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"Now His parents went to Jerusalem every year, at the feast of the Passover; and when He was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast."-Luke ii. 41, 42.

THE Saviour of the world was now | weeks, after the first day of unleavened twelve years of age. The Jewish doctors bread-(Exodus xxxiv. 22. Deut. xvi. say, at this age persons were obliged to 10—16); the feast of harvest, and also do the duties of adult church membership. the day of first-fruits, because on this Jesus, therefore, would set an example to day the Jews offered thanksgiving to other children worthy of their imitation. God for the bounties of harvest, and The obedience of Jesus was perfect; "He presented to Him the first-fruits of fulfilled all righteousness." What a delight- the wheat harvest in bread baked of ful sight it would be, to see children at the the new corn-(Exodus xxiii. 16. Lord's table, whose age did not exceed Numbers xxviii. 26. Lev. xxiii. 14twelve years! And what is there to hinder 21). The form of thanksgiving for this them from making this public profession occasion is given us in Deuteronomy, of attachment to Christ? None are ex- xxvi. 5-10. On this day also was comcluded by Christ on account of their age; memorated the giving of the law on the only pre-requisite is credible evidence Mount Sinai. The number of Jews asof sound conversion to God. There are sembled at Jerusalem on this occasion was ministers living, who have received chil- very great-(Acts ii. 9—11). This festidren into the Church of Christ, whose val, observes a useful writer, to whom the age has not exceeded twelve. There are Church is much indebted, had a typical lambs in Christ's flock. "Feed My reference to the miraculous effusion of lambs," was a Divine command given to the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, and Peter; and it is the duty of all the Saviour's first-fruits of the Christian Church, on the representatives to obey it. These lambs day of Pentecost, (corresponding with our need our instruction, sympathy and care. Whit-Sunday,) which occurred on the Dear children, do you love Christ? fiftieth day after the resurrection of Jesus Hearken to the voice of the good Shep-Christ. The Feast of Tabernacles, like herd; "Lovest thou Me?" "Dost thou the preceding festival, continued for a believe on the Son of God?" "Will ye week; it was instituted to commemorate also be My disciples?" Who amongst the dwelling of the Israelites in tents, you can answer these questions? The while they wandered in the desert-(Lev. children who can answer them satis- xxiii. 34-43). The other feast was that factorily, are welcome to the Lord's of the Passover. Observe, then, this table,, which is the memorial of His Divine institution. God required every death. male above a certain age to attend these festivals every year. This law reminds

Let me notice

I. The law of God, as it respects the Passover.

The law, in obedience to which this journey to Jerusalem was made, is recorded in the book of Exodus (chap. xxiii. 14-17). "Three times shalt thou keep a feast unto Me in the year, &c." The feast of Pentecost was one of the three great Jewish festivals, which was the national harvest home. This feast is called by various names in the Scriptures: as the feast of weeks, because it was celebrated seven weeks, or a week of


1. Of the supreme authority of God. God is at liberty to make what laws He pleases; which laws are always consistent with His wisdom, purity and love. This law is not in existence now. Now, under the Christian dispensation, God may be be worshipped acceptably in every place. The manner in which we worship God is of more importance than the place(John iv. 21-24). But though this law is abrogated, there are others which remain in full force. Is the command to keep the Lord's day holy abrogated?

No. Is the command to commemorate | leave their worldly engagements for a the Saviour's death abrogated? No. Is season, to attend to the claims of religion. the command to baptize all nations abro-Oh! that we had more like Joseph. gated? No. The laws, the will, the Many act as if the one thing needful was commands of God, all of which are holy, business-money-a provision for their just and good, should be constantly kept lusts. When God calls us to His house, before us. The moral Governor of the His throne, His table, oh! let us obey universe has a right to make laws, and the summons.


