THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY'S LIST. JUST PUBLISHED. Price 8s, in handsome cloth, gilt edges. ORWEGIAN N RV PICTURES. Drawn with Pen and Pencil. With a glance at Sweden and the Gotha Canal. By RICHARD LOVETT, M.A. With a Map and one hundred and twenty-seven Illustrations, engraved by E. WHYMPER, R. TAYLOR, PEARSON, and others. "One of the most charming books on Norway that has appeared for a long time. It is thoroughly creditable to all concerned in its production, and well deserves to be one of the successes of the season." -Academy. "An extremely well got up, handsome, and useful book for a present."-Scotsman. The History of Israel and Judah, from the Sacrifice on Carmel to the Death of Jehu. By ALFRED EDERSHEIM, M.A., D.D., author of "The Temple: its Ministry and Services," etc. Forming Vol. VI. of The Bible History. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. cloth boards. The Life of Lives; or, The Story of Jesus of Nazareth in its Earliest Form. By For Young People. The Life of Jesus Christ the Saviour. By Mrs. WATSON. Specially designed for thoughtful young men and women. With many fine Engravings. Crown 8vo. 5s. cloth, bevelled boards. Bible Tales for Infant Minds. With Forty full-page Illustrations. Small quarto, 3s. 6d. cloth boards, gilt edges. Every-day Life in China; or, Scenes along River and Road in the Celestial Empire. By EDWIN J. DUKES. With a Map and Illustratrations from the author's sketches, engraved by E. WHYMPER. Crown 8vo. 5s. cloth boards. Hinduism Past and Present. By J. MURRAY MITCHELL, M.A., LL.D. With an account of Recent Hindu Reformers, and a brief comparison between Hinduism and Christianity. Crown 8vo. 4s. cloth boards. Jottings from the Pacific. By the Rev. W. WYATT GILL, B.A., author of "Life in the Southern Isles," and joint author of "Work and Adventure in New Guinea." Illustrated. 5s. cloth. In Southern India. A visit to some of the chief Mission Stations in the Madras Presidency. By Mrs. MURRAY MITCHELL, author of "In India: a Missionary's Wife among the Wild Tribes of South Bengal," etc. Illustrated. 6s. cloth. Every-day Life in South India; or, The Story of Coopooswamey. An Autobiography. Turning Points; or, Two Years in Maude Both Sides of the Street. An American Tale. With Illustrations. 2s. 6d. cloth. BY-PATHS OF BIBLE KNOWLEDGE. 6. Egypt and Syria. Their Physical Features in Relation to Bible History. By Sir J. W. DAWSON, Principal of McGill College, Montreal, F.G.S., F.R.S. With many Illustrations. Crown Sve. 3s. cloth boards. 7. Assyria: Its Princes, Priests, and People. By A. H. SAYCE, LL.D., M.A., Deputy Professor of Comparative Philology, Oxford. Illustrated. 3s. cloth boards. 8. The Dwellers on the Nile. Chapters on the Life, Literature, History, and Customs of Ancient Egypt. By E. A. WALLIS BUDGE, M.A., Assistant in Department of Oriental Antiquities, British Museum. With many Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 3s, cloth boards. COMPANIONS FOR A QUIET HOUR. 7. Songs of Spiritual Thought. By GEORGE RAWSON. 1s. 6d. cloth boards. "Mr. Rawson is one of the most accomplished of our modern hymn-writers. There are few who have contributed hymns of such exquisite beauty and such rare sweetness as are to be found in this collection."--Congregationalist. 8. Hymns of the Present Century. Translated from the German by REV. JOHN KELLY, Editor of the "Present Day Tracts," etc. 1s. 6d. cloth. "The translations are good, and several of them are truly excellent."-Ecclesiastical Gazette. "A wellprinted little volume, giving a good selection from inodern German Hymnology."-Christian Chronicle. NEW ANNUALS. in The Leisure Hour Annual Volume. The Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation, contains 860 pages of interesting reading with a Coloured Frontispiece, and 282 Illustrations. It forms a handsome Illustrated Book for a Present. Price 7s. cloth; 8s. 6d. gilt edges; 10s. 6d. half calf. The Sunday at Home Annual Volume. The Family Magazine for Sabbath Reading, contains 828 pages, with Illustrations Colours and 213 Wood Engravings. A very suitable Book for Presentation. Price 78. cloth; 8s. 6d. extra, gilt edges; 10s. 6d. half calf. The Girl's Own Annual. The Sixth Volume of the "Girl's Own Paper." Containing 832 pages of interesting and useful reading. Stories; music; practical papers; medical papers; needlework, plain and fancy; helpful papers; reasonable and seasonable dress, etc., etc. Profusely Illustrated. Price 8s. in handsome cloth; 9s. 6d. with gilt edges. The Boy's Own Annual. The Seventh Volume of the "Boy's Own Paper." Containing 832 pages of Tales, Adventure, Games for every Season, and Instructive Papers written so as to be read by boys and youths. With many Coloured and Wood Engravings. Price 88. handsome cloth; 9s. 6d. gilt edges. BOOKS FOR EVERYBODY Please write for the Society's ILLUSTRATED LIST OF BOOKS FOR PRESENTATION and the SELECTED AND DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF BOOKS. 