authority, the great truths they duce us to read the Sacred Volume; but that enforced. By precept likewise as well as in our daily perusal of them, we should enpractice, they recommended the duty of dili-deavour to have our minds directed to Him in gently and devoutly reading the Holy Scrip- whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and tures; not as a mere dry, customary per- knowledge. While the mysteries of redempformance, without interest or a feeling of the tion are only revealed to the babes in Christ, individual application and importance of the there are a multitude of precepts and narratruths they contain, but as a serious yet de- tives contained in the Bible, fraught with inlightful engagement, in which the mind ought|terest and instruction, intelligible to the hum

blest capacity, and of daily application to the hearts of the people, in the face of contempt, duties of life. We cannot become too con- ridicule, and persecution, finally disarmed their versant with these, nor ponder them too often enemies and even extorted from them reluctant or too seriously with reference to our own commendation. Principles, for the promulgaconduct and conversation. It is not, there- tion of which, they suffered deeply in person fore, to discourage from the very frequent and estate, were subsequently acknowledged perusal of this blessed book, that the Society as truth by a large portion of Christian proholds forth the necessity of seeking the aid of fessors, and several of their testimonies have the Holy Spirit, savingly to open and apply so generally obtained as to have modified the the doctrines it contains, but rather to encou- legal codes in England and America, and given rage all in the performance of this necessary a new aspect to judicial proceedings. When duty, to apply in faith to Him who opened the we contemplate the spread of those Christian understandings of his disciples formerly to doctrines which our forefathers maintained understand the Scriptures, that so we may almost alone, and remember that they have realize the truth of the apostles' testimony, lost none of their truth or excellence, that that they are profitable for doctrine, for re- their benign influence in promoting the happiproof, for correction, for instruction in righte-ness and true interests of mankind is not ousness, that the man of God may be perfect, lessened, and that they are among the lovelithoroughly furnished unto all good works, and est features and highest privileges of the Christhat they are able to make wise unto salvation tian religion, the importance of maintaining through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Their belief in a divine communication between the soul of man and its Almighty Creator, through the medium of the Holy Spirit, by which the Christian may be "led into all truth," did not at all lessen their regard for the authority of the Holy Scriptures as the test of doctrines. They constantly professed their willingness that all their principles and practices should be tried by them; and that whatsoever any, who pretended to the guidance of the spirit, either said or did which was contrary to their testimony, ought to be rejected and condemned as a satanic delusion, and also, that "what is not read therein nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man that it should be believed as an article of faith."

them inviolate assumes a most serious character. Had the members of the Society stood in that degree of faithfulness to which they are individually called, we cannot say how much more extensively those principles would have prevailed, or what greater influence they might have had in promoting the kingdom of the dear Son of God. In proportion to the advantages bestowed upon us, our responsibility as a community and as individuals is increased, and it is a serious reflection that if we are not improving them and walking answerably thereto, we are retarding the diffusion of Gospel light and knowledge, and as far as our influence extends, delaying the coming of that day when "the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ."

With these views of the spirituality of the Every individual, however humble his sphere of the Gospel, and the authority of Holy Scrip- in life, exercises an influence over those around ture, they were led to the cordial acceptance him, which under divine guidance may be of those precepts of our blessed Saviour and made subservient to the advancement of relihis apostles, which so strikingly enforce what gion. That the most important results often are termed the testimonies of the Society, viz: arise from small beginnings, the history of against war, oaths, a hireling ministry, the our forefathers in the truth furnishes abundant pride of life and worldly compliance in ex- evidence. Their zeal and devotion, their contravagant and costly attire and living, the use stancy and faith, nay, the whole tendency of of the plural language to a single person, and their example, presents an awakening call to of flattering titles and compliments; against their successors in religious profession, to press all intemperance in eating or drinking, vain earnestly after the attainment of the same amusements, conversation and jesting; in short holiness in life and conversation, agreeably whatever was inconsistent with the gravity of to the exhortation of the eminent apostle; men, who were "looking for and hastening "Brethren, be followers together of us, and unto the great day" of righteous retribution, mark them which walk so as ye have us for and therefore desired to "pass the time of their an ensample: for our conversation is in heaven, sojourning here" in the fear and favour of God. from whence also we look for the Saviour, the In the midst of a corrupt and licentious age, Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile their godly example was as a light that could body, that it may be fashioned like unto his not be hid, and which the surrounding dark-glorious body, according to the working whereness only served to render more conspicuous. by he is able even to subdue all things unto Silently, but steadily it made its way to the himself.”