we have a right to obey them. Why 3. This law reminded the Jews, that call ye Me Lord, Lord, yet do not the the present state is one of trial. The things which I say?" Disobedience to the journey to these festivals would be atlaws of "the King eternal, immortal, and tended with many inconveniences. Some invisible," is rebellion against His govern- of these families might be ill; hence it ment, which exposes the soul to His just would be a trial to the head of a family displeasure. Then let us study His laws, to leave those who were sick and dying. let us obey them, let us enforce them The journey was often long, and they upon others. Obedience to the revealed would be exposed to the attack of robwill of God is the fruit, the evidence, the bers; others might be very infirm. But manifestation of love. God's yoke sits it was the will of God they should go to easy upon the neck of those who love their annual festivals; this ought to have Him. The love the Saviour bore to His been sufficient to reconcile their minds Father make obedience to His will so to any and every inconvenience. There pleasant, that He could say to His dis- must be self-denial. There may be difciples, "My meat is to do the will of Him ficulties in the way to God's throne, that sent Me, and to finish His work." God's house and God's kingdom; but Some of the Jews had a long way to tra- faith triumphs over them all." If any vel to their annual festivals, but love to man will come after Me, let him deny God would make their journey pleasant. himself, and take up his cross and follow Me."

4. The Jews were taught by this law, their duty to support the cause of God. No one was allowed, on these occasions, to appear before the Lord "empty;" but every one was required to give as he was able. The Jews gave more for the support of Judaism, than many Christians give for the support of Christianity. This fact may well make us blush. What claims has that Gospel to our support! which has opened our prison doors; restored us to the friendship of God and given us "a good hope through grace,"

2. This law reminds us of the care we should take of our souls. When the period returned to attend these annual festivals, the ceremonial law required the Jews to leave all their worldly business and go to Jerusalem, and there worship the one living and true God. This visit was calculated to produce a salutary influence upon their minds. Man, my brethren, has to prepare for eternity as well as for time; he has to think of his soul as well as of his body; he has to labour for the meat which endureth to everlasting life, as well as for the meat which perishes. But though such a law Freely ye have received, freely give." was given to keep up in their minds a 5. This law kept up in their minds a deep sense of the duties they owed to sense of the care of Divine Providence. God, yet in what a state of ruin, degrada- When they returned home from these tion and misery the Messiah found them! annual festivals and found all their proAnd is man less bent on his ruin now?perty as secure as when they left it, No. Though God has given him the Christian Sabbath, the ministers of the Gospel, the ordinances of His house, in order to promote the welfare of his soul, yet he hastens with rapid strides to the pit of destruction, unless apprehended by Jesus Christ. The care of the soul, true religion, an interest in the Divine favour, is the one thing needful. Would not the Holy Family meditate upon these things as they journey to the Passover? They now

could the pious among them fail to acknowledge the care of Divine Providence? The Jews were surrounded by enemies, yet not one of them laid his hand upon their property during their absence. They were protected by an invisible Hand. Let us look to the same source for protection. Jehovah, in whom we trust, is able to defend, not only our souls, but our bodies, our reputation and our property. What a hedge encircled

Job.-(Job i. 8-12). These remark- | 8, 9). This seems to represent the Sa

able facts should encourage us to pray, that God would protect our property from fire, robbery and violence.

Thus, we have considered the law, which required the holy family to be present at the Jewish festivals. tate upon this law; upon its Author, nature, design, and abrogation.

viour's enduring, on our account, the fierceness of God's anger, which is said to burn as a fire-(Psalm xxii. 14, 15). The Lamb was to be killed by the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel Medi-(Exodus xii. 6): the whole of the Jews conspired in the death of Christ -(Luke xxiii. 13). The paschal lamb was to be slain by an effusion of its blood: when the Roman soldier thrust his spear into the side of our Lord," there flowed out blood and water"- -an emblem of the two blessings essential to our salvation, namely, justification and sanctification. Christ suffered His agonies on the same evening on which the Passover was celebrated; and His death took place the next day, between the two evenings, between noon and sun-set. When the Jews were settled in Canaan, this institution was to be observed in the place which God had appointed-(Deut. xvi. 2).