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Price 8s. in handsome cloth, gilt edges. ORWEGIAN PICTURES. Drawn with Pen and Pencil. With a glance at Sweden and the Gotha Canal. By RICHARD LOVETT, M.A. With a Map and one hundred and twenty-seven "One of the most charming books on Norway that has appeared for a long time. It is thoroughly creditable to all concerned in its production, and well deserves to be one of the successes of the season." -Academy. "An extremely well got up, handsome, and useful book for a present." "-Scotsman. The History of Israel and Judah, from the Sacrifice on Carmel to the Death of Jehu. By ALFRED EDERSHEIM, M.A., D.D., author of "The Temple: its Ministry and Services," etc. Forming Vol. VI. of The Bible History. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. cloth boards. The Life of Lives; or, The Story of Jesus of Nazareth in its Earliest Form. By Rev. W. S. LEWIS, M.A., author of "The Great Problem; or, Christianity as it is," etc. 2s. 6d. cloth. For Young People. The Life of Jesus Christ the Saviour. By Mrs. WATSON. Specially designed for thoughtful young men and women. With many fine Engravings. Crown 8vo. cloth, bevelled boards. 5s. Bible Tales for Infant Minds. With Forty full-page Illustrations. Small quarto, 3s. 6d. cloth boards, gilt edges. Every-day Life in China; or, Scenes along River and Road in the Celestial Empire. By EDWIN J. DUKES. With a Map and Illustratrations from the author's sketches, engraved by E. WHYMPER. Crown 8vo. 5s. cloth boards. Hinduism Past and Present. By J. MURRAY MITCHELL, M.A., LL.D. With an account of Recent Hindu Reformers, and a brief comparison between Hinduism and Christianity. Crown 8vo. 4s, cloth boards. Jottings from the Pacific. By the Rev. W. WYATT GILL, B.A., author of "Life in the Southern Isles," and joint author of "Work and Adventure in New Guinea." Illustrated. 5s. cloth. In Southern India. A visit to some of the chief Mission Stations in the Madras Presidency. By Mrs. MURRAY MITCHELL, author of "In India: a Missionary's Wife among the Wild Tribes of South Bengal," etc. Illustrated. 6s. cloth. Every-day Life in South India; or, The Story of Coopooswamey. An Autobiography. For Boys and Girls. With many fine Engravings. Imperial 16mo. 3s. 6d. cloth boards, gilt edges. Turning Points; or, Two Years in Maude Vernon's Life. By L. C. SILKE. NO. VIII. of the Sunflower Series of Books for Young Ladies. Illustrated. 3s. 6d. cloth boards. Reaping the Whirlwind; A Story of Three Lives. Vol. VII. of the Sunflower Series of books for young ladies. Illustrated. 3s. 6d. cloth. Uncle Roger; or, A Summer of Surprises. By Miss E. EVERETT-GREEN, author of "The Mistress of Lydgate Priory." With Illustrations. Imperial 16mo. 2s. 6d. cloth boards. The Master's Likeness. By JOSEPH JOHNSON, author of "Uncle Ben's Stories." Illustrated. Imperial 16mo. 2s. 6d. cloth boards. Both Sides of the Street. An American Tale. With Illustrations. 2s. 6d. cloth. BY-PATHS OF BIBLE KNOWLEDGE. 6. Egypt and Syria. Their Physical Features in Relation to Bible History. By Sir J. W. DAWSON, Principal of McGill College, Montreal, F.G.S., F.R.S. With many Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 3s. cloth boards. 7. Assyria: Its Princes, Priests, and People. By A. H. SAYCE, LL.D., M.A., Deputy Professor of Comparative Philology, Oxford. Illustrated. 3s. cloth boards. 8. The Dwellers on the Nile. Chapters on the Life, Literature, History, and Customs of Ancient Egypt. By E. A. WALLIS BUDGE, M.A., Assistant in Department of Oriental Antiquities, British Museum. With many Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 3s. cloth boards. COMPANIONS FOR A QUIET HOUR. 7. Songs of Spiritual Thought. By GEORGE RAWSON. 18, 6d. cloth boards. "Mr. Rawson is one of the most accomplished of our modern hymn-writers. There are few who have contributed hymns of such exquisite beauty and such rare sweetness as are to be found in this collection."Congregationalist. 