£6,000 IN PRIZES GIVEN TO SUBSCRIBERS! EVERY SUBSCRIBER GETS A PRESENT. This Offer Holds Good until MAY 16th Only. The proprietors of the well known and popular Weekly Paper, THE GOLDEN ARGOSY, being desirous of introducing their paper into every home where it is not now taken, have decided to give away to those who subscribe before MAY 16th, 1885, £6,000 in Prizes. READ OUR GREAT OFFER: FOR ONLY TWO SHILLINGS We will enter your name on our subscription books and prepay THE GOLDEN ARGOSY to you regularly for Three Months (Thirteen Numbers), and send a printed numbered receipt in first copy of the paper, which will entitle the holder to one of the following MAGNIFICENT PRESENTS: PARTIAL LIST OF PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY: 5 Cash Presents of $100 each 5 Cash Presents of £50 each 10 Cash Presents of £20 each 10 Cash Presents of £10 each 10 Cash Presents of £5 each 8 Elegant Upright Pianos, £50 each 5 Elegant Cabinet Organs, £20 each 20 Gents' Solid Gold Watches, £8 each 20 Ladies' Solid Gold Watches. £5 each 20 Beautiful Diamond Rings, £6 each 20 Gents' Solid Silver Watches, £3 each 30 Boys' Silver Watches, £2 each £80 60 170 100 20 100 100 100 200 60 60 500 Solid Gold Rings, 8s. each 1000 Autograph Albums, 4s. each 200 200 And 95,237 OTHER USEFUL AND VALUABLE PRESENTS, RANGING IN VALUE FROM ONE TO FOUR SHILLINGS EACH, making a grand total of 100,000 Presents to be given to the first one hundred thousand subscribers received. Everyone Gets a Present. All of the above Presents will be awarded in a fair and impartial manner, full particulars of which will be given hereafter. THE GOLDEN ARGOSY Is a Weekly Paper for the Father, the Mother, the Boys and the Girls. It is one of the most Beautiful, Useful, Entertaining, Instructive and Popular Weeklies published. It is Beautifully Illustrated, and its reading matter is all Original, from the pens of noted authors. Its regular subscription price is Two Shillings for Three Months; Four Shillings for Six Months; Eight Shillings for Twelve Months, without present or premium; but in order to secure 100,000 new Subscribers, at once, we make the FOLLOWING LIBERAL OFFER: FOR TWO SHILLINGS Three months, and one numbered receipt, good for one present. For Four Shillings, or 52 stamps, we will send THE GOLDEN ARGOSY, weekly, for Six Months, and two numbered receipts, good for two presents. For Eight Shillings, P.O. or cash, we will send THE GOLDEN ARGOSY, weekly, for One Year, and four numbered receipts, good for four presents. Every Subscriber gets a receipt, and is entitled to a present for each receipt. Write your name and address plainly. YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FREE. you will Cut this Advertisement Out and show it or 26 Stamps, we will send you The Golden Argosy, WEEKLY, for to your friends, acquaintances and neighbours, and get five to subscribe for three months, and send us Ten Shillings, all at one time, we will send you your subscription Free, and One numbered receipt; get ten to subscribe, send 203., all at one time, and we will send you Two num. bered receipts and the Golden Argosy for Six Months; get twenty to subscribe for three months, send 40s., all at one time, and we will send you the Golden Argosy for One Year, and Four numbered receipts, good for Four Presents. A little work will give you a Subscription Free, and a chance to win one of the most valuable prizes. P.0.0. preferred. SAMPLE COPIES 2d. post paid, or all Newsagents. NOTICES FROM THE PRESS. A new candidate for the favour of patrons of periodical literature is the English edition of the "Golden Argosy," a weekly paper whose American edition has for some time past been enormously popular on the other side of the Atlantic. Its contents are interesting, wholesome, and good, without being goody, and the paper seems to have class enongh to run upon its own merits. The proprietors, however, announce their intention of giving away among their subscribers, under certain conditions, prizes to the value of 86,000 sterling.