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"It may be safely said that its method is good throughout, and that its individual parts are all good."-From Dr. Davidson's Preface. SCOTTISH DIVINES. Being the Third series of St. Giles Lectures. Crown 8vo, 5s. Contents-Knox, Melville, Rutherford, Leighton, Erskine, Robertson, Irving, Chalmers, Ewing, Lee, Macleod. "Not one of the lectures that will not be read with pleasure and profit."-Scotsman. "A valuable contribution to the biographical literature of Scotland, and ought to find a place in every well-equipped library."-Glasgow Mail. THE CHURCHES OF CHRISTENDOM. St. Giles Lectures. Crown 8vo, 5s. Being the Fourth Series of the EVANGELICAL SUCCESSION LECTURES. First, Second, and Third Series. 5s. each. A YOUNG MAN. A Course of Lectures in connection with the Church of Scotland Young Men's Guild. Best edition, cloth, 2s.; limp cloth, Is. HEALTH LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE. First, Second, Third, and Fourth Series. Each, cloth, 1s. 6d. ; paper, 1s. MINISTERIAL EFFICIENCY. 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Mr. Little's work is a great success."-Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. "An exceedingly useful handbook for preachers and teachers of every degree."-Record. "For all to whom Bible study is a delight the work is of undoubted value. We heartily commend it."-Christian. LONDON: HODDER & STOUGHTON,"27, Paternoster Row, WORKS BY JOSEPH PARKER, D.D. Now Ready, price 8s., the FIRST VOLUME of THE PEOPLE'S BIBLE. By JOSEPH PARKER, D.D. Minister of the City Temple, London. Vol. I.-THE BOOK OF GENESIS. The Author says:-" In the preparation of "The People's Bible' I seem to begin my life-work, the very thing that expresses my supreme purpose and highest hope. This is not a Bible Commentary in the usual sense of that term. It is a pastor's commentary upon such portions of Holy Scripture as are of obvious and immediate importance to the growth of the soul in divine wisdom, and is, therefore, not intended to take the place of the verbal and critical Commentaries which so ably represent the latest phases of Christian erudition." THE INNER LIFE OF CHRIST, as Revealed in the Gospel of Matthew. By JOSEPH PARKER, D.D. Vol. I. "These Sayings of Mine." 8vo. 83. Eighth Edition. THE INNER LIFE OF CHRIST. Vol. II. TH 8vo. 88. Tenth Thousand. THE INNER LIFE OF CHRIST. Vol. III. "Servant of All." "Things Concerning APOSTOLIC LIFE, as revealed in the Acts of the Apostles. By JOSEPH PARKER, D.D. In 3 vols., 8vo. Sold separately, price 8s. each. "These lectures are in substance rich and strong, overflowing with ideas expressed in the rapid, direct, and telling style of the best spoken discourse."-Dr. Marcus Dods in "The Expositor." Feb. TYNE CHILDE: My Life and Teaching. Partly in the daylight of Fact. Partly in the limelight of Fancy. By JOSEPH PARKER, D.D. Third Thousand, 8vo, price 8s. London: HAZELL, WATSON, and VINEY (Limited), 52, Long Acre. AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. SOUTH-WEST LONDON COLLEGE FOR Principal-MRS. HALE, Assisted by Efficient Teachers and Professors. 1, CARLTON MANSIONS, CLAPHAM RISE, S.W. A few Young Ladies are received as Boarders, and prepared, if desired, for the PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS, University Local, College of Preceptors, South Kensington, and Trinity College. A Scholarship is awarded to Pupils passing in Firstclass Honours at the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations. Home comforts with careful training, and individual supervision. Terms moderate and inclusive. Highly recommended by Parents, and Rev. C. H. SPURGEON. BALHAM, MAY 29th, 1880. I am very reluctant to recommend Schools, because I am not always able to Judge of the interior arrangements; but in this case I have the utmost pleasure in standing as reference. I can highly commend Mrs. HALE, and have the greatest confidence in her capacity, management, and character, having known her for several years. C. H. SPURGEON. HAWKESBURY, CLEVEDON, SOMERSET. Principals, Mrs. GEACH and her daughters, the Misses HILL. THIS HOME-SCHOOL is desirable for GIRLS FROM ABROAD, and those for whom a GOOD HOME with careful individual religious training and instruction are desired. Pupils from this School have successfully passed Royal Academy (Music), Kensington Art, and the University Local Examinations. Hawkesbury is pleasantly situated, with sca view, at the above charming and healthy locality. No serious illness has occurred during the lengthened period of thirty years. Recreation Grounds. Tepid sea-water swimming baths. Fees moderate and inclusive. References to parents of pupils, and to ministers. BATH. GROSVENOR COLLEGE FOR