LADIES' DENTAL INSTITUTION, 43, SUSSEX PLACE (Opposite the London and Provincial Bank, and close to South Kensington Station) Under the patronage of distinguished Medical Men, and the following Clergymen :-Hon. and Rev. F. E. C. BYNG, M.A., Vicar of St. Peter's, Cranley Gardens, S.W.; Rev. R. W. FORREST, D.D., Vicar of St. Jude's, South Kensington, S. W.; Rev. W. FRASER HANDCOCK, Vicar of St. Luke's, Redcliffe Square, S.W.; Rev. H. W. WEBB PEPLOE, Vicar of St. Paul's, Onslow Square, S. W. DENTAL NOTICES.-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from Nine till Seven. This Institution was originally intended for the benefit of necessitous gentlewomen only, but has since been extended to servants and others, thus affording persons of limited means an opportunity of obtaining artificial teeth, etc., of best material and workmanship, and with all the most modern and scientific improvements, at less charge than often paid for inferior dentistry. As it has come to the knowledge of the Directors that the objects of the Institution have been much abused by ladies of position participating in its benefits, it is now earnestly requested that none other than those for whom the Institution is intended will in future attempt to avail themselves of its advantages, as the other three days in the week are set apart for both ladies and gentlemen. All consultations free. For further particulars apply personally to H. F. PARTRIDGE, L.D.S., R.C.S., F.S.S., Consulting Dental Surgeon, or address to Hon. Sec., Major G. HOLLAND, R.A., as above. Estab. 16 years. COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, NEURALGIA. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated publicly in Court that Dr. J. Collis Brownewas undoubtedly the inventor of Chlorodyne, that the whole story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, and he regretted to say it had been sworn to.-See the Times, July 13, 1864. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The Right Hon. Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians and J. T. Davenport that he had received information to the effect that the only remedy of any use in Cholera was Chlorodyne.-See Lancet, December 31, 1864. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. Extract from the Medical Times, January 12, 1866.-"Is prescribed by scores of orthodox practitioners. Of course, it would not be thus singularly popular did it not supply a want and fill a place." DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE Is the best and most certain remedy in COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, etc. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE Is a certain Cure in CHOLERA, DYSENTERY, DIARRHEA, COLIC. etc. SOUTH-WEST LONDON COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES. Principal-MRS. HALE, A.C.P. Assisted by Efficient Teachers and Professors. 1, CARLTON MANSIONS, CLAPHAM RISE, S.W. A few Young Ladies are received as Boarders, and prepared, if desired, for the PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS, University Local, College of Preceptors, South Kensington, and Trinity College. A Scholarship is awarded to Pupils passing in Firstclass Honours at the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations. Home comforts with careful training, and individual supervision. Terms moderate and inclusive. Highly recommended by Parents, and Rev. C. H. SPURGEON. BALHAM, MAY 29th, 1880. I am very reluctant to recommend Schools, because I am not always able to judge of the interior arrangements; but in this case I have the utmost pleasure in standing as reference. I can highly commend Mrs. HALE, and have the greatest confidence in her capacity, management, and character, having known her for several years. C. H. SPURGEON. HAWKESBURY, CLEVEDON, SOMERSET. Principals, Mrs. GEACH and her daughters, the Misses HILL. THIS HOME-SCHOOL is desirable for GIRLS FROM ABROAD, and those for whom a GOOD HOME with careful individual religious training and instruction are desired. Pupils from this School have successfully passed Royal Academy (Music), Kensington Art, and the University Local Examinations. Hawkesbury is pleasantly situated, with sea view, at the above charming and healthy locality. No serious illness has occurred during the lengthened period of thirty years. Recreation Grounds. Tepid sea-water swimming baths. Fees moderate and inclusive. References to parents of pupils, and to ministers. BATH.