-The Referee, London. We have received the early numbers of the English edition of the "Golden Argosy," a weekly journal containing much that is interesting. The serial stories are ably written, and the paper abounds with matter of a highly entertaining description, while the illustrations, which are numerous, are characterised by refinement and finish. It is exceedingly well printed on rolled paper.-Morning Advertiser, London. The "Golden Argosy," as a publication, has everything in its favour. It is well and clearly printed on good paper, beautifully illustrated, and not the least of its recommenda. tions is the fact that, the literary matter is of a high order, and makes it fit to circulate in any home.-The Liverpool Weekly Albion. The "Golded Argosy."-As the subscription is only two shillings per quarter for an excellent illustrated weekly budget of literature, it is not improbable that the number of their subscribers will soon be enormous.-The Lancaster Guardian. We think the paper ought to become popular. There are three good reasons why it should do so, these being-it is well printed and illustrated, the subscription is only eight shillings a year, and the whole space is occupied with reading matter, there being no advertisements, Happy newspaper property, not to require them !-Whitehall Review, London. The paper abounds with excellent stories, elevating and pure in tone, and with "funniosities" of every imaginable kind, which cannot fail to be productive of mirth and good humour.-Belfast News-Letter. WHAT SUBSCRIBERS SAY. "We constler the Golden Argosy' a most interesting paper for both old and young, for the latter just entering life, it is invaluable, conveying as it does useful knowledge with good sound advice and high moral teaching.-E. HIBBERT, Elm Villa, New Road, Chatham." "I enclose 2s. and mean to be a regular subscriber, and wish you success.-J. FINCH, Mold Green, Huddersneld." "Am well pleased with the Golden Argosy; it is a high class family paper, and worthy of a place in every household-J. EVERTON, 1, Duncombe Street, Grimsby." "I enclose 6s. to extend our subscriptions. I like the paper very much, and think it very good.-E. MUSGRAVE, Sowerby." "I am much pleased with your 'Golden Argosy and enclose 6s. for the remainder of the year.-C. HALFORD, Dogsthorpe Road, Peterboro'." "I have received 10 copies of the Golden Argosy,' and my sons and daughters are very pleased with it. I enclose 68. to make up a year's subscription.-Mrs. S. HO WORTH, Mirfield, Yorks." Hundreds of Testimonials like the above received daily. LIST OF THE AWARDS will be printed in the "Golden Argosy," and forwarded to all subscribers immediately after MAY 16th. Remit by P.O. or Registered Letter. AddressTHE GOLDEN ARGOSY CO., E. B. LEWIS, Manager, 13a, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, London, E.C. REMEMBER, 'the above Presents are given absolutely free to our Subscribers and Agents. CUT THIS OUT and show it to your friends, neighbours, and acquaintances. It may not appear again. APRIL AND MAY MEETINGS. MIDNIGHT MEETING MOVEMENT (Established 1859). THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING of the above Society will be held (D.V.) in the COUNCIL ROOM of EXHTER HALL, on WEDNESDAY, April 22nd, at 3 p.m. SAMUEL GURNEY SHEPPARD, Esq., will take the chair, and the following gentlemen, with others, have promised to take part in the proceedings. The Revs. G. W. M'Cree, Borough Road Baptist Chapel, Southwark; R. C. Billing, Rector of Spitalfields; and Prebendary Daniel Wilson, Vicar of Islington. This Society has held over One Thousand Meetings for the Fallen of Loudon and the Provinces, Sixty-one Thousand of whom have responded to the Committee's invitation, and have heard the glad tidings of Salvation. OFFICES: 82, Red Lion Square, W.C. C. WILSON M'CREE, Financial Secretary. THE TRINITARIAN BIBLE SOCIETY, GEORGE YARD RAGGED SCHOOLS, &c., WHITECHAPEL, E. THE ANNUAL MEETING TILL be held, D.V., in the LARGE ROOM, GEORGE YARD, High Street, Whitechapel, on MONDAY 27th, at Seven The Right Hon. will preside. There are more than thirty Missionary Agencies in operation. The number of attendances made by the Children, Young People and Adults exceeded 6,000 for the week ending March 21st. GEORGE HOLLAND will gladly send Tickets to any friends requiring them. Friends are invited to visit the Institution any day but Saturday. Post Office Orders should be made payable at 66, High Street, Whitechapel, E. Letters and Parcels should be addressed to GEORGE HOLLAND, the Ragged Schools, George Yard, High Street, Whitechapel, London, E. DESTITUTE & NEGLECTED CHILDREN. