but I can give very little encouragement for hope to an hour or two of this vehement and tumultuous penitence, on the very brink of damnation. "Judas "repented," but his agonies of foul hurried him to haften his own death, "that he might go to his own "place:" and there is abundance of such kind of repenting in every corner of hell: that is a deep and dreadful pit, whence there is no redemption, though there are millions of such fort of penitents; it is a strong and dark prison, where no beam of comfort ever shines; where bitter anguish and mourning for fins past, is no evangelical repentance but everlasting and hopeless forrow. DEATH, A Thought on Death. EATH, to a good man, is but paffing thro' a dark entry, out of one little dusky room of his Father's house, into another that is fair and large, lightsome and glorious, and divinely entertaining. O, may the rays and fplendours of my heavenly apartment shoot far downward, and gild the dark entry with such a chearful gleam, as to banish every fear when I shall be called to pass through! P.131. The Beggars Etition. See Notes & Queries 15. Jeries Vol. 111. p.209. "The authorship of this little poem has at trines excited a yood deal of attention It has been attributed, on no very suffici sul grounds to Dr. Joshua Webster Mid; bal from the Gentlemans Magazine Vol. 1xx, h. 41 it appears that it is the sutive production of the Res-homes Moss, Minister of Brierly Hill and Bentham in Staffordshire who wore it at about the age of twenty-three Ar sold the manuscript manuscript of of that, and of Swerul others to W. Smart, primer, in Wolverhampton who from the dread Wr. moss had of criticism Was to publish them on this condition that only twenty copies should have his reme annexen to them, for the perfose of being. presented 5 bis relations and friends! Dr. Mavor in bis Clopical English Poetry, 1828. ufions it rightly to mos, pp. 239,240. English Minstrelsy Edinburgh 1810, 200ls a collection Edited it is said by Sir Walter Scott, for their dee Life 7 d. Disresti yhis son px/v/ithes "Sir John Morris" on the the author. Volil home and has several variations in the Faft. Original Pieces. (Verse) p.119. A Morning Hymn 123 The Fading Rave, or Sijuia Instistas. 4 124. Waking out of a Frightful Dream, 125 advice to Obscene Wrikes on Glass. 126 Paraphrase on Nahum 1.1-7. 128. The Song of Moses. 131. The Beggars Petition. 133. Endeavour to Please. (Prose) 137 The Church art, " 139 The Danger of hate Repentance, 1/40. A Thought on Death. Sunce the Boggers Petition is included among the 4 Were this the proper version of Mosi poem the above inference might be justified. Moss named his poem The Beggar and not the Beggar, petition, and there are other variations in this version of which he disapproved. See Shaw's Staffordshire vol. II. p. 238. J |