-GROSVENOR COLLEGE FOR LADIES. HEAL JEALTHY Suburban Situation-English and Foreign Governesses— Ten Masters. Since 1879 two hundred and forty-five Certificates gained. All Candidates passed Cambridge Local, 1883. Four in Honours. Moderate inclusive terms on application. Vacancy for a Governess Student. OXFORD COUNTY MIDDLE-CLASS SCHOOL, EST HOWARD HOUSE SCHOOL, THAME. STABLISHED 1840. A practical commercial education at very moderate and inclusive fees. Special attention is given to those subjects required in business life. That the course of instruction is sound and efficient is proved by the great success of the pupils year by year at the Public Examinations, Oxford and Cambridge University Local, Civil Service, College of Preceptors, and Pharmaceutical Society. Situated in a beautiful part of the country. Cricket, football, country walks, bathing, fishing, &c. Fees, £8 or £9 per term, inclusive of books and laundress. WESTWOOD HOUSE.-The preparatory department for boys under 10 years of age is under the charge of a certificated mistress, and in separate premises. Inclusive fees, £8 per term. Prospectus, with full particulars, from the Head-master, Mr. James William Marsh. "Several of my friends have had boys in this school for years, and are pleased with the education and kindness they receive.”—C. H. SPURGEON. LANTERN DISSOLVING VIEWS. READINGS. POPULAR SUBJECTS FOR THIS SEASON. JOHN PLOUGHMAN-THE CHANNEL ISLANDS-THE WAR IN THE SOUDAN-THE RIVER THAMES -DEVONSHIRE SCENERY-HEREFORD AND THE RIVER WYE THE ENGLISH LAKES-LONDON POOR AND HOW THEY LIVE-EGYPT AND THE NILE EXPEDITION-NORWAY-THE LIFE BOATTHE SIGNAL BOX-THE MAIDS OF LEE-POOR PA'S TROUSERS-SHADOWS ON THE BLINDS, &c. THE NEW QUADRUPLICON LANTERN, Price £4 4s. LIMELIGHT LANTERNS of all sorts. The largest and newest stock of Lantern Slides on hire and sale in this country at the lowest prices, E. MARSHALL, 78, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. ADVERTISEMENTS. Handsomely bound, gilt edges, 3s. 6d. CHRISTIAN BIRTHDAY SOUVENIR. "This is a Birthday Album, but not of the usual "A beautiful Birthday Text Book."-The Baptist. "An excellent Birthday Book."-The Rock. GUIDE TO FAMILY DEVOTION. By the late Rev. ALEXANDER FLETCHER, D.D. Containing 730 Hymns, 730 Prayers, and 730 Passages of Scripture, with appropriate Reflections. Illustrated with 25 superior Steel Engravings. In one volume, royal 4to, cloth, gilt edges, price 288. bindings for Wedding and Christmas Presents. Also kept in J. S. VIRTUE & CO., Limited, 26, Ivy Lane, London. STAR LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Assurance Fund £2,023,167 6 1 ... Bonuses apportioned Claims paid ... ... 331,869 13 0 801,656 O O 2,103,588 69 All Claims are settled Fourteen days after proof. Prospectuses, Forms, and all information may be obtained at the Chief Office, or of the Agents. Active Agents required in various districts. W. W. BAYNES, F.I.A., Secretary. BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY. 4. Queen Street Place, E.C. CAPITAL-A QUARTER OF A MILLION STERLING. NEW BUSINESS. 2,097 Policies issued for BUSINESS IN FORCE. 26,704 Policies assuring REVENUE OF THE YEAR. £411,099 12,566 4,948,145 £144,626 37,695-182,321 65,507 938,609 ACCUMULATED FUND. Laid by in the year Accumulated Fund on January 31st, 1884 (equal to 76% exceeds ONE MILLION STERLING. Claims and Bonuses paid under Company's Policies 800,808 Average Reversionary Bonus for 27 years, about 13 per cent, per annum. THE LONDON AND GENERAL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY, Shares, £40. Monthly Subscription, 5s. Entrance Fee, 1s. per Share. The Hon. H. F. COWPER, M.P. FREDERICK HARRISON, Esq. VERNON LUSHINGTON, Esq. Large or Small Sums received on Deposit, Repayable at short notices. Shares may be taken at any time. No back payments. Money ready to be advanced on Freehold or Leasehold Security, on reduced terms, viz. :— £100 Principal and Interest repayable in 10 years £1 3 7 monthly. A REAL MUSICAL TREASURE. THE AUREPHONE! This charming Instrument performs every description of Music for Psalm, Song, March, or Dance. It plays thousands of tunes. There is no limit to the number. It requires no knowledge of music on the part of the player, and can be played by any one, even a child. The tone is very rich and pleasing, blending beautifully with the human voice in singing. The AUREPHONE is cheap enough for the poor man's cottage, and good enough to adorn the dwellings of the rich. The AUREPHONE will "drive dull care away," induce cheerful- PRICE, packed in strong deal box, including One Roll of Tunes, £3 5s. GEO. WHIGHT & Co., 143, HOLBORN BARS, LONDON, E.C. (CORNER OF BROOKE STREFT.) Sanitary Washing at Home with Prevents all risk of infection incurred by sending out clothes to be Price £2 15s., or with Wringer and Mangler combined, £5 Es. and £5 15s. 6d. Less 10 per cent. for Cash. The strongest and best finished machine in the world. Does a fortnight's Family Wash in Four Hours. Entirely dispenses HARPER TWELVETREES, Laundry Engineer & Machinist, TO INVALIDS-PRIVATE HOME. For DISEASES of WOMEN. Consultations Daily, Nine till Eleven; Evening, TO CHRISTIAN YOUNG MEN OF EVERY DENOMINATION. SURREY REFORMED BENEFIT SOCIETY Rules, price Sixpence. Forms of Application sent upon receipt of stamp for reply. SULPHOLINE LOTION. A CURE FOR SKIN DISEASES. There is scarcely any eruption but will yield to "Sulpholine" in a few days, and commence to fade away. Ordinary pimples, redness, blotches, scurf, roughness, vanish as if by magic; whilst old, enduring skin disorders, however deeply rooted, "Sulpholine will successfully attack. It destroys the animalcules which cause these unsightly, irritable, painful affections, and always produces a clear, healthy skin. "Sulpholine" Lotion is sold by most Chemists. Bottles, 28. 9d. PEPPER'S QUININE & IRON FOR GAINING STRENGTH. TONIC, Rouses and develops the nervous energies, enriches the blood, promotes appetite, dispels languor and depression, fortifies the digestive organs. Is a specific remedy for neuralgia, indigestion, fevers, chest affectious, and wasting diseases, &c. The whole frame is greatly invigorated by Pepper's Tonic, the mental faculties brightened, and the constitution greatly strengthened. Bottles, 32 doses, 48. 6d. Bold by Chemists everywhere. Insist upon having Pepper's Tonic. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER Is the safest and hest. In a few days it gradually deepens grey or white hair to a perfectly natural shade. Recommended for destroying scurf and encouraging growth of new hair. Lockyer's surpasses the effect of costly washes. 1s. 6d. Sold everywhere. FOX'S STOMACH, HEAD AND LIVER PILLS, Are an Efficient Remedy for Pain and Giddiness in the Head, Bile, Indigestion, and all Liver Complaints. Post Free for 18 d. 4, St. Ann's Road, Portrack Lane, Stockton-on-Tees, May 11th, 1878. Gentlemen, I sent for a box of your Stomach, Head, and Liver Pills, and have received a wonderful amount of benefit from them I enjoy better health since I commenced taking them than I have for many years past, and I shall certainly recommend them.-Gratefully yours. THOMAS CHURCH. Prepared only by W. FOX & SONS, 109 & 111, BETHNAL GREEN RD., LONDON. OWBRIDGE'S OWBRIDGE'S LUNG TONIC THE MIGHTY HEALER. LUNG TONIC OWBRIDGE'S Save your Lives by taking Owbridge's Lung Tonic. It has a power LUNG TONIC OWBRIDGE'S Try the Wonderful Medicine! The Cough and Weakness will dis- HAVE YOU A COUGH? A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT! LUNG TONIC OWBRIDGE'S HAVE YOU A COLD A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL REMOVE IT! LUNG TONIC OWBRIDGE'S The spasms of coughing so dreadful in Whooping Cough become less Bronchitis and Asthma, it relieves instantly. LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC with each dose of the Medicine. LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC OWBRIDGE'S Prepared by W. T. OWBRIDGE, Chemist, HULL. OWBRIDGE'S Sold in bottles at 1s. 14d., 28. 9d., 48. 6d., and 11s., by all Chemists and LUNG TONIC OWBRIDGE'S Patent Medicine Vendors. LUNG TONIC FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. This excellent Family Medicine is the most effective remedy for indigestion, bilious and liver complaints; or where an aperient is required, nothing can be better adapted. For FEMALES, these Pills are truly excellent, removing the distressing headache so very prevalent, depression of spirits, dulness of sight, nervous affections, blotches, pimples, and sallowness of the skin, and give a healthy bloom to the complexion. Sold by all Chemists, at 18. 1fd, and 28. 9d. per box. CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Is warranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities, from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Sores of all kinds, Skin and Blood Diseases, its effects are marvellous. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. In bottles 2s. 6d. each, and in cases of six times the quantity, 11s. each, of all chemists. Sent to any address for 30 or 132 stamps by the Proprietors, The Lincoln and Midland Counties' Drug Company, Lincoln. |