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"5th of eleventh month. No council today-colonel Pickering and some chiefs busy in preparing the articles of treaty.

us but liberty to pass and repass, I will me to-morrow morning. I now cover the give up the rest. You know there is a path council fire. already from Buffalo-creek to Niagara, I only ask liberty to make a better path, to clear the stumps and logs out of the way. I am sure, that about so small a matter you can make no difficulty; I will sit down and wait your answer. After a short space, colonel Pickering observed, he had forgot to inform them, that the road should be opened under the di-owners. We requested them to convene some rection of the superintendent of the Six Nations, Canadesago; who would take care to have it done so as to be as little injurious as possible to the Indians.

"The sachems having consulted together about half an hour, Red Jacket replied:

"General Washington, now listen; we are going to brighten the chain of friendship between the Six Nations and the Americans. We thank you for complying with our request, in giving up the particular spot in dispute. You mentioned that you wanted a road through our country; remember your old agreement, that you were to pass along the lake by water; we have made up our minds respecting your request to open a road. Colonel Pickering writing what was said, Red Jacket would not proceed till he looked him in the face.

"Brothers, It costs the white people a great deal to make roads, we wish not to put you to that great expense; we don't want you to spend your money for that purpose. We have a right understanding of your request, and have agreed to grant you a road from fort Schlosser to Buffalo-creek, but not from Buffalo-creek down this way at all. We have given you an answer; if, on considering it you have any reply to make, we will hear you. "Commissioner. I confess brothers, I expected you would have agreed to my proposal; but as this is not the case, I will give it up, only reserving the road from fort Schlosser to Buffalo. There has been a mutual condescension, which is the best way of settling business. There are yet several matters to be attended to, before signing the articles of the treaty; which, I can best communicate to some of your chiefs, as it would not be so convenient to discuss them among large numbers. One matter is, how the goods and annuity had best be appropriated; and as there are some bad people both amongst you and us, it would be well to fix some modes of settling disputes, when they arise between individuals of your nations and ours. As soon as we have digested a plan, we will introduce it into the public council. I therefore invite two sachems and two warriors of the Senecas, and a sachem and a warrior of each of the other nations, to take an early breakfast with

"6th. An interpreter with four other Indians, came to have further conversation about the Hopewell land. It does not appear proba ble, that the Conestogoes were the original

sensible chiefs of each nation, and we would meet them at general Chapin's with a map of the United States, and endeavour to settle the matter if possible. General Chapin is of opinion, that the Tuscaroras are the original owners of the Virginia land. No council in public, colonel Pickering being engaged all day, in conference on the articles of treaty; new objections and dissatisfaction were started by several principal chiefs, who are unwilling to relinquish Presque-isle. They were surprised to find that Cornplanter, Little Billy and others, had received two thousand dollars worth of goods from Pennsylvania at Muskingum, and two thousand dollars at Philadelphia. Their minds being much disturbed, they broke up the conference; this was a sad disappointment to us, who expected that all would be amicably settled and we should set off to-morrow. General Chapin says, he hopes all will come right again, but the Indians must have time to cool. It is to no purpose to say you are tired of waiting, they will only tell you very calmly, Brother, you have your way of doing business and we have ours; we desire you would sit easy on your seats. Patience then becomes our only remedy.

7th. No business to-day; many of the chiefs being drunk. Colonel Pickering spent the afternoon with us. The idea he entertains respecting the lands ceded at fort Stanwix is, that as the Indians did the United States a great deal of injury by taking part with the British in the late war, it was strictly just that they should make compensation by giving up the lands which they relinquished at that time. He instanced the case of an individual who had committed a trespass on another; the law determines that the trespasser shall suffer either in person or property, and this law is just. Such is the reasoning of conquerors.

