Beetham's Cucumber Is invaluable during the SUMMER months for preserving Bottles, 18., 2s. 6d., of all Chemists and Perfumers. BY AN ENTIRELY NEW REMEDY. Illustrated by Numerous Cases pronounced Incurable. By EDWIN W. ALABONE, M.D., M.R.C.S., Eng., F.R.M.S., Lynton House, Highbury Quadrant, London, N. "Consumption, even in its latest stages, is perfectly curable, by a determined and consistent perseverance with this specific treatment."-From Men of Note. "Dr. Alabone has conclusively proved that Consumption is capable of cure; the progress of this new treatment has been of such a marked character that it has placed Dr. Alabone completely in the foreground as a specialist in Consumption."-Court Journal. "The verdict, after having put the treatment to the severest test, is, it is successful, not only as a palliative, but as a cure for Consumption."-Public Opinion. TWO GOLD MEDALS, HEALTH EXHIBITION, 1884. W.TARN & CO. CARPETS. Our SHOWROOMS are very extensive, and contain a Choice Stock of DRAWING ROOM, DINING ROOM, LIBRARY and in various FURNITURE. BEDROOM FURNITURE BEDDING. CURTAINS. TABLE LINEN. SHEETINGS. Woods and Styles, BRASS and IRON HOLD DRAPERY. New Department-IRONMONGERY. A Furniture Catalogue, containing 550 drawings, on application. NEWINGTON CAUSEWAY, AND NEW KENT RD., LONDON, S.E. EDUCATION. HIGH-CLASS SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Finishing Masters, Certificated Governesses, and careful personal supervision, with home comforts. Pupils prepared for any Examination. Instruction made pleasant, and no overworking countenanced. moderate and inclusive. Highly recommended by Parents of pupils, and Rev. C. H. SPURGEON. PROSPECTUS on application to MRS. HALE, A.C.P., Terms 1, CARLTON MANSIONS, CLAPHAM RISE, LONDON, S.W. BALHAM, MAY 29th, 1880. I am very reluctant to recommend Schools, because I am not always able to Judge of the interior arrangements; but in this case I have the utmost pleasure in standing as reference. I can highly commend Mrs. HALE, and have the greatest confidence in her capacity, management, and character, having known her for several years. C. H. SPURGEON. BATH.-GROSVENOR COLLEGE FOR LADIES. [EALTHY Suburban Situation-English and Foreign Governessesgained. All Candidates passed Cambridge Local, 1883. Four in Honours. Moderate inclusive terms on application. Vacancy for a Governess Student. THE LONDON AND GENERAL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY, Shares, £40. Monthly Subscription, 5s. Entrance Fee, 1s. per Share. The Hon. H. F. COWPER, M.P. FREDERICK HARRISON, Esq. VERNON LUSHINGTON, Esq. Large or Small Sums received on Deposit, Repayable at short notices. Shares may be taken at any time. No back payments. Money ready to be advanced on Freehold or Leasehold Security, on reduced terms, viz. : £100 Principal and Interest repayable in 10 years £1 3 7 monthly. £1 0 10 99 Managing Director, W. R. SELWAY. Emperor Fire and Life Assurance Societies, LIMITED (Established 1853), 52, CANNON STREET, LONDON, E.C. DIRECTORS: J. F. BONTEMS, Esq., Member of Common Council, City of London. N. J. POWELL, Esq., Director of British Land Company, Limited, Shortlands, Kent. T. CATMUR, Esq., Editor of "Eastern Post," Whitechapel, E. S. PRINCE CATTERSON, Esq., 34, Great Dover Street, S.E. G. F. LARKING, Esq., Director of British Land Company, Limited. J. MANN, Esq., Director of Temperance Building Society, Tulse Hill, S. W. LIFE ASSURANCE AND SAVINGS BANK COMBINED. A policy will be granted for each sum deposited, the whole of which sum may be withdrawn with interest. £26 12 6 For £100. £266 5 0 Example: Age 15 For £10. Claims paid within fourteen days members of Building Societies. At Age 75 65 Special Tables for sums deposited :£88 7 6 58 7 1 Life Assurance business of all kinds. Fire Assurances at usual rates from 1/6 per cent. For Agencies, Forms of Proposal, Prospectuses, and Shares, &c., apply to EBENEZER CLARKE, F.S.S., Secretary. |