LADIES H Ten Masters. EALTHY Suburban Situation-English and Foreign Governesses Since 1879 two hundred and forty-five Certificates gained. All Candidates passed Cambridge Local, 1883. Four in Honours. Moderate inclusive terms on application. Vacancy for a Governess Student OXFORD COUNTY MIDDLE-CLASS SCHOOL, HOWARD HOUSE SCHOOL, THAME. ESTABLISHED 1840. A practical commercial education at very moderate and inclusive fees. Special attention is given to those subjects required in business life. That the course of instruction is sound and efficient is proved by the great success of the pupils year by year at the Public Examinations, Oxford and Cambridge University Local, Civil Service, College of Preceptors, and Pharmaceutical Society. Situated in a beautiful part of the country. Cricket, football, country walks, bathing, fishing, &c. Fees, £8 or £9 per term, inclusive of books and laundress. WESTWOOD HOUSE.-The preparatory department for boys under 10 years of age is under the charge of a certificated mistress, and in separate premises. Inclusivo fees, £8 per term. Prospectus, with full particulars, from the Head-master, Mr. James William Marsh, "Several of my friends have had boys in this school for years, and are pleased with the education and kindness they receive."-C. H. SPURGEON. HERNE BAY, KENT. COLLEGE HOUSE. SCHOOL FOR BOYS. - ESTABLISHED 1866. Facing the sea. Superior advantages for moral, mental, and physical training. Remarkable health. Local examinations. Cricket, football, lawn tennis, drill, &c. A separate Preparatory Brauch. Terms strictly inclusive. Prospectus with view, on application. J. B. TURNER. £6,000 IN PRIZES GIVEN TO SUBSCRIBERS! EVERY SUBSCRIBER GETS A PRESENT. This Offer Holds Good until March 16th Only. The proprietors of the well known and popular Weekly Paper, THE GOLDEN ARGOSY, being desirous of introducing their paper into every home where it is not now taken, have decided to give away to those who subscribe before MARCH 16th, 1885, £6,000 in Prizes. READ OUR GREAT OFFER: FOR ONLY TWO SHILLINGS We will enter your name on our subscription books and prepay THE GOLDEN ARGOSY to you regularly for Three Months (Thirteen Numbers), and send a printed numbered receipt in first copy of the paper, which will entitle the holder to one of the following MAGNIFICENT PRESENTS: PARTIAL LIST OF PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY: 20 Gents' Solid Gold Alberts, £4 each £80 60 170 100 20 100 100 100 100 200 60 60 500 Solid Gold Rings, 8s. each 1000 Autograph Albums, 48. each 200 200 And 95,237 OTHER USEFUL AND VALUABLE PRESENTS, RANGING IN VALUE FROM ONE TO FOUR SHILLINGS EACH, making a grand total of 100,000 Presents to be given to the first one hundred thousand subscribers received. Everyone Gets a Present. All of the above Presents will be awarded in a fair and impartial manner, full particulars of which will be given hereafter. THE GOLDEN ARGOSY Is a Weekly Paper for the Father, the Mother, the Boys and the Girls. It is one of the most Beautiful, Useful, Enter. taining, Instructive and Popular Weeklies published. It is Beautifully Illustrated, and its reading matter is all Original, from the pens of noted authors. Its regular subscription price is Two Shillings for Three Months: Four Shillings for Six Months; Eight Shillings for Twelve Months, without present or premium; but in order to secure 100,000 new Subscribers, at once, we make the FOLLOWING LIBERAL OFFER: or 26 Stamps, we will send you The Golden Argosy, WEEKLY, for FOR TWO SHILLINGS Three Months, and one numbered receipt, good for one present. For Four Shillings, or 62 stamps, we will send THE GOLDEN ARGOSY, weekly, for Six Months, and two numbered receipts, good for two presents. For Eight Shillings, P.O. or cash, we will send THE GOLDEN ARGOSY, weekly, for One Year, and four numbered receipts, good for four presents. Every Subscriber gets a receipt, and is entitled to a present for each receipt. Write your name and address plainly. YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FREE. If you will Cut this Advertisement Out and show it to your friends, acquaintances and neighbours, and get five to subscribe for three months, and send us Ten Shillings, all at one time, we will send you your subscription Free, and One numbered receipt; get ten to subscribe, send 20s., all at one time, and we will send you Two num. bered receipts and the Golden Argosy for Six Months; get twenty to subscribe for three months, send 40s., all at one time, and we will send you the Golden Argosy for One Year, and Four numbered receipts, good for Four Presents. A little work will give you a Subscription Free, and a chance to win one of the most valuable prizes. P.0.0. preferred. SAMPLE COPIES 2d. post paid, or all Newsagents. NOTICES FROM THE PRESS. "Golden Argosy" is the title of a superior weekly paper published in London. It furnishes a variety of original reading adapted to the wants of all classes. From the speci men to hand we can recommend it as a very desirable pub. lication. It is elegantly printed, and nicely illustrated with engravings.