"8th. The Indians were sober to-day. General Chapin and the commissioner have determined to give them no more liquor until the treaty is over. The chiefs and warriors were engaged till three o'clock with the commissioner, and agreed on all the articles of treaty to be engrossed on parchment and signed to-morrow. At four o'clock, we met Cornplanter, Red Jacket, Scanadoe, Nicholas, a Tuscarora, Twenty Canoes, two ancient Conestogoes, cap

tain Printup, Sagareesa, Myers Paterson, a has already been too much blood spilt; if half white man who lives with the Tuscaro- this had been known at the close of the war, ras, and several other chiefs at general Chap-it would have prevented any blood being shed. in's, to determine about the Hopewell land; I have therefore, told our warriors not to sign examined maps and conversed with them on this treaty. The fifteen fires have deceived the subject, which resulted in the opinion, that us; we are under the sachems and will listen the Conestogoes should quit claim to it; it ap- to what they do. Though we will not sign it, Ipearing to those present, that the original yet we shall abide by what they do, as long right was in the Tuscaroras; one of whom, as they do right. The United States and the an ancient man, put his finger on the place in Six Nations are now making a firm peace, the map, saying, he had papers at home that and we wish the fifteen fires may never deI would, as he thought, confirm their claim to ceive them, as they have done us warriors; if it. We desired him to send them to general they once deceive the sachems, it will be bad. Chapin to examine, and if he thought they He then took his seat, and after a short pause, contained anything worth notice, he might said, I will put a patch upon what I have spoforward them to us in Philadelphia. ken; I hope you will have no uneasiness at hearing the voice of the warriors, you know it is very hard to be once deceived, so you must not make your minds uneasy. Eel, the herald, then made a warm speech to the Indians, exhorting them to abide by the decision of the sachems, which was received with loud shouts of applause. Entaw! Entaw! Entaw! "Colonel Pickering then addressed them as follows:

"First-day, the 9th. Several Friends in this part of the country came to the meeting; one of them thirteen miles. A number of other white people attended, and a large number of Indians. It was a solid meeting; several, both of whites and Indians, were tender and wept; and after it was over, one man in a particular manner, confessed to the truth and prayed that the Lord might bless it to all who were present. On my part, it was an "Brothers of the Six Nations and your asaffectionate farewell to the people hereaway.sociates,-I confess I am greatly surprised at We returned to our lodgings, and before we the speech of your head warrior, after all the had finished our dinner, a messenger came to pains I have taken to make the articles of the inform us that the council was gathered and treaty easy. I endeavoured to please both waiting, which we immediately attended. Two sachems and warriors, they were both present large parchments with the articles of the treaty when the articles were agreed on, and there engrossed, being ready for signing, we were was not a word of objection. in hopes the business would now close; but to our surprise and disappointment, we soon discovered some dissatisfaction among the Indians, by their putting their heads down together and whispering. After waiting impatiently for about an hour, not knowing what it meant, Cornplanter rose and spoke as follows:

"Brothers, I request your attention, whilst I inform you of my own mind as an individual. I consider the conduct of the United States, since the war, to have been very bad. I conceive they do not do justice. I will mention what took place at New York at one particular time. After the treaty of fort Stanwix, I went to New York under an apprehension, that the commissioners had not done right; and I laid before Congress our grievances on account of the loss of our lands at that treaty; but the thirteen fires approved of what the commissioners had done, and in confirmation of it, they held up the paper with a piece of silver hanging to it; (the treaty with the British.) Now, colonel Pickering, you have told us at this treaty, that what was given up by the British, was only the land around the forts. I am very much dissatisfied that this was not communicated to us before. There

"Brothers,―The design of this treaty is, to bury all differences; you know I candidly and explicitly disapproved of the conduct of the commissioners at fort Stanwix, but as this treaty was to establish a firm friendship between the Six Nations and the United States, I did not wish to bring former transactions into view, which was also the desire of your chief warrior; now he brings up the old matters to make a division in your councils.

"Brothers,-I wish for calmness and deliberation, as the subject is of importance to us, and of the utmost importance to you. He expresses his dissatisfaction that our treaty with the British was not explained before; but this was done last year to the Western Indians, when many of the Six Nations were present; I think many of the chiefs must remember it. I will explain it again to prevent mistakes: A certain line was drawn between the British and us; what the British had obtained of the Indians on our side of that line before the peace, was transferred by that treaty to the United States; it was agreed that the British should not interfere with the land on this side of that line, nor were we to interfere with the land on their side of the line.

