THE BLUE RIBBON LIFE, ACCIDENT, MUTUAL, AND INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. "THE TOTAL ABSTAINERS' OWN LIFE ASSURANCE CO." Deposited with Government, for security of Policy Holders . DIRECTORS. WILLIAM HENRY HART, J.P., Member of 21,000. ... HENRY LANKESTER, M.R.C.S., Leicester. Rev. CHARLES LEACH, Member of School WILLIAM WHITE, J.P., Alderman, Ex- TO ASSURE £100 AT DEATH, with immediate Profits, the average rate of premium charged by Eighty-two English Offices at age 30, is £2 9s. 6d.; at ago 40, £3 58. 8d. RATE OF PREMIUM charged by this Company, at age 30, is £2 Os. Ild.; at age 40, £2 15s. 10d. Ordinary Assurances, Industrial Assurances, Endowments, Children's Assurances. Head Office-Colmore Chambers, Newhall Street, Birmingham. W. H. GREENING, MANAGING DIRECTOR. APPLICATIONS FOR AGENCIES INVITED. TEMPERANCE PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY OFFERS ADVANTAGES Unsurpassed by any Building Society in London. THE MONTHLY REPAYMENTS FOR AN ADVANCE OF £100 Include Principal, Commission on Premium, and Interest. The interest being calculated at 5 per cent. on the balance each year. Nearly four million pounds have been advanced upon house property. STAR LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Chief Office: MOORGATE ST., LONDON, E.C. Established 1843. This Society has been established Forty years, and has issued above Forty-three Thousand Policies. All Claims are settled Fourteen days after proof. obtained at the Chief Office, or of the Agents. Prospectuses, Forms, and all information may be Active Agents required in various distriots. AFTER YEARS OF AGONY! REV. F. A. VINCENT, B.D., Rector of Elsted, Trayford, &c., writes:-" December 23rd, 1884,-I shall be glad to reply at my own expense, to all enquiries as to the effect of the invaluable remedy Tikheel. After taking two bottles I derived benefit I never could have anticipated, after suffering many years of agony. I had in vain tried all specifics known, as well as consulting physicians. I hope this testimonial, if it will not requite you, will at least exhibit my gratitude." Tikheel The New Discovery-TIKHEEL.-One dose of Price 2/6 which will rapidly remove the terrible pains aris OF ALL ing from Neuralgia in the Head, Faceache and Toothache (even when proceeding from a decayed tooth), rendering extraction unnecessary. It is absolutely free from Morphia, Opium, or any preparation of the kind, and it is confidently recomfor safely, speedily, and certainly curing one of the most common but painful classes of disease. It is not pretended to be a cure for every ache and pain, but a positive and scientific mode of reliev CURES TOOTHACHE, FACEACHE, mended to the public as a most valuable medicine Nervous and NEURALGIA, TIC, Sick Headache. 66 'Safe, [Certain,'Speedy, Pleasant-the paradise ing Neuralgia in the Head, Face, and Teeth, popu of all specifics."-Vide a grateful Journalist. larly known as "Tic." Tikheel at once removes the Toothache to which Females are at times subject. ATKINSON & BARKER'S Post Free for 13 d. 4, St. Ann's Road, Portrack Lane, Stockton-on-Tees, May 11th, 1878. Gentlemen, I sent for a box of your Stomach, Head, and Liver Pills, and have received a wonderful amount of benefit from them. I enjoy better health since I commenced taking them than I have for many years past, and I shall certainly recommend them.-Gratefully yours, THOMAS CHURCH. Prepared only by W. FOX & SONS, 109 & 111, BETHNAL GREEN RD., LONDON. HOMEOPATHIC HOME HOSPITAL, 10, DEAN STREET, SOHO, LONDON, W. Physician DAVID JONES, M.D. ATTENDANCE DAILY, 2 to 4. Tuesday and Friday Evenings, 7 to 10, Fee 1/- each Bottle of Medicine. IN-DOOR PATIENTS TWO GUINEAS WEEKLY. BOOK OF SUCCESSFUL CASES POST FREE. TO CHRISTIAN YOUNG MEN OF EVERY DENOMINATION. SURREY REFORMED BENEFIT SOCIETY Rules, price Sixpence. Forms of Application sent upon receipt of stamp for reply. SOUTH KENSINGTON LADIES' DENTAL INSTITUTION, Sussex House, 43, SUSSEX PLACE, Old Brompton Rd. (Opposite London & Provincial Bank, 2 minutes' walk from South Kensington Station), and in close proximity to the International Inventions Exhibition. Under the patronage of distinguished Medical Men, and the following Clergymen :-Rev. the Hon. F. E. C. BYNG, M.A., Vicar of St. Peter's, Cranley Gardens, S.W.; Rev. R. W. FORREST, D.D., Vicar of St. Jude's, South Kensington, S.W.; Rev. W. FRASER HANDCOCK, Vicar of St. Luke's, Redcliffe Square, S.W.; Rev. H. W. WEBB PEPLOE, Vicar of St. Paul's, Onslow Square, S.W. DENTAL NOTICES.