A REAL MUSICAL TREASURE. THE AUREPHONE! This charming Instrument performs every description of Music for Psalm, Song, March, or Dance. It plays thousands of tunes. There is no limit to the number. It requires no knowledge of music on the part of the player, and can be played by any one, even a child. The tone is very rich and pleasing, blending beautifully with the human voice in singing. The AUREPHONE is cheap enough for the poor man's cottage, and good enough to adorn the dwellings of the rich. The AURÉPHONE will "drive dull care away," induce cheerful- PRICE, packed in strong deal box, including One Roll of Tunes, £3 5s. GEO. WHIGHT & Co., 143, HOLBORN BARS, LONDON, E.C. (CORNER OF BROOKE STREET.) The above prices include Bed, Bolster, and Pillows, made, packed, and sent carriage paid to any station in the Kingdom. Samples and particulars post free. Only Address J. C. SHELTON, Market Deeping, Lincolnshire, to whom Post-office orders and cheques should be made payable. Bankers: Stamford, Spalding, and Boston Banking Company. MUSGRAVE'S Silver Medal, Amsterdam, Gold Medal, Health Exhibition, London, 1884. Recently Patented Improvements Now the MOST PERFECT Stove made for Public Buildings. or Private Houses. MOST ECONOMICAL. NO DUST, NO SMELL. POST. MUSGRAVE & CO., Limited, Ann Street Iron Works, BELFAST; 97, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, W.; ADVERTISEMENTS. LADIES' DENTAL INSTITUTION, 43, SUSSEX PLACE (Opposite the London and Provincial Bank, and close to South Kensington Station) Under the patronage of distinguished Medical Men, and the following Clergymen :-Hon, and Rev. F. E. C. BYNG, M.A., Vicar of St. Peter's, Cranley Gardens, S.W.; Rev. R. W. FORREST, D.D., Vicar of St. Jude's, South Kensington, S.W.; Rev. W. FRASER HANDCOCK, Vicar of St. Luke's, Redcliffe Square, S.W.; Rev. H. W. WEBB PEPLOE, Vicar of St. Paul's, Onslow Square, S. W. DENTAL NOTICES.-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from Nine till Seven. This Institution was originally intended for the benefit of necessitous gentlewomen only, but has since been extended to servants and others, thus affording persons of limited means an opportunity of obtaining artificial teeth, etc. of best material and workmanship, and with all the most modern and scientific improvements, at less charge than often paid for inferior dentistry. As it has come to the knowledge of the Directors that the objects of the Institution have been much abused by ladies of position participating in its benefits, it is now earnestly requested that none other than those for whom the Institution is intended will in future attempt to avail themselves of its advantages, as the other three days in the week are set apart for both ladies and gentlemen. All consultations free. For further particulars apply personally to H. F. PARTRIDGE, L.D.S., R.C.S., F.S.S., Consulting Dental Surgeon, or address to Hon. Sec.. Major G. HOLLAND. R.A., as above. Estab. 15 years. FIVE GOLD MEDALS ICFor its superiority over all others. Makes delicious OWBRIDGE'S LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC Is warranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities, THE SILK MARKET. HOLBORN SILK GREAT SHOW Rich Duchesse Floral Embossed Satins, in forty shades, 22 in. wide, 18. 114d., worth 48. 9d. Silk Broche Grenadines, in twenty good shades, 91d. per yard, worth 28. 3d. Coloured Satins.-Special at 9jd. and 1s. 0fd. per yard, worth double. Duchesse Satins, in all colours, 22 in. wide, 18. 11 d. and 28. 61d. per yard. Princesse Satins, in all the new shades, 22 in. wide, 3s. 114d. per yard, worth 6s. 3d. White Silks, Lyons Gros Grains. 23 in. wide, 28. ed., 28. 11 d., 2s. 6d. per yard, worth double. Black Silks.-A special lot, 18. 24d. per yard, worth 18 1ld. Black Silks.-Rich bold cord, 2s. 6d., worth 48. 6d. Rich Lyons makes, guaranteed to wear. From 28. Hid. up to 78. 9d. per yard. Black Fancy All-Silk Armures.-23 in. wide, 38. 11d. and 48. 6jd. per yard, worth double. Black Satins.-Silk faced, 10 d., 1s. 04d. 1s. 2 d. 22 in. wide, 18.6id., 1s. 114d., 2s. 6d. ; 25 in. wide, 29. 114d., 3s. 64d., and 3s. 111d. per yard, worth nearly double." Black Ottoman Silks, from 1s. 11 d. to 5s. 11d. per yard. Black Silk Broche Grenadines, 23 in. wide, large patterns, 18. 4 d. and 1s. 6jd., worth double. Black Cloth Back Mantle Satins, 27 in. wide, 58.114d., worth 10s. 6d. Black Broche Mantle Velvets.-Special, at 5s. Id., 68. 