directed them both in what they taught, and in what they ordained. What that doctrine, government and discipline is, I have particularly shewn in the 11th chapter of my discourse. I shall only observe here, that is it so exactly agreeable to the present doctrine, government and discipline of the church of England by law established; that no one who allows of the one, can reasonably make any exceptions against the other. So that we must either say, that the immediate successors of the Apostles had departed from the institution of those holy men from whom they received their instruction in the Gospel of Christ, and by whom they were converted to the faith of it: or if that be too unreasonable to be supposed of such excellent persons, who not only lived in some of the highest stations of the Christian Church, but the most of them suffered martyrdom for the sake of it: we must then conclude what is indeed the truth, that the church of England, whereof we are members, is both in its doctrine, government, discipline and worship, truly Apostolical; and in all respects comes the nearest up to the primitive pattern of any Christian Church at this day in the world. A CATALOGUE OF THE LL PIECES CONTAINED IN THIS BOOK, AND THE ORDER OF THEM. Liscourse concerning the treatises here collected, e authors of them. PART I. e first Epistle of St. Clement to the Corinthians. e Epistle of St. Polycarp to the Philippians. e genuine Epistles of St. Ignatius. relation of the martyrdom of St. Ignatius, writ- those who were present at his sufferings. Epistle of the Church of Smyrna, concerning martyrdom of St. Polycarp. PART II. e Catholick Epistle of St. Barnabas. e Shepherd of Hermas, in three books. e remains of St. Clement's second Epistle to the thians. index to both parts. A DISCOURSE NING THE SEVERAL TREATISES CONTAINED IN THE OWING COLLECTION, AND THE AUTHORS OF THEM. 0000000 THE INTRODUCTION. HAD I designed the following collection either benefit or perusal of the learned world, I should eeded to say but very little by way of introducit: the editors of the several treatises here put er, having already observed so much upon each m, that it would I believe be difficult to discover, ure would be very needless to trouble the reader ny more. But as it would be ridiculous for me to pretend e designed a translation for those who are able much more profit and satisfaction to go to the als; so, being now to address myself to those esly who want that ability, I suppose it may not iss before I lead them to the discourses themto give them some account both of the authors several pieces I have here collected; and of the themselves; and of that collection that is now rst time made of them in our own tongue.ghas to the first of these, I shall say the less, ason of that excellent account that has been algiven of the most of them by our pious and ed Dr. Cave: whose lives of the Apostles and tive Fathers, with his other admirable discourse Primitive Christianity, I could heartily wish in the hands of all the more judicious part of our sh readers. 1 |