SIXPENNY MAGAZINES FOR 1885. NEW VOLUMES OF EACH COMMENCE WITH JANUARY THE LEISURE HOUR. (ENLARGED TO 72 IMPERIAL 8vo. PAGES MONTHLY.) PRIZE COMPETITIONS.- -LITERARY, ARTISTIC, MUSICAL. See Announcement in January part. January Part, Now Ready at all Newsagents, contains the Opening Chapters of the New Serial Story:- Northern Sea." Among the Northumbrian Miners. Pigtails and Powder. With Engraving, ROWLES. With Illustrations. The Wycombe Chair Manufacture. With Frontispiece in Colours, from Painting by Birket Foster, and many other Illustrations. THE SUNDAY AT HOME. January Part, commencing a New Volume, is Now Ready at all Newsagents, containing :- trated by A. FORESTIER. The Childhood of Our Lord. By The Great Rest-Giver. By the Author The Jews in Central Asia. By the To-morrow. By DORA HOPE, Arming the Knight. With Illustration. W. F. YEAMES, R.A. Miss Pris. By E. A. CAMPBELL. How Far Men should be Like Chil- The Ever-Present Friend. STOUGHTON. The Religious Record of the Month. With Illuminated Frontispiece, a New Year's Text. THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, LONDON: 56, PATERNOSTER ROW. Psalms & Hymns Complete, with Supplement. SPECIAL NOTICE.-Now ready, a New and Cheap Edition, limp cloth, PRICE SIXPENCE. This selection of Psalms and Hymns has been made (under the direction of the Trustees) TRUSTEES OF "PSALMS AND HYMNS." Rev. JOSEPH ANGUS, D.D., London. Rev. J. J. BROWN, Birmingham. Rev. A. McLAREN, D.D., Manchester. The entire profits of "Psalms and Hymns" are annually distributed to Widows and Orders received direct are allowed a discount of twenty-five per cent., and other Prospectuses, with fac-simile specimen pages and every information, may be obtained Published for the Trustees by JOHN HADDON & CO., Bouverie Street, London, E.C. PSALMS and HYMNS for SCHOOL and HOME, Four Hundred Appropriate Hymns for the Sunday-school and Family Circle. The profits will be annually added to the amount for distribution amongst the Widows OPINIONS OF THE "This collection is in every respect an excellent one. PRESS. Sure to be the favourite for children." "Takes a first place among hymn-books for the young. All kinds of bright and sparkling verse. use it."-The Freeman. Sure to satisfy those who "Have been using this hymnal in our own Sunday-school for some time past, and the more we know "Taken altogether, we doubt whether there is any better school hymn-book in existence."-Christian "The selection strikes us as having been made with great judgment and good taste."-Christian World. value."-Nonconformist. "All superintendents of Sunday-schools ought to see this admirable selection."-Burnley Gazette. "THE TREASURY" is now published as a Companion TUNE BOOK to the above, price 28. MAGAZINES FOR THE NEW YEAR. For every member of the Family. "Still keep at the head of the list."-Sword and Trowel. "The literary matter and pictorical illustrations are fully up to the exceptionally high standard which in past years won for them an enduring reputation."-Temperance Record. ONE PENNY ONE PENNY THE CHILDREN'S FRIEND. ONE PENNY HALFPENNY SIXPENCE ONE PENNY For Boys and girls, With Large Illustrations. (The YEARLY PART, coloured cover, 1s. cloth, gilt edges, 28.) THE WELCOME. A Magazine for the family Circle, with pages of Music, etc. THE BRITISH WORKMAN. MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY An Illustrated Paper for promoting the health, wealth, and happiness of the Working Classes. ONE PENNY THE FAMILY FRIEND. An Illustrated Paper for the Family Circle, with Music Pages, MONTHLY (The YEARLY VOLUME, coloured paper cover, 18. 