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the REFORMATORY The AND REFUGE UNION will take place at St. James's Hall, on WEDNESDAY, AFTERNOON, April 29th, when 500 children from the Refuges and Homes connected with the Union will sing a selection of pieces under the direction of Mr. PROUDMAN. Right Hon. The EARL OF SHAFTESBURY, K.G., will take the chair at 3 p.m. Admission by ticket only, 1/-; numbered reserved seats, 2/6 each. To be obtained at the Office of the Union, 32, Charing Cross, S. W. ARTHUR J. S. MADDISON, Sec. NATIONAL TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. ΑΝ NNUAL MEETING. THE CHRISTIAN VERNACULAR EDUCATION SOCIETY FOR INDIA. THE ANNUAL MEETING will be held on Monday, the 4th of May, in Willis's Rooms, St. James. The Chair will (D.V.) be taken at 3 o'clock, by the RT. HON. THE EARL OF SHAFTESBURY, K.G. This Society is training native Christian teachers, instructing heathen children, and publishing educational books and general Christian literature in the principal languages of India. FUNDS URGENTLY NEEDED. Letters to be addressed-The Secretaries, C.V.E.S., 7, Adam Street, Strand, London, W.C. SOCIETY FOR THE LIBERATION OF RELIGION FROM STATE PATRONAGE AND CONTROL. THE ANNUAL MEETING will be held on Wednesday Evening, May 13, at the METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, at Seven o'clock. Tickets of Admission may be had free on application at 2, Sergeants' Inn, Fleet Street; Messrs. Passmore & Alabaster's, 4, Paternoster Buildings; Mr. Buckmaster's, 46, Newington Butts, and at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. 2, Sergeants' Inn, Fleet Street, E.C. The Religious Tract Society's List. Just Published. Crown 8vo., 6s. cloth boards. MADAGASCAR AND FRANCE. With some account of the Island, Its People, By GEORGE A. SHAW, F.Z.S. London Mission, Tamatave. With many Illustrations and a Map. "Altogether this is the most satisfactory and comprehensive work of its kind regarding Madagascar that has appeared in England for several years. It is excellently illustrated, and the outline map is sufficient to indicate most that is required for reference."-Athenæum. "An extremely interesting account of this great island."-Christian World. Just Published. 16mo. 18. 6d. cloth boards. THE ALTERNATIVES of FAITH AND UNBELIEF. By Rev. CHARLES STANFORD, D.D. Author of " Symbols of Christ," "Voices from Calvary," etc. A clear telling statement of the argument that unbelief is itself a creed, and a much less satisfactory one in all respects than the Christian. A capital book to be put into the hands of thoughtful and well-read young men and young women. Just Published. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. cloth boards. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BOOKS OF EZRA, NEHEMIAH, & ESTHER. By A. H. SAYCE, M.A., Deputy Professor of Comparative Philology at Oxford; Author of "Fresh Lights from the Ancient Monuments," &c. Prof. Sayce in this book seeks to put the reader in possession of the best and latest information that bears upon this part of Scripture. It will prove a valuable addition to the series of introductions to the Books of the Bible in course of publication by the Society. Just Published. Small quarto, 5s. cloth, gilt. CHILD-LIFE IN CHINESE By Mrs. BRYSON, of Wuchang, China. With many Illustrations. This is a beautiful and touching account of Chinese Child Life from infancy to early manhood and womanhood. Mrs. Bryson has lived and worked for years in China, and hence her book contains