-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from Nine till Seven. This Institution was originally intended for the benefit of necessitous gentlewomen only, but has since been extended to servants and others, thus affording persons of limited means an opportunity of obtaining artificial teeth, etc., of best material and workmanship, and with all the most modern and scientific improvements, at less charge than often paid for inferior dentistry. As it has come to the knowledge of the Directors that the objects of the Institution have been much abused by ladies of position participating in its benefits, it is now earnestly requested that none other than those for whom the Institution is intended will in future attempt to avail themselves of its advantages, as the other three days in the week are set apart for both ladies and gentlemen. All consultations free. For further particulars apply personally to H. F. PARTRIDGE, L.D.S., R.C.S., F.S.8., Consulting Dental Surgeon, or address to Hon. Sec., Major G. HOLLAND, R.A., as above. Estab. 17 years. N.B.-The public are particularly cautioned against unscrupulous imitators, this being the only recognized Ladies' Dental Institution (registered according to Act of Parliament). Becketts Fruit Drinks SINCLAIR'S Analytical Report from GEORGE H. BOSTOCK, Esq., F.C.S., F.A.S., Manchester:-"BECKETTS BEVERAGES are perfectly pure, and free from anything deleterious to health; they are non-intoxicating, and form pleasant and invigorating drinks, The Lime-fruit Syrup, Black Currant, Raspberry, Lemon, Orange, &c.,make capital Summer drinks mixed with either plain or ærated water. The Wolseley Liqueur,' Winterine, Gingerette, and Peppermint Cordials, are excellent substitutes for Brandy and other spirits." All kinds except Tonics, Pints 1s. 9d. (sufficient for twenty tumblers), Half-pints Is. Orange and Quinine, Pints 35., Half-pints 18. 9d.; Lime and Quinine and Hops, Pints 28. 3d., Half-pints 1s, 3d. Should there be any difficulty in procuring any of the above, write to the Manufacturer, W. BECKETT, Heywood, Manchester, Who will send Two Pints and upwards to any address, carriage paid, on receipt of P.0.0. Sold by Chemists, Grocers, and Coffee Tavern Co's. London Depot-95, FARRINGDON STREET, EC. SOAP THE MAGIC CLEANSER. A lady writes to the Queen:-"I recommend it to every housewife; it saves time and material; economises fuel, as the clothes require less rubbing and no boiling." Southwark, LONDON; 55, Whitechapel, Liverpool. 66 "THE CONTEMPORARY PULPIT." SIXTY-FOUR PAGES, MONTHLY, SIXPENCE. Volumes Richly Bound in Peacock-blue, Cloth extra, Gilt top, each 6s. With January, 1885, the "CONTEMPORARY PULPIT" entered upon its second year of existence. The success achieved during the first twelve months has been quite unprecedented in this class of literature, the monthly circulation, it is believed, already considerably exceeding that of any similar journal. But few copies remain of Vols. I.-II., containing typical Sermons by the following eminent preachers: PRINCIPAL CONTENTS of VOL. I. OUTLINES: Bishop of Liverpool; Archdeacon PRINCIPAL CONTENTS of VOL. II. EXPOSITORY SECTION: Revs. Mark Guy CHILDREN'S SERMONS: Rev. Drs. A. Mac- OUTLINES: Bishop of Truro; Deans Perowne, CHURCH LIFE IN BRITAIN: Edinburgh, THE GREATEST SWISS PREACHERS. PRINCIPAL CONTENTS of VOL. III. OUTLINES of SERMONS: Bishop of Lincoln; BRIEF OUTLINES and SERMON NOTES. "We have read this publication in numbers from the beginning, and have no hesitation in saying that it is the best publication of its kind that has ever come into our hands. The Sermons reported are by the best preachers of the age, and seem to be reproduced here exactly as they were spoken. The outlines are excellently done. Few preachers will use the contents of this volume without being the better for them."