THE Memoir of the Life of George Fox, what Friends were prisoners, or from other would be incomplete, without a more extended causes needed relief-what wives had been notice of the establishment of the Discipline, made widows, and what children orphans, by and meetings for its management, a work the death of their husbands and parents in which he was chiefly instrumental in accom- prison, and to take care that suitable provision plishing. Scarcely had those who embraced was made for such. Another object was, to the Christian principles promulgated by him, been recognized as a distinct body of professors, 'ere occasions arose, in which the exercise of a brotherly care over each other became necessary.

A large portion of the early members, were persons whose pecuniary means were small. The singularity of their language and manners, was so little agreeable to the pride of man, that many refused to trade with or employ them. In some cases, the priests warned their congregations against holding any intercourse with them, either to buy or sell, and the general persecution of the Society, while it cut off the means of procuring a livelihood, wrested from them the little property they possessed.

collect accounts of the sufferings of Friends by imprisonment, distraints, and other penalties for their religious principles, and prepare them for laying before those in authority. This gave an opportunity for examining who were illegally imprisoned, and adopting such measures for their liberation, as the circumstances rendered proper.

The mode of accomplishing marriages, early claimed the attention of George Fox, and called forth the first directions which can properly be viewed as disciplinary regulations. The Church of England and the laws of the realm, recognized no legal marriages without the intervention of a priest. Under the Commonwealth and Protectorate, the ceremony was to be performed before a magistrate, and the It seldom happened however, that the storm words repeated by the contracting parties were fell with equal violence on all parts at once. nearly the same in effect, as those which are Sometimes it was severe in one county, while now used by Friends. Both these modes others adjoining it would be comparatively however, presented insuperable objections to exempt, so that some were mostly in a condi- the Society. They viewed the interference of tion to extend help to the sufferers. The occa- the priests, as an assumption altogether unsions for the exercise of brotherly kindness were numerous and pressing, and they were met in a spirit of noble liberality, which has seldom been surpassed. None appeared to regard what they had as their own exclusively, but as a trust for the general benefit of all, to be freely applied in relieving the wants of their more destitute brethren. Where the kindlier feelings of the heart were so often called into vigorous action, it is no wonder that they acquired a strength which influenced the whole character. The history of the Society at that period, furnishes numerous examples of disinterested affection and self-devotion, on which the mind delights to dwell. The exercise of the spirit of kindness and accommodation toward each other, established a habit of benevolence, which showed itself in their conduct toward others, and became proverbial.

It was from this source, that the first meetings for the affairs of the church originated. They were for the purpose of inquiring

warranted by Holy Scripture or the example of the primitive church, and they clearly inferred from the same authority, that marriage was not a mere civil compact, but a Divine ordinance, and that it was the prerogative of God alone to join persons in that solemn covenant.

Hence, on Scripture authority, they could not acknowledge either of the existing modes of accomplishing marriages, and therefore adopted that which is practised at the present day, of taking each other in marriage in a religious assembly, this being in their apprehension, most consistent with the examples which we have recorded in the Sacred Volume.

Such a departure from established usages was an important movement, and likely to be misrepresented by their enemies to the injury of the Society. The validity of their marriages too, they had every reason to expect, would be questioned and the descent of estates consequently involved.