11d., 8s. 11d., and 10s, 11d, per yard. Worth 58. per yard more. PATTERNS 1 PATTERNS POST FREE. Black Silk Mantle Velvets, from 2s. 114d. to 168. 11d. per yard. Coloured Silk Velvets.-Plain, in 108 new shades. 28. 11 d., 3s. 44d., 3s. 114d., 4s. 6id., 4s. 114d., and 5s. 114d. per yard. Coloured Broche Mantle Velvets, 6.11d., 8s. 11d., 108. 11d., and 12s. 11d., all beautiful patterns, and remarkably cheap. 18. old, and Is. 113d., which are worth double. Silk Plushes, rich efect pile, in all the newest shades, 48. 114d. per yard, worth 78. 9d. Velveteens. The Duchesse make, fast pile, in all the new shades, 1s. 114d., 2s. 6d., and 28.114d. per yard. Velveteens. "The Nonpareil," guaranteed, fast pile, in all the new shades, 28. 114d. per yard. Velveteens. In Blacks, 10 d., 1s. 04d., 1s. 4 d. and 1s. 7 d. per yard. Velveteens.-The Louis make, fast pile,in black, 19. 11 d., 28. 64d., 28. 114d., and 38. 114d. per yard. Velveteens. The Nonpareil, fast pile, in black, 18. 114d., 2s. 6d., 2s. 114d., and 38, 114d. per yard. Broche Velveteens, 1s. 04d., 1s. 44d., 18. 74d. up to 28. 11 d. per yard. New Autumn Dress Materials.-The best value in London, 4 d., ed., 71d., 8d., 10 d., and 1s, ofd. per yard, all nearly worth double, Ulster Cloths, 54 in. wide, in plain and fancy, 1s. 6 d., Is. 111d., 2s. 6d., and 28. 114d. per yard. Washing Dress.-Ginghams, Sateens, &c., &c., at marvellously low prices. POST SAMUEL LEWIS FREE. & CO., 11, 8, & 9, HOLBORN BARS; and 2 & 3, CASTLE STREET, HOLBORN, E.C. DAINTREE & CO., THE LARGEST WORKS IN LONDON WILLIAMS' TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 20, Keppel-street, Russell-square, near British Museum, W.C. on application. The position is most central, being within One Shilling cab fare of all the northern stations. Tariff Card Reference kindly permitted to REV. J. P. CHOWN, Pastor of Bloomsbury Baptist Chapel. LANTERN READINGS. NEW SEASON, 1884 and 1885. POPULAR SUBJECTS FOR THIS SEASON. JOHN PLOUGHMAN-THE CHANNEL ISLANDS-THE WAR IN THE SOUDAN-THE RIVER THAMES -DEVONSHIRE SCENERY-HEREFORD AND THE RIVER WYE-THE ENGLISH LAKES-LONDON POOR AND HOW THEY LIVE-EGYPT AND THE NILE EXPEDITION-NORWAY-THE LIFE BOATTHE SIGNAL BOX-THE MAIDS OF LEE-POOR PA'S TROUSERS-SHADOWS ON THE BLINDS, &c. THE NEW QUADRUPLICON LANTERN, Price £4 4s. LIMELIGHT LANTERNS of all sorts. The largest and newest stock of Lantern Slides on hire and sale in this country at the lowest prices. E. MARSHALL, 78, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. BATH.-GROSVENOR COLLEGE FOR LADIES. HE EALTHY Suburban Situation-English and Foreign GovernessesTen Masters. Since 1879 two hundred and forty-five Certificates gained. All Candidates passed Cambridge Local, 1883. Four in Honours. Moderate inclusive terms on application. Vacaney for a Governess Student. ESTABLISHED 60 YEARS. PULLARS' DYE-WORKS. PERTH. By appointment to Her Majesty the Queen, 1852. West End Office-8, SLOANE STREET, S.W. City Office-64, FINSBURY PAVEMENT, E.C. Parcels called for and delivered daily by our own Vans. Daily despatches of Goods to and from Works. Appliances and Machinery of the most improved kinds for Cleaning, Dyeing, and Finishing Soiled and Faded Curtains, Dresses, Polonaises, &c. Nettoyage à Sec-the Parisian process of Dry Cleaning-extensively used cannot be too highly recommended for its economy and efficiency. It is invaluable for Ladies' Dresses, Children's Robes, Opera Cloaks, &c.; also for Gentlemen's and Youths' Clothing, Professional and Theatrical Dresses. For dusty, smokebegrimed Curtains the effect is wonderful. For full particulars, see large Catalogue. CAUTION.-Ladies ought invariably to see that the parties to whom they send Goods are really acting for PULLARS' DYE-WORKS at PERTH. PARCEL POST.-Complete arrangements are made for this FOR system. NEAVE'S FOOD AND ANOTHER HIGHEST AWARD-GOLD MEDAL, CALCUTTA, 1884. DRGH JONES SURGEON DENTIST A 64-page Illustrated Pamphlet on receipt of post card. ONLY ADDRESS 57, Great Russell Street, London. No charge for Consultation. THE Sword and the Trowel; A RECORD OF COMBAT WITH SIN AND OF LABOUR FOR THE LORD. EDITED BY C. H. SPURGEON. 1885. "They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon. For the builders, every one had his sword girded by his side, and so builded. And he that sounded the trumpet was by me.”—Nehemiah iv. 17, 18. London: BODLEIAN LIBRARY 12 MAY 87 OXFORD. PASSMORE & ALABASTER, PATERNOSTER BUILDINGS, AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. * |