cal portions, indeed, are so occasional as almost to
admit of being particularized.
In the contrast between the intricacy and difficulty of a theoretical, and the interest of a popular or didactic delineation of the nature of virtue and vice, I have often been struck with the resemblance to the case of music - so complex and abstruse as a science, so delightful as an art; or, if I may use another comparison which I have somewhere seen employed, for this, or a similar purpose, I should say that the theoretical bears the same relation to the descriptive or sentimental moralist, that the anatomist does to the painter or the sculptor. To the latter the object of study is the graces of form, of attitude, of motion: the former has to penetrate with his knife into the dark recesses of the animal frame, and to exhibit the machinery of bones, and muscles, and tubes, and vessels, which support the structure of external beauty, and effect the motions of external grace.