"Brothers,—I am very sorry that these ob

much more convenient to receive what they please to give, at one time, than to have a small sum paid yearly. We have been given to understand, that whenever the former own ers of the land could be discovered, Friends stood ready to make them some compensa. tion; as we apprehend this has been sufficiently ascertained, we are thankful to the Great Spirit, that there is now a probability of receiving something for the inheritance of our ancestors.

jections are made now when we are just about to sign the treaty. The chief warrior has called it the treaty of the sachems, and said, that they only were to sign it; but the warriors as well as the sachems were present when it was agreed on, and made no objection to it. He says, they will abide by what the sachems do as long as they do right. Does he mean they will abide by them no longer than the warriors think them right? If this be the case, we may as well let things remain as they are. He says also, the United States and the sachems are now making a firm peace, but I cannot consider it so, unless the sachems and warriors unite; for unless this is the case, it will cause divisions among yourselves; consider whether this will not be attended with dangerous consequences. He speaks of the United States deceiving the sachems; as I represent the United States, Iquested to sign their names to general Chaphave told you I will not deceive you; I can in's testimony, which most of them did in add nothing on that head to what I have told their usual manner. you already.

"By the above speech, we found they had still some mistaken ideas, which we endeav oured to remove, by again stating to them the true reason of the inquiry, and informing them we should represent to our brethren at home, what now appeared to us to be the state of the case, as soon as we conveniently could. This satisfied them, and they re


"11th. Had much conversation with seve "Brothers-I cannot consent to close the ral of the Indian chiefs. In the afternoon at business in this manner, after so much care two o'clock, we were sent for to council, and pains have been taken to make all things where a great number were assembled. The easy; but wish you to consider of it until to- Eel, an Onondago chief, spoke to the Indians morrow and give me an answer. If the war-in a pathetic manner; which we understood riors expect to live in peace with the United to be an exhortation to unanimity among the States as well as the sachems; if they desire chiefs and warriors in closing the business. to brighten the chain of friendship; if they wish to act for the advantage of themselves and their children, I am sure they will sign this treaty. Cornplanter then addressed the warriors in a short speech, desiring they might be firm and steady to what they had agreed on.

"10th. The warriors of the Six Nations met in council in the forenoon, to consult respecting signing the articles, and came to a judgment. In the afternoon they met again, expecting the commissioner and the sachems; but several of the principal sachems being intoxicated, did not come, so nothing was done. A number of the chiefs and warriors of the Tuscaroras, came to pay us a visit respecting the Hopewell land. Captain Printup spoke for them as follows, viz.

"Brothers,-We believe it was from motives of benevolence and good-will to us, that you were induced to make inquiry after the original owners of some land in Virginia.

"Brothers,-You have now found them, and as you are a people that look up to the Great Spirit for direction, we hope you will now make us some compensation: we are in hopes the business may be accomplished at

this time.

"Brothers,-As the Friends on the land have long received the benefit of its produce, and live at so great a distance, it would be

Colonel Pickering then held up the two parchments containing the articles of the treaty, and asked if we should proceed, which they assenting to, he told them he would give one of the parchments to one of their friends to examine, while he read the other. I accordingly examined one, and informed them they were word for word alike. They then agreed to sign and pointed out the two head warriors, who, though they were young men, were by some custom in their nation, the persons who were to stand foremost in ratifying contracts; they signed, and then the chiefs and warriors, some of the most eminent in each nation, being in all upwards of fifty.

*Some time after, a number of these Indians came to Philadelphia, for the purpose of examining more fully into the validity of their claims to be the original proprietors of these lands. Friends were very desirous of making a full compensation to the natives for any lands on which they had settled; and accordingly_great_pains were taken to adjust this business. But, after a close investigation of all the circumstances, and an examination of ancient maps and documents, by both Friends and Indians jointly, it did not appear that the Tuscaroras had ever been the possessors of the soil in question. Yet as they had entertained strong exappoint them, Friends raised a considerable sum of pectations of receiving a donation, rather than dismoney and gave it as a present to them, with which they were highly gratified.

doubt considered them; we want to know your minds whether there is any flaw or catch in them, which may hereafter occasion uneasiness.