-The North Devon Journal. The Golden Argosy," as a publication, has everything in its favour. It is well and clearly printed on good paper, beautifully illustrated, and not the least of its recommenda tions is the fact, that the literary matter is of a high order, and makes it fit to circulate in any home.-The Liverpool Weekly Albion. The Golden Argosy."-As the subscription is only two shillings per quarter for an excellent illustrated weekly budget of literature, it is not improbable that the number of their subscribers will soon be enormous.-The Lancaster Guardian. We think the paper ought to become popular. There are three good reasons why it should do so, these being-it is well printed and illustrated, the subscription is only eight shillings a year, and the whole space is occupied with read. ing matter, there being no advertisements. Happy newspaper property, not to require them!-Whitehall Review, London. The paper abounds with excellent stories, elevating and pure in tone, and with "funniosities" of every imaginable kind. which cannot fail to be productive of mirth and good humour.-Belfast News-Letter. The "Golden Argosy."-The proprietors of this well-known and highly interesting weekly paper are manifesting considerable enterprise in the undertaking. The publication possesses no ordinary merit.-The Worcestershire Advertiser. Its stories are written with vigour, and are all-engrossing reading, being tales of travel and adventure, full of points which are calculated to hold the reader spell-bound. It is also very nicely illustrated.-The Burnley Express and Advertiser. WHAT SUBSCRIBERS SAY. "I have received three copies of the 'Golden Argosy,' and they far exceed my expectations. I enclose Gs. to make up s year's subscription, and three more receipts."-Mr. BEN BAILEY, 86, Princes Street, Glossop, Derbyshire. "I am very much pleased with the Argosy.'"-Miss EVANS, The Cottage, Wellesly Road, Croydon. "We like your paper, so enclose you another 28., to extend our subscription to half a year."-Miss M. MARSHALL, Boston Grove, Boston Spa. "The Golden Argosy gives entire satisfaction. Kindly forward three other receipts, and send the paper weekly throughout the year. Enclosed is 68."-Mr. EDWARD HOPWOOD, 96, Walter Street, Higher Audley, Blackburn. "The paper is worthy of a place in every home. I enclose 6s. for three subscribers."-Mr. C. L. HARTLY, Middleton, near Manchester. "Sirs, I beg to inform you that I have received your valuable paper, The Golden Argosy very well pleased with it. I enclose other 6s., and 28. before, total, 8s., for 12 months.-I am, dear Sirs, yours respectfully, JOHN SCOTT, Gateshead-on-Tyne." "I received paper and receipt; it gives every satisfaction; shall try and get you some orders. Enclosed is 28. to extend my subscription to six months."--Mr. MOSES WADDING. TON, 84, Elgin Street, Preston, Lancashire. LIST OF THE AWARDS will be printed in the "Golden Argosy," and forwarded to all subscribers immediately after REMEMBER, the above Presents are given absolutely free to our Subscribers and Agents. CUT THIS OUT and show it to your friends, neighbours, and acquaintances. It may not appear again. BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY. 4, Queen Street Place, E.C. CAPITAL-A QUARTER OF A MILLION STERLING. Laid by in the year exceeds ONE MILLION STERLING. Claims and Bonuses paid under Company's Policies 800,808 Average Reversionary Bonus for 27 years, about 14 per cent. per annum. STAR LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Chief Office: MOORGATE ST., LONDON, E.C. Established 1843. This Society has been established Forty years, and has issued above Forty-three Thousand Policies. All Claims are settled Fourteen days after proof. Prospectuses, Forms, and all information may be obtained at the Chief Office, or of the Agents. W. W. BAYNES, F.I.A., Secretary. Active Agents required in various districts. THE LONDON AND GENERAL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY, Shares, £40. Monthly Subscription, 5s. Entrance Fee, 1s. per Share. The Hon. H. F. COWPER, M.P. FREDERICK HARRISON, Esq. Large or Small Sums received on Deposit, Repayable at short notices. Shares may be taken at any time. No back payments. Money ready to be advanced on Freehold or Leasehold Security, on reduced terms, viz. : £100 Principal and Interest repayable in 10 years £1 3 7 monthly. |