8. Hymns of the Present Century. Translated from the German by REV. JOHN KELLY, Editor of the "Present Day Tracts," etc. 1s. 6d. cloth. "The translations are good, and several of them are truly excellent."-Ecclesiastical Gazette. "A wellprinted little volume, giving a good selection from modern German Hymnology." -Christian Chronicle. NEW ANNUALS. The Leisure Hour Annual Volume. The Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation, contains 860 pages of interesting reading with a Coloured Frontispiece, and 282 Illustrations. It forms a handsome Illustrated Book for a Present. Price 7s. cloth; 8s. 6d. gilt edges; 10s. 6d, half calf. The Sunday at Home Annual Volume. The Family Magazine for Sabbath Reading, contains 828 pages, with Illustrations in Colours and 213 Wood Engravings. A very suitable Book for Presentation. Price 7s. cloth; 88. 6d. extra, gilt edges; 10s. 6d. half calf. The Girl's Own Annual. The Sixth Volume of the "Girl's Own Paper." Containing 832 pages of interesting and useful reading. Stories; music; practical papers; medical papers; needlework, plain and fancy; helpful papers; reasonable and seasonable dress, etc., etc. Profusely Illustrated. Price 88. in handsome cloth; 9s. 6d. with gilt edges. The Boy's Own Annual. The Seventh Volume of the "Boy's Own Paper." Containing 832 pages of Tales, Adventure, Games for every Season, and Instructive Papers written so as to be read by boys and youths. With many Coloured and Wood Engravings. Price 88. handsome cloth; 9s. 6d. gilt edges. BOOKS FOR EVERYBODY Please write for the Society's ILLUSTRATED LIST OF BOOKS FOR PRESENTATION and the SELECTED AND DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF BOOKS. LONDON: 56 PATERNOSTER ROW. STANDARD WORKS suitable for PRESENTS PUBLISHED BY WARD, LOCK & CO. THE BEST WORK FOR SELF-EDUCATORS.-3 Vols., each 7s. 6d.; half-calf, 12s. THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUCTOR; or, Self-Culture for all. A Complete Cyclopædia of Learning and Self-Education. With 2,000 Illustrations. 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GREAT THOUGHTS ON GREAT TRUTHS; or, The Christian Life, . the Church, and the Ministry. Selected and Classified by the Rev. E. DAVIES, D.D., Editor of "Holy Thoughts on Holy Things," &c. Uniform with the above, cloth gilt, 7s. 6d. HAYDN'S BIBLE DICTIONARY. Edited by the Rev. CHARLES BOUTELL, M.A. NEW EDITION, brought down to latest date. With 100 pages of Engravings, separately printed on tinted paper. Medium 8vo, cloth gilt, 7s. 6d.; half-calf, 12s. "Marked by great care and accuracy, clearness combined with brevity,[and a vast amount of information." ."-The Watchman. GOD'S GLORIOUS CREATION; or, The Mighty Marvels of Earth, Sea, and Sky. The Earth's Place in the Universal Plan-Wonders of the Water-Wonders of the LandWonders of the Atmosphere. Translated from the German of Dr. KERMAN, J. KLEIN, and Dr. THOME, by J. MINSHULL. Beautifully Illustrated with Original Engravings. Royal Svo, cloth gilt, price 78. 6d. 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CONTENTS.-The Pulpit-Tongues of Fire-St. Bernard-The False Finery of the Pulpit-Jeremy Taylor-But what is Eloquence !-Chrysostom-Wit, Humour and Drollery in the Pulpit-Father Taylor, of Boston-Live Coals, Texts and Topics of Discourse-Alexander Waugh-Live Coals and Dry Sticks-The Art of Obscurity and the Science of Clearness-James Stratten-The Use and Abuse of the Imagination-Henry Melville. THE LIFE OF A GREAT THEOSOPHIST. JACOB BOEHME: His Life and Teaching. Studies in Theosophy. By the late Now Ready, the Seventeenth Edition of SPIRITUAL WORLD. By Professor THE PENTATEUCH: Its Origin and Structure. An examination of Recent IN THE FOOTSTEPS of HEROES, LAWS OF CHRIST FOR COMMON and other Sermons. By the late Rev. ENOCH MELLOR, D.D., Author of "Priesthood." "The Hem of Christ's Garment," &c. Edited by his Widow. Crown 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. THE PARABLES of OUR LORD. as Recorded by St. Luke. By MARCUS DODS, D.D., Author of "Israel's Iron Age," &c. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. NEW BOOKS FOR YOUNG MEN. FOREWARNED-FOREARMED. By J. THAIN DAVIDSON, D.D., Author of "Talks with Young Men," &c. Handsomely bound. 3s. 6d. THE WILL POWER: Its Range in Action. By J. MILNER FOTHERGILL, M.D., Author of "Animal Physiology for Schools," &c. 3s. 6d. Handsomely bound. THE CHILDREN OF AFRICA. and Earlier. A Medley. By THOMAS COOPER, "A marvellously interesting book."-Nonconformist. Send Post-card for HODDER and STOUGHTON'S New Works suitable for Presents. |