Of the Martyrdom of St. Polycarp, and of the Epistle written by the Church of Smyrna concerning it, 59 Of the Catholic Epistle of St. Barnabas, Of the Shepherd of St. Hermas, and of the Second The Answer of our Saviour to Abgarus, Of the authority of the following treatises, and the difference that ought to be paid to them upon the account of it, Of the subject of the following discourses, and of the use that is to be made of them, Of the manner after which these discourses are writ- 140 145 183 191 200 206 212 Good, Command 9. That we must ask of God daily, and Command 10. Of the Sadness of the Heart, and that Command 11. That the Spirits and Prophets are to 319 321 325 327 307 308 1 312 314 316 L That seeing we have no abiding city in this world, we ought to look after that which is to come, Similitude 2.--As the Vine is supported by the Elm, so is the Rich Man helped by the prayers of the Poor, Similitude 3. - As the Green Trees in the Winter cannot be distinguished from the Dry, so neither can the Righteous from the Wicked in this present World, Similitude 4. As in Summer the Living Trees are dis- Similitude 5. Of a true Fast, and the rewards of it, Similitude 7. That they who Repent, must bring forth Similitude 8. That there are many kinds of Elect, and Similitude 9. The greatest Mysteries of the Militant 332 334 335 336 337 344 350 352 362 391 394 SUBSRCIBERS' NAMES. Thomas Blauvelt John Beatty ! Godfrey Bowman Rev. Mr. Croes -Timothy Comes Hon. De Wire Cinson, Een, Jacch Crocixето David Cot Caleb Crane Elas Cooper |