Already the objects of groundless suspicion Society had thus obtained, and not be induced and misrepresentation, they could not but ap- to take advantage of it either to extend their buprehend that their opponents would endeavoursiness improperly, or to promote their worldly to cast the imputation of secresy and immo- interest by any unfair means. Several of his rality upon them, and hence they took the early epistles contain much exhortation and precaution not only to make the proceedings advice on these subjects, and recommend conopen and public, but to secure the testimony cerned Friends to watch over their brethren of numerous witnesses to the ceremony. The in love, that the least appearance of departure banns were published in their meetings, the might be checked. Other Friends also, lamarkets, or other places of public resort, boured both by example and precept, to proseveral weeks before the marriage took place, mote that Christian moderation which avoids and at least twelve persons were directed to rather than seeks riches, and is contented with sign the certificate of its accomplishment. the little which Providence is pleased to beThe wisdom of these precautions was soon stow; as well as the exercise of caution in apparent. Their marriages were not only contracting and promptitude in the payment calumniated as unchristian and indecent, but of debts, consistent with the advice of the apos their validity legally contested; a circumstance tle to "owe no man anything but love." however, which proved of advantage to the Society, for after full investigation they were judicially established in open court by the decision of the judges, and the calumnies wiped away. George Fox mentions that he wrote to Friends in 1653, giving them directions how their marriages should be accomplished. This was some years antecedent to the general institution of meetings for Discipline, an event which led to some changes on that subject, and produced a more regular and uniform system of proceeding.

Connected with this subject, was the proper registry of births and deaths, a matter of no small consequence, in reference to its influence on the rights of inheritance. The care which he took in this respect, was marked by that wisdom which distinguished his other arrangements. Records were carefully preserved in each subordinate meeting, and copies of them transmitted to the Quarterly Meetings, where they were again registered, in order that if those of the smaller meetings were lost, access might be had to copies duly authenticated under the sanction of the Society.

The care of the ministry was another object which occupied his attention. Within a short period after the rise of the Society, many of both sexes had engaged in that solemn service, and travelled through the nation as well as in foreign parts preaching the Gospel. It was manifestly proper that these should be persons approved by their friends at home, and have their unity in entering on such extensive visits. For this purpose he gave directions as early as 1669, that such should have certificates from their brethren, stating the consistency of their conduct and conversation, and the approbation of their friends.

His solicitude for the religious education of the youth, was evinced by earnest exhortation in many of his epistles, to the diligent discharge of the duty of parents and guardians in this respect. He also enjoined on meetings the care of the estates and education of orphans, and procuring them suitable places with Friends as apprentices or servants. Where widows who had children by a former husband, contemplated marrying again, meetings were directed to see that the rights of such children to their father's estates, were fully secured, with such other provision for them as the circumstances of the surviving parent rendered proper, before the proposals of marriage were allowed by the meeting.

The religious principles which governed the members of the Society in the beginning, led them to observe strict integrity and uprightness in all their dealings, and to regard their words with scrupulous exactness. They considered the prevailing standard in these respects, much The superstitious opinions entertained by below the morality which the Gospel required, most professors, respecting the holiness of the and could not be satisfied with anything short places of worship and interment, as well as of the comprehensive rule laid down by our the interference of the priests in the burial of blessed Saviour, in its most strict construction; the dead, formed an objection in the minds of "Whatsoever ye would that men should do Friends to making use of the usual burial unto you, do ye even so to them." Acting grounds. Connected with this, was the erecupon these principles they established a repu- tion of costly monuments over the remains of tation for truth and honesty, which eventually deceased relatives and friends, a practice which increased their trade and business, and drew they considered inconsistent with the profession upon them the observation of others. Thus of a Christian, involving a useless expense, and circumstanced, George Fox was anxious that designed rather to gratify the pride of survivors all who made profession with Friends, might than to perpetuate the virtues of the deceased; walk consistently with the high character the the true memorial of the righteous being in

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