not rely upon them for his salvation, but they yield a perfumed evidence of grace which is exceedingly fragrant. Like bells at midnight, ringing in a happier year, these memories cheer a heavy heart with prophecies of good things to come. The love of those whom we have cherished is a sacred heritage. What is grandeur? what is power? The thankful grip of the widow's hand, and the smile which lights up her tearful countenance, convey a world of happiness to her benefactor; and the sight of a company of happy young men, who once were the orphans of our care, is a rehearsal of the reward of heaven. Were it right to make our own delight the end of our existence, it would be policy to be charitable to poor children. It is certain that more pleasure can be bought by money given to the poor and needy than by all the hoardings of a millionaire. In the Stockwell Orphanage the church of God comes into actual contact with orphanhood, for the managers are the pastors and deacons of one of the largest churches in Christendom. Though no sectarian feeling excludes any child, the grand truths of the Gospel are ever kept before the youthful minds entrusted to us, and our longing desire is that each one of our children should become a child of God through faith in Christ Jesus. We would have every boy and girl converted to the Lord before leaving our roof; and our prayer is that it may be so, or at least that seed may be sown in the mind which in after years shall spring up and bear fruit unto eternal life. In many cases it is already so, to our intense joy. It seems to us no small thing for the church of God thus to have so many young immortals under its moulding hand during that period of life in which the heart is most impressible. Given the Spirit of God, and we have at Stockwell an amazing opportunity: hundreds of young immortals placed under those gracious influences which tend to form a godly character. It were a grand gain to have so many under holy care, even if we could forget the misery assuaged, the necessity supplied, and the peril averted. Let the people of God make daily intercession that young saints may spring up among us, and become heralds of the Cross, missionaries to the heathen, or gracious women, whose gentle influences shall persuade many hearts into the kingdom of our Lord. Difficulties there are in such a work; would it be worthy of Christian zeal if there were not? Failures and faults sadden us; would the workers and their young charges be human if it were not so? But the Lord of Hosts is with us, and true success is thus ensured. Who will be partners with us? The work is not ours so that we can ever desire a monopoly in it. On the contrary, we are willing to divide our joy. This cluster of Eshcol needs more than two to carry it; we seek more willing shoulders to upbear this fruit of mercy. Some of us have borne the burden and heat of the day, but if others will now enter into this vineyard, and begin work somewhat later than we were privileged to do, we will never grudge them their penny, nor reckon ourselves underpaid if their joy should exceed ours. Gladly do we offer to all Christian brethren shares in this Company of Charity, this Co-operative Society of Loving-kindness. Who is ready at once to pay a deposit upon his share, and continue by instalments to invest his capital in this JointStock Bank of Bounty? Friends may take as much interest as they please in the concern; in fact, the more they take, the better for them selves and the enterprise. Our appeal is to all who are humane and philanthropic; to all who are concerned for social purity and order; and to all who advocate temperance and thrift. From all who love our Lord Jesus, and are debtors to his grace, we expect abundant assistance. How can they withhold it? He only who loves not his race can refuse an orphan's tears. He only who loves not his Saviour can turn a deaf ear to a widow's cries. Our reader is not a hard man with a heart of granite, and therefore he will feel for the fatherless, and feel in his pocket because his feelings are not hypocritical. If there be anywhere a skinflint or a screw, he will turn his eye away from poor boy who has lost his father; and if Alderman Greedy or Squire Grabber should meet an orphan girl, he will look another way. But you, reader, are not even a cousin to either of these grim personages, and therefore you are asking, Where shall I send my money? The answer will be found upon the last page of this report. By the gradual accumulation of willing gifts, both small and great, a noble pile of buildings has been erected, containing homes and schools for about five hundred children. This number, it seems to us, is about as many as one set of busy men can be expected to look after; therefore, we do not propose to enlarge our bounds, though we dare not make a Vow that we never will do so. The affair is self-contained and almost complete, and at present we purpose no enlargement of the plan. BUT, to perfect the design in its present form, there are needed a laundry and bakehouse, and both of these offices are already rising above the foundations. For these erections money is wanted. Our friends never spoil a ship for a pennyworth of tar, and so we feel a full assurance that this, which is probably our last building enterprise for a while, will not be allowed to drag. A considerable sum is immediately needed-who will become a partaker in the needful service? We are not going to pauperize ourselves or our friends by begging, as if the Lord Jesus sought an alms for his children; but we notify the need to our Lord's disciples, and their love to him will prompt a free-will offering. Our beseeching has been done in a higher sphere; and now as a brother looks for kindness from his brothers, and as one servant of a good Master expects aid from all in the same service, so we reckon upon willing help from those who love our Master and his little ones. Already our heart sings over the buildings finished and paid for, seeing we believe that we have the petitions which we have asked of him. No. of Report. No. of Report. PART II-STATISTICS. It is thought that the following Tables may excite the sympathies of those who regard the welfare of the localities in which they reside; they will at least show the progress of the Institution, and the breadth of its influence for good. As the buildings are in London, it is natural that the main body of our children should come from the more southern part of England. The expense of travelling must always limit the sphere of an Orphanage, or at least render it most useful in its own locality. Left-562. In residence-450. Total number received-1,012. NOTE. Of the 41 children whose removal we record, 34 were placed in situations, 2 were remitted to their friends, 3 were dismissed on the re-marriage of their mothers, and 2 were adopted with the consent of their friends. Total Removals. In Residence. |