Battles of Lewes 1264, Eve- sham 1265; 7th Crusade, in which Prince Edward joined.†
Conquest of Wales; battle of Falkirk, 1298. The battle of Bannockburn 1314; disputes with the Barons. French Wars - Battles of Sluys 1340, Crecy 1346, Poictiers 1356; Neville's Cross 1346; Navaretta, or Najara, 1367.
Spread of Lollardism; deposal of Richard.
(House of Lancaster.— Red Rose.)
Simon de Montfort; Roger (Friar) Bacon; Grostête, Bishop of Lincoln.
William Wallace; Robert Bruce; Duns Scotus.
The Black Prince; John Wycliffe; Chaucer; Wm. Wykeham, Bp. of Win- chester.
WatTyler; Walworth;John of Gaunt; Froissart.
Henry Percy (Hotspur); Richard Whittington. Talbot,Earl of Shrewsbury.
Queen Margaret; Cardinal Beaufort; Duke of Bed- ford; Earl of Warwick (Kingmaker); Joan of Arc; Waynflete, Bp. of Winchester.
* Edward I.'s reign was probably the real date of this popular hero; but tradition and "Ivanhoe" have so closely connected him with King Richard that it has been thought advisable to place him in this reign.
† See list of Crusades, p. 71.
See list of battles p. 71.
Discovery of America 1492; | Perkin Warbeck; Colum
rise of the Star Cham
ber; marriage of Henry with Elizabeth of York. The Reformation.
Prayer Book drawn up. Religious Persecutions.
Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots; growth of mari- time enterprise.
The Bible translated; Gun- | Lord Bacon; Cecil. powder Plot; growth of the Puritans. Petition of Rights; beheading of Charles, 1649.
Protectorate of Cromwell; Dissolution of the Long Parliament. Plague of London, 1665;
Fire of London 1666; Ha- beas Corpus Act, 1679. Acquittal of the Seven Bishops; the Revolution.
(Orange and Stuart united.)
Battles of Killiecrankie, 1689; the Boyne, 1690; La Hogue, 1692.
War of the Spanish Suc- cession-Battles of Blen- heim, 1704; Ramilies, 1706; Oudenarde, 1708; Malplaquet, 1709.
* See list of battles, p. 71.
Lord Strafford; Archbishop Laud; John Hampden; Lord Falkland; Oliver Cromwell;Prince Rupert. Marquis of Montrose; Ad- miral Blake; Milton.
General Monk; Earl Cla- rendon; Dryden; Wren; Jeremy Taylor. Duke of Monmouth; Bishop Ken;Judge Jefferies;Jno. Bunyan; Wm. Penn.
Military Events. Rising of "The Fifteen," 1715, Battles of Sheriff- muir and Preston 1715. Battle of Dettingen 1743; rising of "the Forty-five," 1745; Battles of Preston Pans and Culloden 1745; Battle of Plassy, 1757; Capture of Quebec, 1759. Battle of Saratoga, 1777; War with Napoleon: bat- tles by Sea: the Nile, 1798; Copenhagen, 1801; Trafalgar, 1805: battles by Land: Salamanca, 1812; Vittoria 1813; Wa- terloo, 1815. Battle of Navarino, 1827.
Civil Events. South Sea Scheme; Quad- ruple Alliance.
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1748.
Independence of the United States, 1782; Trial of Warren Hastings; French Revolution, 1789; Union of Ireland, 1801; Treaty of Vienna, 1815.
Roman Catholic Emancipa- tion Bill.
Reform Bill, 1832; Aboli
tion of Slavery, 1833; First Railway, 1830. Hanover reverts to the male line; Chartist Agitation; repeal of the Corn Laws; Volunteers organised.
Famous Persons. Sir Isaac Newton.
Sir Robert Walpole; Wil- liam Pitt, Earl of Chat- ham; Lord Clive; General Wolfe; John Wesley.
William Pitt; Warren Has
tings; Edmund Burke; Sheridan; Fox; Lord Nelson; Duke of Wel- lington; Burns; James Watt.
Wellington; Sir Robert Peel; Canning; Sir Wal- ter Scott; Lord Byron.
Wellington; Peel; Ld. Pal
merston; General Have- lock; Lord Clyde; George Stephenson; John Keble,
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