6d,; cloth, 28; gilt edges, 2s. 6d.) The Publishers will send one copy of each, post free, monthly for 12s. 6d. per annum, payable in advance. THE BOOK SEASON, 1884-5. Visitors to London and Residents in the Metropolis are invited to visit the Book Saloon, 9, Paternoster Row, where they will find one of the largest and choicest collections of Evangelical and Temperance Literature, conveniently arranged for inspection. Open from 9 till 6; Saturdays, 9 till 2. LONDON: S. W. PARTRIDGE & CO., 9, PATERNOSTER Row, and of all Newsagents. The "BIBLE LILIES" SERIES OF CHROMO SCRIPTURE TEXTS BOOKS. PRICE ONE SHILLING EACH. Bible Lilies. Scripture Selections for morning and evening. Small Square, 96 pages. A prettily Chromo-lithographed Text-book, with Lilies on every page. Mr. SPURGEON thus notices "BIBLE LILIES," in The Sword and The Trowel:-"A charming bijou; each page a tasteful picture. It contains texts for a month, garnished with lilies of every variety." The Pilgrim's Rest. A very choicelyprinted Daily Text-book for a month. With preface by LADY HOPE. Small square, 96 pages. Daisies from the Psalms. A Garland of Words in Season. Gathered and arranged by F. M. H. Small Square, 96 pages. The TEXT-BOOKS may also be had in the following styles and prices : 8. d. Cloth Extra, or French Morocco, gilt edges 1 6 Roan 2 0 Roan, cushioned sides ... 2 6 German Calf, round corners, cushioned sides 3 6 LONDON: German Calf, round corners JAMES E. HAWKINS, 17, Paternoster Row, and 36, Baker Street. 3 6 4 0 5 0 ADVERTISEMENTS. AGED PILGRIMS' FRIEND SOCIETY. Instituted 1807. WILLIAM HEATHFIELD, Esq., 2, Sutherland Villas, Hanley Road, Hornsey Rise, N. SECRETARY: Mr. J. E. HAZELTON, Office, 83, Finsbury Pavement, E.C. Mr. W. JACKSON, 29, Marlborough Road, Upper Holloway, N. ONE THOUSAND AND SEVENTY-SEVEN of the Lord's aged poor, of both sexes, and members of various branches of the Church of Christ, are now on the books; and upwards of £6,500 per annum are distributed amongst them in pensions of five, seven, and ten guineas. To meet this amount the ordinary income is inadequate. The pensioners live in all parts of the country, and most of them are upwards of seventy years of age. In the four Asylums or Homes--Camberwell, Hornsey Rise, Brighton, and Stamford Hill-180 of the pensioners have peaceful and happy abodes. A visit to these buildings is invited. Fresh Contributions to the Society and Asylums are earnestly solicited. any further information needed will be gladly supplied from the Office. STAR Annual Reports and LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Assurance Fund Annual Income £2,023,167 6 1 Bonuses apportioned Claims paid. 331,869 13 O 801,656 O O 2,103,588 69 All Claims are settled Fourteen days after proof. Prospectuses, Forms, and all information may be obtained at the Chief Office, or of the Agents. W. W. BAYNES, F.I.A., Secretary. Active Agents required in various districts. HOUSE PROPERTY AND INVESTMENT COMPANY (LIMITED), 92, CANNON STREET, LONDON, E.C. Capital £1,000,000 in 40,000 fully paid-up Shares of £25. For the Purchase and Sale of productive and progressive House Property, and Improving the Dwellings of the Working Classes on the Self-supporting principle. Capital paid up, £660,850. Reserve Fund £32,921. Dividends amounting to £221,831 have been paid to shareholders. The remaining 1,218 shares of the seventh issue in course of allotment, at £6 per share premium. Estates in possession 2,513 houses and shops, costing £800,631. Four per cent. debentures issued for three, five, seven, or ten years. peculiar facilities afforded, have become owners of their own dwellings. Shops and houses for sale Fifty-six of the tenants of the Company, availing themselves of the in excellent positions at low prices, with exceptional facilities offered to purchasers. The Company has various houses to let, in highly healthy situations, a certificate of which, by an eminent medical authority, can be seen at the Office of the Company. A report on the sanitary state of the Company's Property is made to the Board weekly. Prospectus and explanatory pamphlets, entitled "Landlord and Tenant," also "Five Minutes' Talk about the House Property and Investment Company," and share application forms may be had at the Offices of the Company, 92, Cannon Street, London, E.C. JOHN THOMAS MILLER, Secretary. THE LONDON AND GENERAL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY, Shares, £40. Monthly Subscription, 5s. Entrance Fee, 1s. per Share. The Hon. H. F. COWPER, M.P. FREDERICK HARRISON, Esq. VERNON LUSHINGTON, Esq. Large or Small Sums received on Deposit, Repayable at short notices. Shares may be taken at any time. No back payments. Money ready to be advanced on Freehold or Leasehold Security, on reduced terms, viz. :— £100 Principal and Interest repayable in 10 years £1 3 7 monthly. " 12 £1 0 10 " Managing Director, W. R. SELWAY. SOUTH-WEST LONDON COLLEGE FOR Assisted by Efficient Teachers and Professors. 