The very spot on which Christ suffered was chosen by Providence(Heb. xiii. 11—13). But of what advantage was the Passover to them? Consider then

1. Their preservation-(Exodus xii. 12, 13).

II. The feast of the Passover. This institution was appointed by God the night before the Israelites departed from Egypt, and was intended as a memorial of their signal deliverance, the sufferings they endured in their captivity, and of the favour God showed them, in passing over and sparing their first born, when he slew the first born of the Egyptians-(Exodus xii. 1-11). That the Passover had a mystical signification, we know from Paul, who calls Jesus "our Passover"-(I Cor. v. 7). The paschal lamb typified the person of Christ. The lamb slain in this ordinance was called the Passover; the sign is put for the thing signified-(Chron. xxxv. 11). That is, the lamb for the Passover was the angel's passing over Israel, when he was sent as an executioner of God's vengeance upon the Israelites. The de- This blood, which was sprinkled on sign of all the sacrifices, which were the door post, was typical of the blood appointed by God, as parts of worship, of Jesus, which quenches that fire of was to keep up in the mind of man a Divine wrath we have merited; turns remembrance of his fall, the desert of sin, away the storms of God's vengeance, and and to sustain his faith in the promised secures the salvation of all, who have Messiah. "Lo, I come,"-as the person "fled for refuge to the hope set before represented by these pictures,-("in the them in the Gospel." "When," says a volume of the book it is written of Me,) certain writer, "God shall judge the to do Thy will, O God-(Heb. x. world, He will pass over those whom He 7-13). The Messiah, brethren, is the sees sprinkled with the blood of His substance of those shadows; the end of dear Son, and turn from them the edge those institutions; the glory of both dis- of that consuming sword, which shall pensations (Col. ii. 17). That Moses "strike through the hearts of His eneregarded the paschal lamb as a type of mies." How important, then, is an inChrist, is intimated by the apostle-terest in Christ! The soul that is out (Heb. xi. 28). The lamb was to have no blemish—(Exodus xii. 5). Jesus, of whom this lamb was a type, was without blemish; He was like us in our nature, but not in our sins. He was born of a woman, yet "in Him was no sin." He lived in the midst of pollution, yet He was never defiled. "Such a High Priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens" (Heb. vii. 26). There was in the Passover, a type of the Saviour's sufferings-(Exodus xii.

of Christ has nothing to protect it from the wrath to come; but all who are united to Him by faith, are safe—(Romans viii. 1).

2. Another privilege was liberty,— (Exodus xii. 31). The Passover, as it secured them from death, so it was the earnest of their deliverance, and broke the chains of their slavery. The death of Jesus laid a foundation for the full deliverance of His people, and all who are interested therein shall enjoy the promised inheritance. The sacrifice of

the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

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Christ has procured for us liberty: free-dience was acceptable to God. The rule, dom from the slavery of sin. "And if the spirit, and the matter of it was right. The manner in which most of the Jews served God was an abomination in His 3. There was a third privilege enjoyed sight, but Joseph was "an Israelite inby the Jews who kept the passover, viz.deed." Is your obedience acceptable? guidance. After the Israelites had ce!e- | What brings you to the Lord's table? brated the passover, they not only en- Are you serving God or yourself? joyed their liberty, but began their march to Canaan, in obedience to the directions of their infallible Guide. And when a sinner is freed by the Holy Spirit from the dominion of sin, he turns his back towards hell, sets his face heavenward, and follows the guidance of God's Word, providence, and Spirit. The manner in which the Passover was observed, we leave until another opportunity.

Let us now notice,

III. The obedience of the holy family. Mary was not required to be present by the law, but her religion was a religion of love; hence she delighted in the service of God. Love does not inquire, how little can I do for God, but how much. But the law required Joseph to be present; and observe his obedience.

1. The rule of his obedience. The will of God. Joseph knew his duty. Do you? How important that parents should know it, that they may instruct their children! What is the rule of your obedience? Some have no rule; each walks in his own way. The revealed will of God should be your rule; is it?-(John xiv. 21.)

2. The character of his obedience. What Joseph did in the service of God, was the fruit of love.

"Tis love that makes our cheerful feet,
In swift obedience move,
The devils know and tremble too,
But Satan cannot love."

The obedience of Joseph was personal. There are some parents who send their children to means of grace, but keep at home themselves. Joseph brought the child Jesus with him. His obedience was constant. "Now His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover." Such obedience as Joseph's requires much love to God. How irregular are some persons in their attendance upon the means of grace! What is the cause? Is it the love of the world? Is it spiritual declension? Is it unbelief? "Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord." His obe

3. The advantages of his obedience. There would be an increase of knowledge. The Jews journeyed to their annual festivals in companies; hence their conversation on the nature, design, and origin of their peculiar institutions would increase their knowledge, strengthen their minds, and promote their love to each other. When you come to the house of God, what is the subject of your conversation? The attendance of the Jews on these festivals would be useful in keeping up their attachment to their own country. When they were dispersed into so many countries, as we know they were, from the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, they were in danger of losing their attachment to their country; but these annual visits to that favoured land, would keep up in their minds their patriotism.