nothing but accurate and first-hand information. PRESENT-DAY TRACTS. ON SUBJECTS OF CHRISTIAN EVIDENCE, Doc- Just Published. Each Volume VI, containing Tracts by Professors Sayce, Blaikie, Radford Thomson, Dr. Murray Mitchell, Rev. W. Arthur, and Sir Wm. Muir. Just Published. Crown 8vo., 6s. cloth boards. WORK AND ADVENTURE את NEW GUINEA, 1877 to 1885. By JAMES CHALMERS, of Port Moresby, and W. WYATT GILL, B.A., Author of "Life in the Southern Isles," etc. With a Map, and many Illustrations. This book describes seven years of work along the South-Eastern Coast of New Guinea, the part over which the English Protectorate has just been proclaimed. Mr. Chalmers knows more of New Guinea than any other European. Mr. Gill's views on the progress of Christianity, and his Botanical, Zoological, and Ethnological observations are of scientific value. Just Published. Crown 8vo. 4s., cloth boards. By Rev. W. LANDELS, D.D., of Edinburgh. THE GREAT CLOUD OF WITNESSES. SECOND SERIES. JOSHUA TO DAVID. A Series of Expository Lectures on Hebrews xi 30-xii. 2, written in Dr. Landels's well-known style, and uniform with the First Series published some years since. NEW VOLUME OF THE "BY-PATHS OF BIBLE KNOWLEDGE." With a Map. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. cloth boards GALILEE IN THE TIME OF CHRIST. This book, never before issued in England, givos in small compass all that is known of the condition, cities, resources, &c., of Galilee in the days of our Lord's life on earth. Crown 8vo. 5s. cloth boards. OLD HIGHWAYS IN CHINA. By ISABELLE WILLIAMSON, Chefoo. With many Illustrations and a Map. "This book, written as it is by an acute and experienced observer, and in a pleasant and lively style, is certainly well worth reading."-Spectator. "One of the most instructive and entertaining works of the kind we have ever met with." Schoolmaster. UNIFORM WITH LUTHER AND WYCLIFFE WESLEY ANECDOTES. BY JOHN TELFORD, B.A. With a Portrait and Illustrations. This book gives in lively and interesting fashion a good sketch of John Wesley's life, work, and influence. THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, 56, Paternoster Row, London. AGED PILGRIMS' FRIEND SOCIETY. Instituted 1807. WILLIAM HEATHFIELD, Esq., 2, Sutherland Villas, Hanley Road, Hornsey Rise, N. SECRETARY: Mr. J. E. HAZELTON, Office, 83, Finsbury Pavement, E.C. Mr. W. JACKSON, 29, Marlborough Road, Upper Holloway, N. ONE THOUSAND AND SEVENTY-SEVEN of the Lord's aged poor, of both sexes, and members of various branches of the Church of Christ, are now on the books; and upwards of £6,500 per annum are distributed amongst them in pensions of five, seven, and ten guíneas. To meet this amount the ordinary income is inadequate. The pensioners live in all parts of the country, and most of them are upwards of seventy years of age. In the four Asylums or Homes-Camberwell, Hornsey Rise, Brighton, and Stamford Hill-180 of the pensioners have peaceful and happy abodes. A visit to these buildings is invited. Fresh Contributions to the Society and Asylums are earnestly solicited. Annual Reports and any further information needed will be gladly supplied from the Office. STAR LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. All Claims are settled Fourteen days after proof. Prospectuses, Forms, and all information may be obtained at the Chief Office, or of the Agents. W. W. BAYNES, F.I.A., Secretary. Active Agents required in various districts. THE LONDON AND GENERAL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY, OFFICES: Shares, £40. Monthly Subscription, 5s. Entrance Fee, 1s. per Share. Vice-Presidents: The Right Hon. the EARL The Hon. H. F. COWPER, M.P. FREDERICK HARRISON, Esq. Q.C. LICHFIELD. VERNON LUSHINGTON, Esq. Large or Small Sums received on Deposit, Repayable at short notices. Shares may be taken at any time. No back payments. Money ready to be advanced Freehold or Leasehold Security, on reduced terms, viz. : £100 Principal and Interest repayable in 10 years £1 3 7 monthly. BATH.