1, CARLTON MANSIONS, CLAPHAM RISE, S.W. A few Young Ladies are received as Boarders, and prepared, if desired, for the PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS, University Local, College of Preceptors, South Kensington, and Trinity College. A Scholarship is awarded to Pupils passing in Firstclass Honours at the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations. Home comforts with careful training, and individual supervision. Terms moderate and inclusive. Highly recommended by Parents, and Rev. C. H. SPURGEON. BALHAM, MAY 29th, 1880. 1 am very reluctant to recommend Schools, because I am not always able to Judge of the interior arrangements; but in this case I have the utmost pleasure in standing as reference. I can highly commend Mrs. HALE, and have the greatest confidence in her capacity, management, and character, having known her for several years. C. H. SPURGEON HAWKESBURY, CLEVEDON, SOMERSET. Principals, Mrs. GEACH and her daughters, the Misses HILL. THIS HOME-SCHOOL is desirable for GIRLS FROM ABROAD, and those for whom a GOOD HOME with careful individual religious training and instruction are desired. Pupils from this School have successfully passed Royal Academy (Music), Kensington Art, and the University Local Examinations. Hawkesbury is pleasantly situated, with sea view, at the above charming and healthy locality. No serious illness has occurred during the lengthened period of thirty years. Recreation Grounds. Tepid sea-water swimming baths. Fees aoderate and inclusive. References to parents of pupils, and to ministers. SEVENOAKS. SCOTTISWOOD HOUSE SCHOOL. For well grounding LITTLE BOYS in English and French. Fees Moderate. Trained Teaching combined with a healthy Christian Home, and motherly care. For Prospectus apply-Mrs. JACKSON, C.M. (late principal of British and Foreign Training College, Stockwell). The following extract is from Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools:-"After nearly thirteen years of most energetic and efficient service in the training of Teachers, Miss Scott (Mrs. Jackson) now retires from her important professional position with the best wishes and highest approbation of all who have had the opportunity of testing the results of her labours. J. BOWSTEAD." The Editor of the "Sword and Trowel" writes: "Mrs. JACKSON was a choice member of my Church, and was known to me as a very able Teacher. One of our friends has two boys with her, and always speaks of her in the highest possible terms. I am pleased to recommend her School. C. H. SPURGEON." "Jan., 1874. OXFORD COUNTY MIDDLE-CLASS SCHOOL, EST HOWARD HOUSE SCHOOL, THAME. STABLISHED 1840. A practical commercial education at very moderate and inclusive fees. Special attention is given to those subjects required in business life. That the course of instruction is sound and efficient is proved by the great success of the pupils year by year at the Public Examinations, Oxford and Cambridge University Local, Civil Service, College of Preceptors, and Pharmaceutical Society. Situated in a beautiful part of the country. Cricket, football, country walks, bathing, fishing, &c. Fees, £8 or £9 per term, inclusive of books and laundress. WESTWOOD HOUSE.-The preparatory department for boys under 10 years of age is under the charge of a certificated mistress, and in separate premises. Inclusive fees, £8 per term. Prospectus, with full particulars, from the Head-master, Mr. James William Marsh. "Several of my friends have had boys in this school for years, and are pleased with the education and kindness they receive."-C. H. SPURGEON. |