94. Chrift before Caiaphas, 95. Chrift before Pilate, §1. 96. Chrift before Pilate, § 11. 97. The Crucifixion, § 1. 98. The Crucifixion, § 11. 99. The Crucifixion, § 111. 100. The Crucifixion, § Iv. 101. The Refurrection, § 1. 102. The Refurrection, § 11. 103. The Refurrection, § 111. 104. The Afcenfion, ERRATA IN VOL. IV. P.23, 1.6, for is r. fhall be. 47, 1. 23, for withcraft r. witchcraft. for glory r. value. 96, 1. 21, 130, for 152, 1. 18, II. LAZARUS T. LAZARUS § II. for house. r. house? 206, 1. 4, for forward r. froward. 214, 1. 22, for shal r. fhall. 238, 1.7, dele to. 246, 1.14, dele and. 292, 1.15, dele Mary. 303, (note) 1.6, for liberal criticism r. of liberal criticism. CONTEMPLATIONS. LXXIX. THE TRANSFIGURATION. § I. HITHERTO have we contemplated thee, O LORD, in thy ftate of great humility-thy mercy now vouchfafes us a glimpse of that ineffable glory, whereof we can have no perfect idea on this fide heaven. When we accompany thee to mount Tabor, we there behold thy majefty, fhining even in this region of thy fhame and abafement. What then, O what is the fplendour of thy celeftial VOL. IV. B throne, |