-GROSVENOR COLLEGE FOR LADIES. EALTHY Suburban Situation-English and Foreign GovernessesTen Masters. Since 1879 two hundred and forty-five Certificates gained. All Candidates passed Cambridge Local, 1883. Four in Honours. Moderate inclusive terms on application. Vacancy for a Governess Student. HERNE BAY, KENT. COLLEGE HOUSE. SCHOOL FOR BOYS.-ESTABLISHED 1866. Facing the Sea. Superior advantages for moral, mental, and physical training. Remarkable health. Local Examinations. Cricket, football, lawn tennis, drill, &c. A separate Preparatory Branch. Terms strictly inclusive, Prospectus with view, on application. J. B. TURNER. HAMILTON COLLEGE FOR LADIES. SIDCUP, KENT. Lady Principal, Miss J. E. SPURGEON, M.C.P. & A.C.P. (SISTER OF THE REV. C. H. SPURGEON.) Assisted by a Resident French and other Governesses, and Visiting Masters. The Course of Study is regulated by the requirements of the University of Cambridge Local and College of Preceptors Examinations, for which Pupils are prepared. The Instruction is chiefly Oral. The Lecture System as pursued in the High Schools. Sidcup is a pretty village, situated on gravel soil, 2 miles from Chislehurst Station and 10 miles from Cannon Street, on the North Kent Loop Line. There are Three Terms in the year, each of about Thirteen Weeks. Careful and personal attention is paid to the health and comfort of the Boarders. HAWKESBURY, CLEVEDON, SOMERSET. Principals, Mrs. GEACH and her daughters, the Misses HILL. THIS HOME-SCHOOL is desirable for GIRLS FROM ABROAD, and those for whom a GOOD HOME with careful individual religious training and instruction are desired. Pupils from this School have successfully passed Royal Academy (Music), Kensington Art, and the University Local Examinations. Hawkesbury is pleasantly situated, with sea view, at the above charming and healthy locality. No serious illness has occurred during the lengthened period of thirty years. Recreation Grounds. Tepid sea-water swimming baths. Fees moderate and inclusive. References to parents of pupils, and to ministers. OXFORD COUNTY MIDDLE-CLASS SCHOOL, HOWARD HOUSE SCHOOL, THAME. ES STABLISHED 1840. A practical commercial education at very moderate and inclusive fees. Special attention is given to those subjects required in business life. That the course of instruction is sound and efficient is proved by the great success of the pupils year by year at the Public Examinations, Oxford and Cambridge University Local, Civil Service, College of Preceptors, and Pharmaceutical Society. Situated in a beautiful part of the country. Cricket, football, country walks, bathing, fishing, &c. Fees, £8 or £9 per term, inclusive of books and laundress. WESTWOOD HOUSE.-The preparatory department for boys under 10 years of age is under the charge of a certificated mistress, and in separate premises. Inclusive fees, £8 per term. Prospectus, with full particulars, from the Head-master, Mr. James William Marsh. "Several of my friends have had boys in this school for years, and are pleased with the education and kindness they receive."-C. H. SPURGEON. SOUTH-WEST LONDON COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES. Principal-MRS. HALE, A.C.P. Assisted by Efficient Teachers and Professors. 1, CARLTON MANSIONS, CLAPHAM RISE, S.W. A few Young Ladies are received as Boarders, and prepared, if desired, for the PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS, University Local, College of Preceptors, South Kensington, and Trinity College. A Scholarship is awarded to Pupils passing in Firstclass Honours at the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations. Home comforts with careful training, and individual supervision. Terms moderate and inclusive. Highly recommended by Parents, and Rev. C. H. SPURGEON. BALHAM, MAY 29th, 1880. I am very reluctant to recommend Schools, because I am not always able to Judge of the interior arrangements; but in this case I have the utmost pleasure in standing as reference. I can highly commend Mrs. HALE, and have the greatest confidence in her capacity, management, and character, having known her for several years. C. H. SPURGEON. |