"After the articles were signed, we desired Farmer's Brother and Cornplanter, to collect as many chiefs of the different nations as they thought proper, to go down to our lodgings; the interpreter was also requested to come "Brothers,-If you think that peace is now with them accordingly about forty came. established on a good foundation, we wish you We smoked and conversed with them freely would come forward and sign the articles: as on several subjects relating to their welfare, you are a people who are desirous of promogave them further information of our prin- ting peace, and these writings are for that purciples, and expressed our good wishes for pose, we hope you will have no objection, but their prosperity. We then had our presents all come forward and put your names to them, brought and spread upon two tables. They and this would be a great satisfaction to us." did not choose to divide them themselves, but Immediately after this speech the treaty left it to the interpreter; which being done, being concluded and the council having brothey were much pleased and satisfied with the ken up, our friends took their leave and set division, and the articles were very agreeable out for home. The following memorandum to them. They soon after retired, informing is the first which occurs respecting the jourus of their desire to see us to-morrow morn-ney, viz: ing, as they had something further to commu- 13th. Rose at three o'clock in the mornnicate.

"12th. About thirty or forty of the sachems and chief warriors met at our lodgings and delivered the following speech by Farmer's Brother, the chief sachem.

"Brothers, the Quakers from Philadelphia! I wish you would attend to what we who are now present are about to say. We speak as one.

"Brothers,-Yesterday, after receiving your invitation to come and partake of your presents, we agreed to meet here this morning to speak a few words, which we will now do.

"Brothers,-We are very glad you have lengthened out your patience to see the end of the business which is now brought to a close. We thank the Great Spirit that he has preserved you in health from the time you left your seats, [homes,] until you arrived here, and has continued to preserve you to this time. We put you under the protection of the same Good Spirit on your return, and shall be very happy to hear that you get safe home; and hope you may find your friends and families well on your return: it would be very acceptable to be informed of this, by letter to the chiefs now present.

"Brothers, We give hearty thanks to the descendants of Onas, that you so willingly rose from your seats to attend this council fire according to our request; here are the articles of treaty for you to look over, in order to impress them on your minds, that you may tell them to your brothers who are sitting on their seats at home.

"Brothers,-You have attended this treaty a long time; the articles which we have now signed, we hope you fully understand. Now, as we have shown them to you, we would wish to know your opinion whether we have made a good peace or not; as we cannot read, we are liable to be deceived; you have no

ing, after a very poor night's rest in a cold open hut, where it snowed in upon us as we laid. The weather was very cold and the roads exceedingly bad; we had an uncomfortable ride of four hours, during which John Parrish had his face bruised by a fall; and such was the difficulty in part of the road, that it appeared as though we travelled at the risk of our lives. We at length arrived at a public house at the head of Canandaigua lake, thirteen miles, where we got breakfast and refitted. We then rode on seven miles and put up for the night, there being no stage ahead for twenty-two miles.

"14th. Rose early and pursued our journey through bushes, swamps and deep mud-holes; the road so bad that with hard pushing, we could make but three miles an hour. In about three and a half hours, we found the remains of a fire where some travellers had fed yesterday, which was a pleasant sight; and having some oats with us, we fed our horses and breakfasted upon hoe-cake, dried meat and cheese. We felt like poor, forlorn pilgrims, and mounted our horses again, the path being as bad as it could be; and the snow falling on us continually in passing among the bushes, it made the travelling truly hard. As it continued snowing very fast, and there being but one house to stop at between Bath and the Painted Post, we accepted the kind invitation of captain Williamson to lodge with him at the former place. He is a very polite man, had been many years in the British service, and entertained us elegantly; a great contrast to our last night's fare.