The Christian also should be a patriot. And who are some of our best patriots? Are they not those who understand the Gospel, and who hear and put it into practice. The piety of God's people was promoted by these periodical visits. When they came to the Passover they saw a "shadow of good things to come," which was calculated to enkindle their love, strengthen their faith, and enliven hope. Joseph and Mary would return home better fitted to endure trials, to run their heavenly course, and to live as it becometh saints. And oh! if you come to the means of grace in a proper spirit, you will depart instructed, comforted, and encouraged. Learn

The important union which existed in this family. They were one in sentiment, in heart, and in practice. They were all attached to the house of God, the means of grace, and the institutions of Divine appointment. Have you such a union in your family? What an example Christ is for youth! The Saviour felt no reluctance to go to these festivals. No, He could say, "The zeal of Thine house hath eaten Me up." There are some children who would seldom conie to the house of God, if left to themselves; are you one of these? Then if

you are, how much you need a change of heart! Will you pray for a new heart? Oh! that the mind that was in Christ may be in you. May you follow the example of Jesus, and come to the house of God freely, from a principle of love.

Lastly, the superiority of our privileges. We have no such long journeys to go: some of us live within a few steps of the sanctuary. And yet how negligent! May the Lord quicken us, pardon us, and make us more like this holy family. Amen.




"Behold, 1 stand at the door and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. To bini that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne. He that bath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches."-Rev. iii. 20—22.

THESE Words contain the close of our Lord's admirable epistles to the seven Churches in Asia; and though it appears this Church, in its spiritual and religious state, was the worst of all the seven, yet bad as things were, our Lord did not abandon it.

The address of Christ in our text is very affecting, and deserves the serious and practical regard of the Churches of Jesus; it contains the threatening of His rebuking rod, and the most persuasive allurements to open to Him, for

"Persuasion dwells upon His charming tongue, And eloquence Divine."

ing," pleading for admittance, and according to the poetic version of the amiable Mrs. Rowe,

"Still at the door my injured Lord attends, While on the lock His busy fingers move." Our Lord demands our serious attention.

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock." "Behold and regard it," says Durham, "as a public record, or witness, or as a Divine testimony to the truth of this description of the operations of Divine patience, and compassion to sinners for admission; and such is its preciousness, and its importance, that it demands and deserves, and will most richly reward our serious regard, and believing reception thereof."

Let us notice the object of the Redeemer's solicitude, and the great promise held out to induce compliance therewith.

I. The object of the Redeemer's solicitude.

It has repeatedly been observed, "Ease and indulgence produce langour, supineness, and negligence, both in individuals and in communities; and when a professing Church is sunk into this state, it must suffer prodigious loss." The Redeemer withdraws His gracious presence; communion with Him is suspended: "I will go and return to My place; in their affliction they will seek 1. Who is it utters these affecting Me early." But the withdrawment is words? Who is it requires access to not final. He will return again, and in our hearts? It is the blessed Jesus. It His long-suffering and patience He re- is the voice of your beloved Lord, clothed bukes in love, and calls to repentance. with Divine authority, and filled with Those who attentively read the Song of love and mercy. It is Christ who says, Solomon, will perceive a striking simi-"Give Me thine heart;" and He has a larity between our text and chapter five right to it. He speaks with authority, and second verse of that book: "I sleep, which is not be questioned; for the heart but my heart waketh it is the voice of belongs to Him, and while He makes the my Beloved that knocketh, saying, Open demand, He richly deserves the object to Me, My sister, my love, my dove, My which He claims. In Him greatness, undefiled; for My head is filled with dew, iuconceivable greatness, and unrivalled and My locks with the drops of the goodness combine. He is thy Lord, He night." He is represented as "knock-has redeemed and called thee by thy

Williams on the Canticles.

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