-Church Bells. "A very varied and excellent treasury of pulpit utterances."-Christian. 46 World. Promises to be a very useful publication."-Spectator. Makes a good claim upon the attention of preachers and students generally."—Christian IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT SERIES. In Uniform Crown 8vo. Volumes, One Shilling each. The FIRST Volume, by LORD LORNE, and the SECOND Volume, by Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, are now Ready. The THIRD Volume, by Messrs. RATHBONE, PELL & MONTAGUE, is in the Press. The six next following will be issued in the early Autumn. ." Ready. "IMPERIAL FEDERATION." "REPRESENTATION." Ready. "LOCAL AND COUNTY GOVERNMENT AND TAXATION." At Press. F. C. MONTAGUE, M.A. This Day is_Published : THE FIRST THREE YEARS OF CHILDHOOD. By BERNARD PEREZ. With an Introduction by JAMES SULLY, M.A., Author of "Outlines of Psychology," &c. xxxii. pp. 296. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 4/6. PRINCIPAL CHAPTERS: Faculties before Birth-First Impressions-First Perceptions-InstinctsSentiments Veracity, Imitation, Credulity-The Will Attention, Memory-Association, Imagination - Judgment, Abstraction, Comparison, Generalization, Reasoning, Errors and Illusions-Expression and Language-Musical Sense, Sense of Beauty, Constructive InstinctDramatic Instinct-Moral Sense. SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO., PATERNOSTER SQUARE. Prevents all risk of infection incurred by sending out clothes to be mixed, washed, and mangled with the clothes of strangers during the prevalence of infectious diseases. Price £2 15s., or with Wringer and Mangler combined, £5 5s. and £5 15s. 6d. Less 10 per cent. for Cash. The strongest and best finished machine in the world. Saves Ten Shillings every washing day. Does a fortnight's Family Wash in Four Hours. Entirely dispenses HARPER TWELVETREES, Laundry Engineer & Machinist, DAINTREE & CO., DYERS, THE LARGEST WORKS IN LONDON DR. DE SANCTIS'S FOT RHEUMATIC AND GOUT PILLS. Prepared from the Recipe of the late BARTHOLOMEW DE SANCTIS, M.D. The unfailing efficacy of Dr. DE SANCTIS's Pills for the cure of Gout and Rheumatism, having been tried in an extensive practice with uniform success, fully warrants their being offered for general use, as a specific, and the only one, for the cure of Gout, Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, Lumbago, and also all pains in the Limbs and Muscles; in fact, in many cases of Muscular Rheumatism THEY ACT LIKE A CHARM. Dr. DE SANCTIS'S PILLS are sold in Boxes at 1s. 1d. and 2s. 9d. each, by EDWARD CLEAVER, late HANNAY and Co., 39, GREAT PORTLAND STREET (Removed from 63, Oxford Street), and forwarded free by post to any part of the Kingdom on receipt of a P.O. for 1s. 2d. or 2s. 9d. SM MITH'S TASTELESS DANDELION ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, price 18. 14d., and 2s. 9d. per box, have been for 22 years a most successful substitute for calomel. They clear the liver, stomach, head and kidneys,-free the skin of humours, and purify the blood-they are tasteless, never give cold, may be taken at all times by either sex, and regulate the bowels with comfort and safety. They greatly aid in change of life. Sole Maker, W. F. SMITH, M.P.S., 280, Walworth Road, and proprietor of Fowler's Corn, Bunion, and Chilblain Plasters, who will send a box of either, free by post, for 15 or 36 Stamps. To be had of all Chemists. CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED Is warranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities, from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Sores of all kinds, Skin and Blood Diseases, its effects are marvellous. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. In bottles 2s. 6d. each, and in cases of six times the quantity, 11s. each, of all chemists. Sent to any address for 30 or 132 stamps by the Proprietors, BLOOD MIXTURE. The Lincoln and Midland Counties' Drug Company, Lincoln. |