A Practical Treatise on the Statutes for Registering Deeds and Other Instruments in the Counties of Middlesex and York: With Precedents of Memorials, Volumen7

W. Clarke and Sons, 1819 - 123 páginas

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Página 84 - God 1536, no manors, lands, tenements, or other hereditaments, shall pass, alter, or change from one to another, whereby any estate of inheritance or freehold shall be made or take effect in any person or persons, or any use thereof to be made, by reason only of any bargain and sale thereof, except the same bargain and sale be made by writing, indented, sealed, and enrolled...
Página 54 - ... shall amount to, and be construed and adjudged in all courts of judicature, to be express covenants to the bargainee and his heirs and assigns, from the...
Página 35 - ... conveyance, or will, in such manner as the same are expressed or mentioned in such deed...
Página 82 - September be made and executed shall be adjudged fraudulent and void («) against any subsequent purchaser or mortgagee for valuable consideration, unless such memorial thereof be registered as by this Act is directed before the registering of the memorial of the deed or conveyance under which such subsequent purchaser or mortgagee shall claim...
Página 34 - ... and the names and additions of all the parties to such deed or conveyance, and of the devisor or testatrix of such will, and of all the witnesses to such deed, conveyance, or will, and...
Página 49 - It is defined a yielding up of an estate for life or years to him that hath the immediate reversion or remainder, wherein the particular estate may merge or drown, by mutual agreement between them. It is done by these words: "Hath surrendered, granted, and yielded up.
Página 53 - ... before the Custos Rotulorum and two Justices of the Peace, and the Clerk of the Peace of the same county or counties, or two of them at the least, whereof the Clerk of the Peace to be one ; and the same enrolment to be had and made within six months next after the date of the same writings indented.
Página 81 - ... have it in their power to commit frauds, and frequently do so, by means whereof several persons (who through many years industry in their trades and employments, and by great frugality, have been enabled to purchase lands, or to lend monies on land security,) have been undone in their purchases and mortgages by prior and secret conveyances and fraudulent incumbrances...
Página 74 - ... his getting his own purchase first registered was a fraud, the design of those Acts being only to give parties notice, who might otherwise, without such registry, be in danger of being imposed on by a prior purchase or mortgage, which they are in no danger of when they have notice thereof in any manner, though not by the registry.
Página 27 - That this Act shall not extend to any copyhold estates, or to any leases at a rack rent, or to any lease not exceeding one and twenty years, where the actual possession and occupation goeth along with the lease, or to any of the chambers in Serjeants...

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