"15th. By daylight we left Bath, it still continuing to snow very fast. A most trying time it was to us, but in about two hours we reached a house where they were able to give us some breakfast, which was refreshing. We arrived at the Painted Post about one o'clock,

got some corn for our horses and eat our remark in substance that during a sojoure bread and cheese; after which, we rode eleven miles, crossing the Tioga several times, and arrived at the widow Lindley's, who kindly invited us to stay at her house, where we were entertained very hospitably.

of seven weeks with the Indians, they had frequent opportunities of observing with sor row, the melancholy and demoralizing effects resulting from the supply of ardent spirits furnished them by the whites,-that the diffi culties and hardships to which those poor peo ple, once a free and independent nation, are now subjected, appeared to them loudly to claim the sympathies of Friends and others, who have grown opulent in a land which was their former inheritance, and that they believed a mode might be devised of promoting their comfort, and rendering them more essential benefits than any which had yet been adopted. They likewise remark, that the engagement was one involving trials of a peculiar and painful nature, yet they had reason to hope, that the objects they had in view were in good degree answered, and that they were thankful in being permitted to return with the reward of peace.

As the articles of the treaty confirmed the right of the United States to large tracts of land which had been obtained by conquest, without making the Indians what Friends deemed an adequate and just compensation for it, they could not consent to the requests so frequently made to sign the treaty.

"16th. After breakfast went for our horses, but the family were so friendly they would not receive any pay for their keeping. We crossed the Tioga twice more, and found the road so exceedingly fatiguing and the day unpleasant, that we rode only about two and a half miles an hour, and arrived at an ordinary about three o'clock in the afternoon. There being no house for about twenty-four miles ahead, we were under the necessity of lodging in a poor hovel where there were already a man, his wife and seven children. We laid our blankets on a bark floor and endeavoured to get some rest, but the cold pinched us to such a degree, that we had but little repose. We were all affected with an addition to our colds; this is hard travelling and living, and it is a mercy that we are preserved as well as we are. "17th. Rose between two and three o'clock, intending to make forty-two miles, as there is but one miserable house in the intermediate distance, which we desired not to lodge at, but disappointments and vexations are to be ours, and no doubt they are good for us. The depth of the snow which was continually ball-bourer in the cause of his Lord and Master, ing under our horses feet, and the excessive badness of the path, it being little else but a continued succession of mud-holes, roots and stones, rendered our hopes of getting through quite abortive; and from necessity we had to stop at the Block-house. Our horses had to stand out all night without hay, which gave us the most concern; as for ourselves, we procured a tolerable supper and taking our lodging upon the floor, got some sleep. There being no chimney to the house, occasioned them to have but little roof, that the smoke might have sufficient vent to pass off, which gave us a pleasing view of the brilliancy of the stars, it being the first clear night since we left Canandaigua.

Soon after reaching home, this diligent la

believed himself called to attend the Yearly Meeting of Friends in Virginia and some of the meetings composing it. His esteemed friend, Thomas Stewardson, kindly consented to bear him company, and they set out to per form the service in the fifth month, 1795. From some brief memoranda which he made, the following account of the journey is taken.

"Left Philadelphia on fifth-day morning, and rode hard in the heat to reach Elkton, fortyeight miles; arrived about eight o'clock much fatigued.

8th. Got off by sun-rise: the day was very hot, but with diligent travelling we arrived at Baltimore, fifty-four miles. Leaving this city in the morning, we got to dear Evan "18th. Rising very early, we rode over Thomas's to lodge, being mutually glad to see the Alleghany mountain, which was covered each other. On First-day, the 10th, accomwith snow about ten inches deep. There were panied by several Friends, we sat off for abundance of tracks of deer, bear, wild cats, Georgetown. In our way, rode through the white rabbits, &c. Near the top, a great bear Federal city, then only in its incipient state, raised up from the side of a log and frightened but fast advancing both as to buildings and our horses. We fed our horses, and after eat-population. At Georgetown we put up at an ing some biscuit and dried beef at the foot of inn; sent for doctor Thornton and others, to the mountain, proceeded on our journey, get- procure a meeting at three o'clock in the afterting to the widow Harris's to lodge that night."

A few days after this, they were permitted to reach home in safety and good health. In closing the report of their proceedings, they

noon. He used great exertions and the inhabitants being generally notified, the meeting was held in a large new school-house. It was much too small to contain the people, which at first made them somewhat uneasy, but more

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